Expedition to Los Angeles Figueroa Street 2022

“In late 2020, Los Angeles Dist. Atty. issued a directive that stopped nearly all prostitution-related loitering prosecutions.” I had read about these “news”.
I had to go to a “conference/meeting” all the way down in Downtown Los Angeles on February on a Monday at noon, and after the meeting I had some time, so I decided to drive along Figueroa Street to see how many and what kind of girls are there now that prosecution is not an issue.
I drove south on Figueroa, it was around 2:30pm
I saw a few girls on the west side of the street, but then I noticed a girl on the east side of the street, a 7-8, se was wearing a super short pink mini skirt that showed her beautiful asscheeks, and a matching pink halter top, for a moment I thought “no, it is too good to be true”.
When I drove by closer I saw she looked like she was in her early twenties, and then I thought, maybe they are filming a movie or a commercial, because she made me remember Julia Roberts scene in the street in the movie Pretty Woman.
So I looked around for cops and made a u-turn to get a even closer look.
She was on the east side the street, behind her there was a large sing for a corner church that said “HAVE A DATE WITH GOD” and she was standing on the sidewalk under it, so I made a right turn into the street and parked on the right side, she saw me doing that and immediately crossed the street and walked to mi car window smiling, she had a cute next door neighbor white girl face, with some freckles and light brown hair.
She: Would you like a “date”
CJKent: How did you know? (smiling)
She: I guess (smiling)
CJKent: How much?
She: One hundred
CJKent: For how long?
She: 20 minutes, I have a room
CJKent: sorry I don’t have that much
She: One hundred is not that much for full service.
She walked away, a little disappointed…
For a moment I thought about pulling the trigger, but I wasn’t ready, this was just an expedition to find out how was the street scene now.
I continued driving south and a few blocks more, and there it was another eight in the right side of the street, a blonde girl with long hair and bangs cut above her eyes, she was wearing a white small bikini bottom and a white tube top.
Again I couldn’t believe my eyes so I made a right turn to go around the block to see her closer and make sure I was not imagining things.
So I pulled out of the street where she was on the corner and saw her close enough to verify that she was really a nice looking white blonde next door neighbor type, in her twenties.
I didn’t want to bother her because I wasn’t planning to go for it, but it was really tempting.
I did some investigating after that Monday and found out that this kind of girls get $100 to $140 per 20-30 minutes some with room included.
For car full service play they get $60 to $80.
Apparently not all of them are drug addicts or career criminals, many are just civilians trying to make ends meet, pay student loans, medical bills, or buy some luxuries they can’t afford.
And since the police and the prosecutors are not doing anything to them for the moment, it gives them the opportunity to try to see if it is a good “side hustle”.
When I was writing this article I thought, this could end up being an option for people that don’t want to spend a lot of money at a strip club and end up not being able to close the deal.
Or for people that don’t want to have to travel to the Bunny Ranch and the overpriced places in Nevada.
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last commentI figured you'd see a lot more of the street walking activity when Congress shut down Backpage and the other sites.
When Backpage was up, the street walking really only consisted of the down and out, hardcore addicts and skanks...lot lizards, etc... Pretty much the gals that couldn't afford an internet ad or a hotel room or didn't have money for even a burner phone to post an ad. Once Backpage and the other sites got pinched, girls really either had enter the strip club scene or the massage parlor scene. The MPs are really geared heavy towards trafficking latinos and asians...and the strip clubs require some level of professionalism (ID, show up for your shift, somewhat drug-free during work hours, etc...). So, I figured street walking would really start to pick up again...even though it's the least safe option available for both talent and clients.
You would be surprised to know that a handful of the girls in Figueroa are independent, and have Instagram accounts and some even OnlyFans, and are popular/famous in some parts of the Internet.
Also at night from 60 Street to 69 Street it looks like a “fashion runway”, the girls really dress to impress, with sexy lingerie, sexy dresses and high heels.
It is, IMHO, because they don’t get arrested or ticketed as much, like I said there is even a handful of “civilians” that have regular day jobs and work on Figueroa on the weekends to make extra money.
Los Angeles Figueroa Street sound pretty good!
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