Hong Kong Tijuana ATF Test Failure

Went to TJ (1/27/22) specifically to see a chica that I thought had ATF potential. During our first encounter, she was a joy.
Previously, across the bar dressed in white with a big chest that I assumed was plastic. (I was wrong.) My mesero asked if I wanted a girl. 90 minutes before I had to check out, so I said yes. He brought me the girl in white.
Little English, but she had a good vibe, drank slowly, and playing with her boobs was fun. Firm but evenly so; couldn’t feel any plastic inserts. Later she showed me pictures of her with her family around, showing how chesty she was when she was younger. I took the girl in white arriba. Her performance was outstanding. Total GFE.
She said she was not married, didn’t have a boyfriend because they all cheat on her, and no kids. Basically, she had no commitments, or so she said. The 30-minute session went 75 minutes and I literally had to ask her to leave so I could check out on time. She gave me her phone number and I suggested that on my next visit we could TLN. She agreed so I traded messages over the course of the next ten days and set up a TLN. I bought a plane ticket (Southwest has some great fares and I am an A-lister due to travel during my previous employment, which is why I could afford to make a one-day bombing run) and reserved one of the better rooms at Cascadas.
Arrived after 4:00 pm and checked in. We were to meet at 7:00, so I took a walk around the block. As it happened, she was driving by and got my attention. I got in the car. She pulled over, excited to see me. We talked about getting together earlier than the scheduled time. We set a time. She gave me an enthusiastic kiss and left for home that she said was 20 minutes away. We swapped some messages and thought everything was in place. Then she sends me her last message.
“I can see you only when I am working.” I debated between asking her why or sending her a nasty message. In the end, I just didn’t respond. I suspect that she does have a boyfriend or pedrote who told her that she couldn’t go. Someone who has power over her must have intercepted her. Hugely disappointed, I thought it was going to be a wasted trip.
I lapped the clubs a couple of times hoping to find someone I knew who would give me a good experience. I did find a girl in Bar Tropical that I should have taken immediately, as she had a hot body and a great attitude. I made the mistake of telling her that I would be back for her and when I returned she was nowhere to be found. In my defense, I was still smarting from my missed adventure and wanted to give the TLN chica some time to change her mind.
Another lap around the clubs and no joy. The smaller clubs were DEAD. There was a girl in Dulce Gabbana that tempted me. She had the right attitude and a fine body, but she wasn’t very pretty. And I kept thinking about the expensive hotel room at Cascadas that I didn’t want to waste. I decided to take a lap around the alley.
I had made several rounds already and there were a few street girls that were tempting. However, most of my few street girl experiences were not the best. I was wary, but I was to the point that I just wanted to get laid and call it a night.
A cute little gal who was about half a block down from the Cascadas alley entrance was an option. I had passed her at least three times during my casual walks. The first time she smiled sweetly at me and encouraged me to chat with her, but I passed. By the fourth time I passed, she had a bit of a scowl on her face. I approached and asked if she could go to Cascadas. She said yes and we agreed on an hour, agreed to everything I wanted (made the mistake of not detailing “everything” and making too many assumptions), and a price. Her attitude was great, but she didn’t kiss, which was something I wanted, but I didn’t make it part of the agreement.
In the room, she went into street girl mode, despite having agreed to an extended time. Wouldn’t let me suck on her puffy little A-cup boobs. Tried to rub her puss and she pulled away. Got the toilet paper roll and proceeded to go to town on a CBJ. She was very good. Took me deep and was non-stop for a good time. We switched to missionary, then standing doggy. However, in doggy she was too short to match up, so she put on her shoes with the three-inch heels to get better alignment. Back to missionary and I popped at a little past the 30-minute mark.
She cleaned herself with about half a roll of toilet paper and gave me a handful to remove the condom. We chatted for a bit. She is 28 years old, from Mexico City (initially we had the typical back-and-forth that when she said she was from Mexico, I focused on the country, not the city, and it took a moment for those brain cells to activate). Unmarried and no kids. A few tattoos.
She asked if I wanted more sex, as we still had time, and I accepted. I liked her enthusiasm and that she wasn’t going to short my time as a one-and-done. Started with another CBJ and the process repeated. She giggled a lot and was fun to hang out with. OTOH, it was more like two street girl performances, as opposed to the more relaxed session. I didn’t expect a GFE, but I did try to entice her into the Jacuzzi with me, but she wasn’t interested. She left. I went to sleep.
