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14 years ago
Advice for Strip Club Owners (and dancers) From A Regular
As someone who has become somewhat of a regular at some local clubs, I've noticed a few things that bug me. These things may not bother anyone else, but if anything, they may help keep at least some customers happy.<br...
14 years ago
Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
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written exclusively for my fellow TUSCL readers by Boatmonkey<br />
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Lately on the Howard Stern Show, Ronnie the Limo Driver has caught a lot of flack for being "too old" to have young strippers perform for him....
14 years ago
Strip clubs, Adult Entertainment and Charlie
We may be living in interesting times but I don't think of it as a Chinese curse but more like the second sexual revolution that is taking place completely underground in strip clubs and sites like these and has manifested...
14 years ago
Prince George's County, Maryland Strip Clubs
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I've been to every strip club in Prince George's County, Maryland, and almost all of the rest in Maryland, and I would like to give those who don't know or those who are visiting in D.C. a...
washington dc
14 years ago
Strip Club Laws: Flogging A Dead ????
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Yeah, I know we’ve flogged this topic a lot recently but I think this article adds some new local perspective AND info for TUSCLers in many other states.<br />
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I recently paid a visit to KC’s Bazookas...
In the wind
14 years ago
The Facade of Anti Strip Club laws & perceived negative "secondary effects"
As this article is being written some state legislatures across the country are making laws to limit your adult fun with the state of Kansas now attempting to join its neighbor the NO SHOW ME state of Missouri 7 also...
14 years ago
Strip Club Laws across the USA
With the economy and jobs crises across our country one would think lawmakers priorities should be on FISCAL matters NOT on misguided attempts at legislating everyone's UNIQUE MORALITY.... However, in many cities & states there are proposals to do just...
14 years ago
Strip Clubs Owners, It's time to "Get It"
I write this article in hopes that some club owner may read it and be able to improve his business. Basically the clubs "that Get It" get the business and the ones that "dont get it" generally don't get the...
14 years ago
Strip Clubs in Industrial Areas
I read customer reviews of strip clubs from around the U.S. Many customers are often surprised that many strip clubs are located in industrial areas, warehouse (not whorehouse) districts, and the like. From my experience as a long time strip...
Seattle, Washington
14 years ago
It was all about the Show
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Back in bygone days it seems now, the clubs were all about the show.<br />
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Before Table Dances, then Lap Dances, then VIP and Champagne Rooms, there was the Show. I still enjoy it and have lamented...
New York City
14 years ago
Clubs that Get It and Clubs that Don't
How do you know if the club management doesn't get it? Here's a good example:<br />
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I visited the Pink Poodle in San Jose around 6:30pm when the day shift was just wrapping up. The physical club was nice enough,...
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14 years agoby