
Me and Mrs. Jones

Thursday, November 26, 2009 12:42 PM
Flip side to married and clubbing: Anyone “got a thing going on” with a married stripper? Does it make any difference to you if a dancer is married?


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    This is a tough one and so appropriate for me at this time, About half my favorite dancers are married. I even had a favorite give me her husbands name and cell number."If you ever need help. call me. If you cannot get hold of me, call him". Anyone else have a husbands number? Now the real problem. I have known and lusted after this dancer for 6 years. Married. No kids. I am not sure how happily married. I now they separated a year ago but got back together.30 years old. 10 days ago we got hot and heavy in the couch room.Totally unexpected. More DFKing than I have done since high school. That turned into DATY. I had her totally on her back. She went down on me.I said "I would not last 5 minutes in bed with you" She said it could happen for $500. This was a shock! I would have never guessed she was turning tricks. I talked to TUSCL_Brother. He said try to get her down to $200. $500 would not break the bank but I can get it for $150 but not from some one as gorges as she. A 9-10 in any mans book. I am trying to get hold of gridget for her input. She knows her. Who calls another girl for input. She gave me her cell number and email address. I have not yet responded. Just call me torn.
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    I've never had an OTC experience with a girl from a club anyway. So, it doesn't make a difference to me whether she is married. The question is, "Are married dancers just as fun as single dancers"?
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    What exactly is "a thing going on". Is this just another word for "an affair" ? It would not refer to sex ITC. It would not refer to a one-night stand with a stripper. So it must be refer to an affair. Doesn't sound like a good idea. However, ITC, I think it is a VERY good idea. Just one guy's opinion.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Only ever was aware of one dancer being married at the time. It was fun while it lasted, but she eventually divorced and came back years later as overweight but still fun to hang out with. Not sure what to make of her now. I'm sure I've seen others who were married, but nothing ever came of it.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    What exactly is "a thing going on"? I would suggest having a married favorite you see regularly ITC would qualify (plus the other possibilities beyond that mentioned). So, if you know the dancer is married, does that change your thinking regarding getting extras or OTC?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I don't think her marital status matters. It just depends on what a relationship you have built with her. most are married to losers. They enjoy Messing around for fun and the money helps. 2 Years ago one told me that if she wasn't married we woulds be fucking at my hotel. I believe it. I now have this new situation. I think I am going to pass. Price is not the only issue. I doubt the seriousness of our relationship.
  • mreef
    15 years ago
    I don't do extras, so obviously OTC is out of the question. But I was surprised when a girl told me she was going to give me her number, until she realized I was married. Odd. Why would she care? I don't take off my wedding band at strip clubs, I'm not a PL looking for a date. If I was looking for extras/OTC, my marital status (and hers) would be irrelevant.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    Their MS does not matter to me. Their performance in bed does. If they are married they may not have that many clients unlike one thats on [view link] and has probably 20 calls a day. A lot of those gals are simply fucked out. The current one I am seeing both otc and itc is married. I have been seeing her for 15 months, several times a month. She is super in bed and one of best I have had. As I understand it he hands over his paycheck to her and gets my vote for cuckhold of the year. What I find hilarious is she describes him as her soulmate on her myspace page. IMO and in my experience, stripper BF or husbands are for the most part losers in one way or another. If this is untrue, then why does she have to work as a housewife prostitute in addition to stripping. Don't let some ROB (especially one who doesn't fuck)treat you are like your somehow inferior to the men they live with because you go to SC.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    "Don't let some ROB (especially one who doesn't fuck)treat you are like your somehow inferior to the men they live with because you go to SC." Amen brother!
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    shadowcat, it's not her marital status that matters, but the relationship she has with her husband DOES matter. If he approves of her OTC activities that would be one thing... if he's a jealous sob with a gun rack in his truck that would be another. He may be "fine" with her stripping as long as he thinks it's just LDs. It may be totally irrational, but the point is it's his irrationality and you better find out what the real story is before stepping in a big pile of s***. mreef, as hard as it is to believe, some dancers have standards and ethics. Or, it could be that she is trying to avoid an OTC relationship with a lot of drama... it actually works both ways! It could be that she prefers OTC relationships with single men because it's easier to get $$$ out of them. Finally, she could actually be interested in dating you. I had one dancer crying on my shoulder because she was totally head over heels for a customer and he didn't even like her.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Do you want to risk getting shot by an armed and angry husband who does not share his wife's views of her activities?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    SuperDude, good point. I have been pretty discreet. There have only been 2 that had my address. Currently only one and she is single. Not even dating.I used to do small game hunting. Shot guns. I had two but got rid of them 32 years ago.When the babies came along. Did not want to have any accidents at home. I have lived alone for 6 years now and have thought about buying a hand gun but I feel very secure where I live.
  • Yoda
    15 years ago
    As long as the dances are good I don't care if she is married or has a BF. I have had a few regulars who "held back" whenever they were involved with a guy and sometimes that means they get dropped from my list of go-to girls. As far as a "thing". I have had sex with married strippers but it was always a marriage on convenience (green card) so neither of us looked at it as an issue. Since I was married at the time it would have been awfully hypocritical of me to judge them...
  • FinalLap
    15 years ago
    It's impossible to really know if a dancer is single or married. But my perception is that the best experiences come from dancers who are single and lonely. Yes, they are there for the money. But they occasionally let down the emotional wall and enjoy the closeness if they begin to trust a customer and enjoy being with him. Not often but occasionally. And I don't think there is any doubt that single guys get more and better action ITC.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    Every dancer, single or married, I have known has a husband, BF, or pimp doing her (unless she's a Lesbo). Believe me, they do not sleep alone at night LOL.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    As far as angry BF or Husbands lets face it your either in the program or not. Just use common sense and discretion. In a town like Houston where I hear men outnumber women 2-1 I am sure a lot of guys are not aware their gals are in the "Wife / GF sharing program." While the gals are as thrilled as they can be, I am sure I would not want to express any thanks to the husbands LOL however I have known of many instances where a stripper BF or ex did not mind pimping out his woman. I have even had them come out to car and say cordially "she's running a little late but will be out in a few, you know how women are."
  • jabthehut
    15 years ago
    A former fave was married. It made no difference to me, it was all about the quality of what she did for me. She let me suck her tit on stage at a club with a no touch rule. She went to another club and let me have free range on her bod. I ended it when she wanted to bring her old man along to my house to dance. I told her to nevermind. I had even once gone to her house for her son's birthday - she just wanted a big present for him. I gave him what I gave her - $$. FinalLap, it isn't impossible to know if they are married or not. Just ask. All that I know well have told me.
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