Since I had planned for just one day and my plane was scheduled to depart San Diego midafternoon, I decided to spend the morning in HK. My failed TLN girl works M-S from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Kinda hoped that I would see her and get an explanation. No show. Chatted with the Mesero who introduced us and helped with some of the translation needed to set up our TLN. He thought it was weird too.
Hung out for a while and eventually offered a HK girl a drink with two hours to spare before my checkout time. She had more tattoos than I typically like, but she had big, natural breasts, a BIG ass, and her waist was surprisingly trim. Best of all, she had a great attitude and was a lot of fun in the booth. She didn’t kiss on the lips, but I liked her and did not want to leave TJ having had just one mediocre experience.
I had to leave for a few minutes to handle some personal business, but I told her I would come back to where we were sitting in about 15 minutes to take her arriba. I gave her $10 for another ficha (that I didn’t care if she just kept the cash) and left. When I returned, she wasn’t there, despite being very clear that she would wait for me.
I kept an eye out for her thinking that she went to el bano or something like that. About 20 minutes latter she appears. She said that she got bored after a few minutes and went to see if I was outside. Apparently one of the doormen told her that I had gotten in a cab and left, so she went back to trolling the club, until she spotted me and returned. I thought that she might have gotten another offer and was servicing another PL like me, so I was looking for a replacement candidate as my time was running short.
She explained the confusion to my satisfaction, and I wanted to have words with the doorman, but why bother. We exited through the alley and the doorman took her name and my room number. We go into the alley hotel entrance and the doorman there takes her name and my room number. Sheesh. Then it was through the metal detector and upstairs to my room. Tried to get her interested in the Jacuzzi, but no go. The session was a bit mechanical. Excellent CBJ to get started, then into a modified cowgirl position. Never had that before where she basically straddled my right leg, with her left leg between mine and her right leg over my right hip. It allowed her to take me as deep as possible inside her. It gave me a great ¾ view of her ass, dick going into her puss, and her bouncing boobs. We switched to missionary and I popped around the 30-minute mark. She felt good.
She cleaned up, using almost as much toilet paper as the street girl. I paid her and she put the money in a small, transparent, secondary purse. It was otherwise empty, which to me indicated that I was her first of the day and that her story about the doorman misinforming her about my departure was probably totally legit.
I sent her off, worried that if I left the room and walked her down to the club, I would be locked out, as it as almost checkout time. (I always feel like failing to walk the girls back to the club is a sign of disrespect, but I had a plane to catch.)
Took the HK limo to the border. The line back to the USA at 1:30 on this Friday looked to be about 90+ minutes long. (The application said the wait time is 30 minutes. Never can trust the internet information.) I have Global Entry, so my wait time was about four minutes.
It wasn’t a wasted trip, but it was disappointing. If my TLN girl had followed through and delivered the expected good time, she would be put on my ATF list and I would repeat with her often. She failed. There is the possibility that her status might yet change, but she would have to work it a long way back and I don’t see that happening. Repeating with the street girl won’t happen and it reinforced my lack of desire for that kind of experience. Next trip I will be looking for that Bar Tropical girl I missed.
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last comment“Miscommunication can mean the death of a relationship”
You have to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best, in order to not be disappointed or negatively surprised.
Something must have gotten lost in translation because the story on the article about the girl in the white dressdoesn’t make sense, not even to the mesero that helped you to meet her and arrange TLN.
Also, in my humble opinion, you have a “half glass” mostly negative thoughts and attitude on the way you tell the stories on your article.
You wrote and I quote:
“It wasn’t a wasted trip, but it was disappointing.”
You were in the Happiest Place on Earth, had sex with two girls in one day and think/feel it was a disappointment, because the girls you wanted changed her mind for an unknown reason.
Why don’t you take a positive approach and give the girls in the white dress the benefit of explaining her change of mind, maybe her girlfriends advised her about her safety or not to rush things and end up rushing things and catching feelings.
There are thousands of good reasons for her to change her mind that have nothing to do with you being upset/disappointed.
If you really want to be fair you should let her give you an explanation for the change of plans.
Also remember what most tuscl members said regarding not letting the opportunity pass you by: “Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”
I don’t know what kind of “personal business” made you almost loose another girl.
“It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth,
how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received.
It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters...”
Look at the un-wasted, non-disappointing good parts of your trip and enjoy those good memories and look for a way to make the bad experiences into good experiences next time.
Enjoy your trips to the Happiest Place on Earth, and be careful out there.
^^^^CJ Kent, I understand looking at the glass as half full instead of half empty. But after reading the story, how could you not understand his disappointment? The entire purpose of the trip was to see the potential ATF. They had been in communication and she left him to believe that if he went down again they could have a TLN. The trip down there was just to spend time with her. He gets there, happens to see her on some fluke occurrence before their actual meet time. Then gets ONE last message where she all of sudden says some BS about not being able to see him unless she's at work??!! Why the fuck SHOULDN'T he be upset about that??!
