How she became - 3

JULY 2, 1997
I've actually gotten PMs from at least one misguided soul asking me to continue this saga, so here goes.
By the summer of '97 I had been seeing Snuggles regularly for several months and things had deteriorated - she had become very popular and as a result I found myself having to wait longer and longer to see her. When we were together she continued to be nice to me and would sit and talk for an extended period and then give me some very nice LDs. But the waiting was beginning to ruin it for me. I hadn't been spending time with any of the other girls there, but I did watch them dance on stage and tipped them regularly.
Then came July 2, a Tuesday evening. I was waiting for Snuggles as usual when a new dancer appeared on stage. She was obviously very young and new and a little on the chubby side. But cute, very cute. The club was nearly empty and when I went up to the stage to give her a tip, she stopped dancing, extended her hand for a shake, and introduced herself. And gave me the biggest sweetest smile I've ever seen. She aquatted down, totally naked, and we talked for a little while. She told me she had just started dancing (it was only her second night) and she was very nervous. And she asked me my name (and she never forgot it.) That was it. But I distinctively remember the brief meeting and the date because it was right before the holiday, which fell on a Thursday that year (I checked) and Tuesday had become my regular clubbing night.
The next several months were uneventful, I continued visiting the club on a weekely basis, continued to wait for Snuggles, and continued to talk to this new girl whenever she was there too. Eventually after several months of this she began to sit with me when Snuggles was busy and I bought an occasional dance from her. Then one day I decided that I wanted to get to know her better - she was really starting to grow on me - so I intentionall went to the club on a night when I knew Snuggles wouldn't be there. I went into the club, didn't see the new girl (who I had started calling Funny Girl because she was always laughing and clowning around.) And I asked one of the other girls if she was there. She still jokes with me about what happened next.
Apparently I sent the other dancers into apoplexy. The girl I talked to went running into the dressing room yelling that Snuggles' customer was looking for Funny Girl! This just didn't happen, Snuggles was the star, and none of her customers ever asked for another girl. And it was a big deal because most of the local girls were good friends with each other (Funny Girl was local) while Snuggles was from out of town and the other girls really didn't know her at all, she never socialized with them. So to them it was a really big deal.
Anyway, Funny Girl came out to join me, we had a great time together, and I started alternating between the two girls. For the first time in my life, I had 2 faves. This went on throughout the fall and was a whole lot of fun. Then in December, without telling anoyne in advance, Snuggles quit. She just disappeared.
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