
Prostate Radiation Therapy Update

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
This article is probably among the least amusing or enjoyable you’re likely to find on TUSCL  On the other hand, since almost all TUSCL readers are male and since a high proportion of males will eventually encounter prostate problems (if they live long enough), I hope you will find this helpful.
I was recently diagnosed as having prostate cancer and underwent radiation therapy.
If your prostate cancer is caught early (mine was), then radiation therapy is nearly as effective as surgery to remove some or all of your prostate (“prostatectomy”).  Plus, there are fewer associated health risks and side effects with radiation therapy as compared with prostatectomy.  So radiation therapy is the preferred treatment if your cancer is detected early.
That said, radiation therapy is NOT fun.  I was told that the side effects were minimal.
They weren’t. 
I suffered a tremendous loss of energy while underdoing therapy. 
The other guys in the informal old man’s club that met in the waiting room every day mostly complained of the same thing – extraordinary fatigue.  Some also suffered nausea and other unpleasant effects.
Now that I am finished with the therapy, I also discovered that there is another lingering problem. 
I don’t exactly “desplooginate” any more. 

I still get horny with the same regularity and my critical hydraulics still work (although this is not necessarily the case for all men who have undergone radiation therapy).  But the volume of my ejaculate is way, way down. 
Upon doing some additional reading, it appears likely that my “money shots” are unlikely to ever be very impressive again. 
If I harbored any thoughts of making any more babies, I would have to forget about them now.
At my age, I don’t want any more kids.  I don’t like the idea of starting a new project I am unlikely to live long enough to complete.
Despite the minimal amount of splooge I put out now, I am pleased to report that Pink Floyd finds having the “dry heaves” only a little less enjoyable as his former projectile vomiting episodes.  
On balance, my life will not change very much.  The main difference may be that the waitresses at my favorite high mileage strip clubs will not have to give me as many “extra napkins” as they use to give me. 



  • Array
    2 years ago
    Thanks for the info, Rev.

    I and others on here have had lesser prostate problems, specifically, BPH, which resulted in the same “desploogination” issues, but also without any “critical hydraulics” issues. And, I have the same attitude you do - it’s nice to worry less about unwanted new progeny, extra napkins and the walk of stain shame.

    Two questions: What kind of radiation was used? The relatively new proton therapy or the older less focused type? Second, where was the treatment done? I recall that you’re based in Houston, so did you go to M D Anderson? I have a friend who did the proton therapy at MDA but did not complain about the excessive fatigue or other effects.

  • ATACdawg
    2 years ago
    "That said, radiation therapy is NOT fun. I was told that the side effects were minimal.

    They weren’t. "

    Compared to dying without treatment - yeah, pretty minor!

    Seriously, Rev, glad you're doing OK. Best wishes for a full recovery.
  • reverendhornibastard
    2 years ago
    @Array - I got the proton therapy. The treatment was done at a rather small clinic in Montgomery County (suburban area north of Houston).

    Although most of the guys I met during therapy complained of unusual fatigue, not everyone did. There was this one little guy (but built like a fire plug) who was ALWAYS full of energy despite the radiation therapy.

    Lucky him. He was definitely in the minority on this issue.

    I’m now 3 weeks beyond my therapy. I’m pleased to report that my recovery accelerated considerably in the last 2 weeks.

    Apart from nearly dry orgasms, I’m 95% back to normal.
  • DrStab
    2 years ago
    Thanks for sharing this. I’m in my late 50s, and had a slightly elevated blood test, but miraculously gone down. Going back to the urologist in November for, hopefully, another good result.
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