Top 4 Reasons why you should befriend the bouncers at the Club

avatar for Beat100
Hey guys,
I plan on going to clubs a lot more. Hence, I plan on writing reviews over here as well as giving tips on how to enjoy your experience at the strip club.

1-Most are very friendly
One thing I have noticed about the bouncers is that many are friendly. Many of them are guys like yourself who want to network and make friends. I always ask for their names to get to know them and start a brief conversation.

2-Most have low expectations
Unlike some dancers which might have high expectations from guys. I have noticed that many bouncers will have low expectations. For instance, some guys only wanted me to know their names to let me in. I paid but I paid a reduced cover. Others will want you to give them a small tip.

3-Most bouncers promote for other clubs
This means that if you make friends with them at one club. They will let you in as well at other clubs. Therefore, you are building a solid reputation all around.

4-The friendship will come out with lots of perks
I think when I befriended the bouncer not only did they let me in for free. Also, some have made it so that I get free food. Some will even talk about you in high regard to dancers.


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avatar for Pussylicker2
3 years ago
I disagree, but we all have our opinions.
1) They're friendly because it's their job to be friendly, like an insurance salesman.
2) The main reason for bars failing is employee theft. If a bouncer can let someone in for free at his discretion, he can also take your money and put it in his pocket. One of my favorite bars lets veteans in free, but the veteran has to sign a sheet so everyone who enters is accounted for. I've never tipped a bouncer, I see no reason to. They're paid, and the dancers are forced to "tip out", some of which goes to the bouncer.
3) I've never known bouncers to promote other clubs, although I suppose some may move around like dancers and bartenders. If I owned a strip club and one of my bouncers was talkingbup other clubs to my customers, I'd be pissed. As far as reputation, I have a reputation as a guy who gets private dances with extras. The girls see me come in and they come to me. The girls talk amongst themselves. I've actually heard them thru the bathroom wall seperating the restrooms. "How much do he pay"? I don't see how bouncers knowing me would help.
4) How does a bouncer get you free food? The waitress takes my food order.

The only reason I can see to tip bouncers or "befriend" them could be so if you get in a dispute with a dancer he might be on your side. Might, but probably not. If a dancer gets mad and quits because a bouncer takes your side against her, he could have some explaining to do. If he takes her side and tries to make you pay her what she claims you owe, and ends up throwing you out, no problem for him.

Bouncers' jobs are to bounce people, i.e. throw people out. I think tipping bouncers shows you're naive and don't really get it. If the dancers see you being all chummy with the bouncers they could think you're a spy sent by management to test the dancer's compliance to the rules, rules I may be wanting them to break.

Anyway we all have opinions. I always say find what works for you and stick with it.
I just submitted a slightly broader article, same general topic
Subramani, I never bothered bouncers. It is all to do with how well you tip the dancer.
Maybe it's better to tip the dancer that money instead of the bouncer!!!
avatar for Jriley67
3 years ago
Good bouncers are always friendly. I worked the door at a club in college and went through “customer relations” and security sessions with a couple of people the owner brought in.

Bottom line if you are polite in general it is easier to de-escalate a situation without violence. No owner wants a fight in their club. I don’t remember ever getting tipped. I honestly think that if anyone ever tipped me, I would think “what the heck does this douche want, whatever”.

It wouldn’t change how I treated that person. In fact I might Watch that person more.

On the other points, my job was at the door. Free food for customers? Why would I screw over not only the owner but the waitress who loses a tip?

Free entry? In exchange for a tip? That’s theft. I’m taking money due to the owner.

Sorry, but I just think the suggestion is … to keep it polite … silly.
If Subramani is happy to get cheap 10 or 20 $ worth of free entry to a strip club, then better stay home. 🤣🤣
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Incoherent "if you make friends with them at one club." is not a valid sentence, it's a dependant clause. To be a valid sentence it needs a dependant clause. The dependent clause can't be the next sentence. A sentence must be able to stand alone.
Homo Alert
Good start for a great article. Could use a bit more development, maybe share some of your personal success stories befriending bouncers... but ok. Approved.

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