Back in the Saddle Again!
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I am pleased to report that, in more ways than one, I am finally back in the saddle again.
First of all, Mrs. Hornibastard has been a real trooper, just as she has always been. She waited patiently for my libido to return and gingerly checked out all my systems before taking any vigorous rides atop yours truly.
Notwithstanding all of the horror-show testimonials of what prostate radiation therapy can do to a guy (urinary incontinence, erectile disfunction and dry orgasms), I am pleased to report that the only unpleasant side effect I suffered was the dry orgasms, and even that proved to be only a temporary problem.
I tried to keep a stiff upper lip (to match my stiff fuck muscle), but in all candor, the dry orgasms were a bummer for me. I really missed all the gooeyness. I have always been the kind of guy who focuses on results, and when I have a rousing good sexual escapade, I like to have at least a little mess to show for it.
I am pleased to report that the gooey messes have returned!
My orgasms are not yet on par with Old Faithful, but they’re getting noticeably better with every successive attempt.
Mrs. Hornibastard has certainly noticed that I am once again leaving her leaking fluids onto the bed.
Some other friends have also noticed that I have now regained my ability to spew my warm and sticky appreciation for their attentions in the VIP room. But you’ll have to read my reviews if you want to know about that.
Good to hear you're doing well Rev.
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It's ladies' night here and the bars are already filling up with really horny chicas looking to get laid. I hate to disappoint so many of them, but there is only so much of me to go around. When you're completely on your feet, so to speak, I could use your help. The thought of all these chicas having to satisfy themselves is a heavy weight to bear.
Best of luck and keep posting photos.