
The Saga of OTC Gal: A Cautionary Tale

Sunday, November 29, 2009 2:38 AM
<font size="2"> <p>For the casual reader at this site, you will see some decisions I've made here and say, &quot;Man, that's really dumb&quot;, or &quot;I would never do that.&quot; There is actually a reason for my decisions, something I've never disclosed here before.</p> <p>In January of this year, I was diagnosed with a degenerative disorder that will overtake me some time in the next five years. Money is of little consequence when you're facing the grim reaper. And so, I did what I felt I had to do.</p> <p>My story actually begins in 2006. In 2006, I was a very wealthy man-not in terms of money, but in friends. At work, ***** (my future OTC Gal) was my best friend. I held a prestigious place in a large choir. Kat, a former porn star, was my ATF. And finally, Neko and Lia were my best friends on the net. But one by one, the wheels of my wagon were about to come off.</p> <p>First, ***** quit her job to move on. We quickly lost touch. Next, a dictator took over the choir and he quickly ran me off. After that, Kat suddenly bugged out of my life. Finally, in December of 2008, I lost Lia and Neko. Neko had family problems that necessitated her making a drastic change in her life. Lia quit modeling to concentrate on her Masters in Nuclear Engineering. Then, in January of 2009, I got the prognosis. By March of 2009, I was devastated.</p> <b> <p>Stage 1. Things happen for a reason.</p> </b> <p>On March 19, I had a game plan. I started the day with a nice brunch. Next, I caught a movie. I then went to an ATM and drew out 500 bucks. I went to a strip club with the intentions of doing whatever I had to get a very attractive stripper into bed. With that business completed, I was going to go home, finish my will, and end it all. However, I wasn't even in the club five minutes when ***** appeared. She hugged me, we caught up, then we headed back to a back room.</p> <p>It was the most most erotic, most sensuous, lapdance of my life. She told me she was going to be at the club pretty much daily because she had some bills to pay.</p> <p>I had been thrown a life line.</p> <p>It took several visits for me to talk her into going to a hotel with me. The first hotel visit, she let me eat her out, but she cut me off at that. On the second trip though, we made love for hours. It was the most erotic evening of my life. We had a third hotel trip (it was very good), but then, the next day, she pulled a familiar stripper gimmick and needed 500 bucks for her lawyer.</p> <p>She had told me that she had a little legal trouble, but I shouldn't worry about it. She took the money, and offered nothing in return. On the next hotel trip, she asked me to pay in advance. I stupidly gave her the money. Shortly afterwards, without her even undressing, she announced that she had to leave and I was selfish to feel I was entitled to something. We argued, and we both left the hotel, very pissed.</p> <p>There was two weeks of silence. Then, a mutual acquaintance told me the true nature of OTC Gal's legal troubles-she was in some truly deep shit. I let her know that I knew. At first, she was pissed that I found out, then she pleaded for another hotel visit. Days after she had ripped me off, she had been suspened from her upscale joint for attempted theft. She was working a hole in the wall joint, making less than one third of what she had been making (she actually hates selling extras. She is slow to give access to her vagoo). I gave in and we hit the sheets again. It was a good visit, as were the next two after that. Then, she did something really stupid.</p> <b> <p>Phase Two-Comfortably Numb</p> </b> <p>She had been living with her mother. She moved out and into a &quot;Suite Hotel&quot; where she got a 500 a month rate. She had me pay the 500, but charged me nothing for the next two sheet sessions. Right at that same time, she decided to stay away from her upscale joint so that she could dance at another hole in the wall joint (for less money again) because she wanted to hang out with thugs and hoods (the six months she spent in jail had taught her nothing). I pulled away from her. Without my support she was forced to move back home and go back to her upscale joint.</p> <p>By this time, my affection for her had withered to next to nothing. It was about sex, and nothing else. Also, at that time, I was facing a situation at work. I needed to take a week's vacation, or lose it. I hadn't seen my family in New Mexico in fifteen years. I was worried about seeing my mother on the trip.</p> <p>I could fill volumes about my mother. She says hateful and hurtful things as a matter of course, because no one will oppose her. I didn't want to face her alone. I asked OTC Gal to go with me, the answer was yes. However, right after making the reservations, I found out mom wasn't going to be there. Without her there, it turned out to be a very pleasant trip (see my article-Trip With The Stripper).