When people say "get a room," they don't mean a classroom. But James Madison High School teachers Cindy Mauro and Alini Brito seem never to have gotten the memo. Because that's where the two Romance (perfect) language instructors are said to have been caught, undressed and conjugating verbs, after ducking out of a student assembly last month.
You can just hear it:
"Wanna get outta here?"
"Your homeroom or mine?"
Unfortunately for the two bilingual specialists - one fluent in Spanish, the other expert in French - janitor Robert Colantuoni walked in. Don't you hate when that happens?
Now, Mauro and Brito have been bounced to the rubber room, awaiting the outcome of an investigation by the Education Department. They are the subject of a Facebook page that has more than 800 fans - and that provides a far more graphic description of events than we are able to report.
And they have earned places in the New York Knucklehead hall of fame, varsity division.
You liked it enough to take the time to comment sclubspy, didn't you!
The Brooklyn high school janitor who caught two female language teachers in a state of conjugating bliss first thought the hot and heavy pair were students -- and that's why he alerted school officials, sources told The Post yesterday.
While the rest of James Madison HS was in the auditorium cheering on students as they performed in the annual "Sing" competition the night of Nov. 20, French teacher Cindy Mauro, 33, and Spanish teacher Alini Brito, 29, were brushing up on each other's foreign tongues, sources said.
Mauro, who lives with two other women, recently went punk, dying her hair pink, getting several new tattoos, and wearing tight, low-cut clothing, neighbors said.
"She would have parties until 3 a.m. with mostly female guests," one neighbor said. "There would be people coming in at all hours making noise."
Mauro had zero tolerance for off-color comments about homosexuality, students said.
"You know how kids are. If someone would say, 'You're so gay,' she would be, like, 'Don't do that, it's not funny,' " said senior Marteine Colon, 17.
She once warned students: "You might be offending me or you might be offending someone in my family."
last commenthere is a link with their pics
They look hot enough to be strippers. Hot for teacher!
The Brooklyn high school janitor who caught two female language teachers in a state of conjugating bliss first thought the hot and heavy pair were students -- and that's why he alerted school officials, sources told The Post yesterday.
While the rest of James Madison HS was in the auditorium cheering on students as they performed in the annual "Sing" competition the night of Nov. 20, French teacher Cindy Mauro, 33, and Spanish teacher Alini Brito, 29, were brushing up on each other's foreign tongues, sources said.
Mauro, who lives with two other women, recently went punk, dying her hair pink, getting several new tattoos, and wearing tight, low-cut clothing, neighbors said.
"She would have parties until 3 a.m. with mostly female guests," one neighbor said. "There would be people coming in at all hours making noise."
Mauro had zero tolerance for off-color comments about homosexuality, students said.
"You know how kids are. If someone would say, 'You're so gay,' she would be, like, 'Don't do that, it's not funny,' " said senior Marteine Colon, 17.
She once warned students: "You might be offending me or you might be offending someone in my family."