</p> <p>Once back from the trip, we started doing it weekly, at my place, instead of a hotel. This began a phase of back and forth. She would hint at wanting a conventional boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, then the very next day she would treat me like a John (give me the money and go away). I started to pull away, again.</p> <b> <p>Phase Three-The Final Insult</p> </b> <p>My birthday is in the middle of Labor Day weekend. I usually hate my birthday, but this year, for the first time in my life, I felt I was going to be able to control the circumstances (boy, was I mistaken).</p> <p>I made reservations with her for the Thursday before my birthday. She had offered me a free birthday date. I wanted to go dinner and dancing. Three days before our date, she announced she was leaving town for five days. I was pissed. Then, when she got back, she told me she needed a hundred to get her nails and hair done-even though we weren't going to be able to reschedule for a week. And, when that day arrived, she had another fight with her mom and she put me off indefinitely.</p> <p>I was determined to finish things and finally, three weeks after my birthday, we finally had my birthday date.</p> <p>I was pissed about the entire thing and I made a point of avoiding her and her calls for ten days, then she begged me for an OTC session, because she was horny. We made love, then she told me that she was tired of being my &quot;ho&quot; and she wanted a regular permanent relationship. However, the next day, she called me. She had changed her mind, and she just wanted the money. I paid her, but I was done, very done, but she wasn't.</p> <p>She asked me to come to the bank to help her open a &quot;joint savings account&quot;. I figured, what was the harm and I went down. The bank guy already had the forms ready, I just needed to sign.</p> <p>The next week, when she called, I told her I was broke. There was week of silence and I began to relax. Then she started calling again. I reminded her I was broke, but she just wanted to stay in touch. She actually came over to my place to talk, just talk.</p> <p>She was going through a change. She was staying with her God parents. She was actually more calm than she had been. She wanted to give up dancing and get a regular job. She also was getting ready to get a townhouse of her own. She begged for a hundred to pay the background check fee. I relented, hoping that this would be the end, but she continued to stay in touch.</p> <p>Finally, on the supposed first night of her new job, she called with a dilemma. She had forgotten to pay a hundred to her bondsman and wouldn't get off until after he left the office.</p> <p>First, it was raining, and not a little bit. I literally had to drive through hell and high water to pay a bill she should've taken care of the day before. This effort caused me to be late for work.</p> <p>The next morning, she texted me. She was pissed that I hadn't inquired about her first day on the job. I gave her a breakdown of how I put my life, and car, on the line to pay her stupid bill. She backed off and apologized profusely. Two days later, she came over and we made love ( the two bills paid for the sex).</p> <p>As late October arrived, several red flags went up. First, my banking statement arrived, with her name on it. I opened the envelope to see three statements, her savings, and my checking and savings. Also troubling though, was that there was a hyphenated name behind her last name. Because I was in a vicious work cycle, I waited a week before I went to the bank. When I arrived, was I in for a surprise.</p> <p>First, the asshole ( a friend of hers) at the bank had put her name on my checking account. Her savings was her account, and her account only. The good news, was that he hadn't attached my savings. So, I quickly pulled all I could out of checking, and started a new checking account. My direct deposit went to my checking, and several important direct only payments came out of my checking. I just had to lay low for a couple of weeks, then I could close the account with her name on it.</p> <p>In the meantime, she had been playing the dutiful girlfriend, coming over to talk, offering to clean and reorganize, but then it happened-she talked to her buddy at the bank. He had been tracking my accounts (I'm going to fuck him but good ) and he told her what I was up to. She went off and made all kinds of ugly threats, and she demanded payment for our last couple of meetings.</p> <p>I stalled for time, because I was short of money, and I still needed time to switch the direct deposit ( it was a painfully long two weeks). Finally, I was able close the joint checking, with little damage to my account (she was too lazy to be at the bank early to get at the direct deposits). It will be a couple of weeks until I get her totally paid off and out of my life forever.</p> <p>Overall, I don't regret the relationship, but I do regret letting her get as close to me as she did. I realize now that I should've pulled out at several points, but I have this thing about closure and hindsight is always 20/20. The main thing is that I've come out of the relationship with a confidence I hadn't had before. In the past couple of weeks I've had a couple of offers that I wouldn't have had without the new confidence. I had sex, repeatedly, with a young woman with the looks to be a high class model, the kind of woman most men drool over. However, as fate turned out, she's just a ghetto rat. Looks can be deceiving. In ancient times, sailors at sea for long periods of time mistook manatees for mermaids and they threw themselves overboard, drowning in an attempt to mate with the manatees. Some of us do that with stunning strippers, but as I've learned, a lot of strippers are flat out headcases. Playing with them under controlled circumstances is safe and fun, but make sure that if you go out on a tightrope that you have a safety net below.</p> </font>


  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    Jesus Christ!!&nbsp; How much money, in grand total, did you spend on this girl.&nbsp; You're better off going onto a dating site and getting a girll there, man!!&nbsp; I mean, she killed you financially big time.&nbsp; I mean, did she even like you?&nbsp; Or did she just like the size of your wallet.&nbsp; Wow!!&nbsp; You must've spent a shit load of money just on her.&nbsp; Strippers are strippers--they may like you, but what they are really interested in is your money--in the long run.&nbsp; Let's face it, if you had no money to provide for them, they'd want nothing to do with you!!
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    jamie, re-read the first two paragraphs.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Dudester,<br /> <br /> Thanks for sharing this story... as you say, it is good cautionary tale for any of us in or considering an OTC thing.&nbsp; It takes courage to share something that will make some observers (jamie1 for one) call you foolish.&nbsp; Hopefully laying it all out on the table has helped you process the whole experience and provided some closure.<br /> <br /> Very sorry to hear about your condition.&nbsp; I hope you find someone who will make your remaining time fun and meaningful.
  • leonphelps1213
    15 years ago
    Dude what the hell!?&nbsp; Why would you even try with a stripper who has done time?&nbsp; Why are you trying to pay her off, she aint gonna report it to the cops!&nbsp; If she did it is your word against a strippers word who also has a record!&nbsp; You did that crap for her even after you were not interested in her.&nbsp; Go to a massage parlor get the same thing minus the drama.&nbsp;
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    You made a fool of me, but them broken dreams have got to end.<br /> Hey woman, you got the blues, cos' you ain't got no one else to use.<br /> There's an open road that leads nowhere, so just make some miles between here and there.<br /> There's a hole in my head where the rain comes in, you took my body and played to win,<br /> Ha Ha woman it's a crying shame, but you ain't got no one else to blame.<br /> <br /> E-evil Woman, E-evil Woman, E-evil Woman, Evil Woman
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    Wow. You should have just paid an escort.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    <h1 style="margin: 0pt; font-size: 12px;">I think it was Samuel Johnson who said, &ldquo;Nothing focuses the mind like a hanging.&rdquo;</h1> <br /> Here's hoping your remaining time satisfies you.<br /> <br /> /gm<br /> <br type="_moz" />
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Holy Crap, that's the first time I've ever seen Samuel Johnson quoted on Tuscl.&nbsp; Nice to see there are some SC aficionados with an education!<br type="_moz" />
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    She is very similar to one of the first strippers I saw OTC and mainly what inspired my article &quot;Dealing with Dancer Drama.&quot;&nbsp; <br /> <br /> They can be very manipulative with SS and you can not let them make their problems yours or it will literally suck your bank acct dry.<br /> <br /> Dudester, best of luck in your SC Travels.&nbsp; I look forward to reading more of your reports and articles.&nbsp; It appears we have gone down some similar SC paths.
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