It's not like he didn't try to make the best of it. He detailed right here how he tried to salvage the trip. But in the end, the time he had doesn't match up with what he could have possibly had with the potential ATF if their time mirrored what it was last time.
“I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.”
~ Muhammad Ali Jinnah
One of the many possibilities is that she contacted HK management and they fed her some BS about not seeing customers OTC. It wasn't three minutes between the message about the final details and the message that she could not see me. She didn't say no; someone else did. I would have given her a chance to explain if she had shown up for work the next day, but she didn't. Going back in about 10 days. If I see her, I will allow for an explanation. By not responding (and letting my disappointment show) I feel like I did leave the door open. She is one of the wildest women I have been with, so I hope I can make this work.
“I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.”
~ Muhammad Ali Jinnah
My exwife felt the same way (which is why she is an ex). Even if her position was totally wrong, she would defend it until you agreed just to shut her up. Lost a few friends during that short relationship, because they would casually disagree over some little thing and she would lite into them, figuring as long as she kept talking, eventually they would see her point of view. One time it was an algebra problem that could be proven by using a pocket calculator. Did she accept it? Nope, because she HAD to be right. After all, if you ask her, she knows everything about everything. Funny how while we were dating and before being married, she was sweet kind and thoughtful. After just a few weeks of marriage, she flipped the switch. Took up smoking and figuring ways she could be away from me. The final straw was when she went out with a girlfriend and didn't come back until morning. No call. No communication. She said she wasn't doing anything except playing darts with some people she met in a bar. At the very least she showed a lack of consideration. And likely she was playing a different kind of game. Apologize for side-tracking, but this was cathartic and likely many people on this board have been there.
I understand the intended point CJ, but I think you can see how the quote can be taken another way.
“Divorce is always good news.
I know that sounds weird, but it’s true because no good marriage has ever ended in divorce.
That would be sad.
If two people were married and they just had a great thing … and then they got divorced, that would be really sad.
But that has happened zero times.”
~ Louis C.K.
Like you said people can see the glass half full or half empty or drink the kool aid from the glass...
I am still trying to learn to accept that there things I cannot change, that are completely out of my control.
And accept that there are things that are completely up to me, because I have absolute control over them and it is up to me to change them.
In the meantime I just try to follow the example of one tuscl member:
“Just being positive and living a brilliant life! It's all aces!”
Good read! Good recovery!!
I have, at times, been “stuck” on a BG or situation that was hard to just “shake it off” in my mind. So i commend you sir. I think I’ve learned to go with the flow; IE, asked a gorgeous BG to join me after dance. She agreed, but another PL was tipping extra during her dance. Was WAITING for her at stage entrance, she said something like: he’s waiting for me, as she pointed towards me (saw from my periphery) But she gave in to his begging, err $$$. So I quickly made other arrangements. There are too many girls to get hung up. BUT it does fuck with you at first, then u just roll with curves, sliders and all.
You left the comms open. Anxious to see how it shakes out
ATF1 Contacted me today. One of the reasons I have been looking to add to my collection of ATFs is because she has been out sick (non COVID) for an extended period. She said she will again be available to me, so there is less pressure to increase the stable. 😁
She is not anxious to go back to work, because of the girls that were killed recently has put a scare into her.
Interesting story and thanks for writing all the details. The possibilities are endless and therefore, I think you will always end up being happy. Interesting you bring up the marriage.....atleast now you are free and you can enjoy new adventures no matter what happened yesterday or today. Good luck with the stable expansion and please do keep un posted.
PutaTester, what’s the story on more girls being killed recently?
Great article and reconfirms the reality that everything can change right up until the girl turns up; especially with early OTCs. So not altogether a surprise something went wrong and will be interesting when you find out (more of) her side of the story. Always good to hear how the TJ world is nuanced and I'm never quite sure the language issues and the fact how most TJ girls will be from out-of-town and thus possibly somewhat tied when in town even on their day off.
EvilHula I don’t know where your timeline starts, but a girl in Adelita Bar speakeasy had her throat cut in the hallway by a jealous Gringo boyfriend. Apparently he killed the wrong girl. Asshat! An ATF sent me a copy of the security video. Grisly. She bled out in seconds. They caught the guy, but now there are metal detectors in the major clubs and bags are searched at the hotels.
Recently a girl was found dead in one of the Cascadas suites. Most of the rumors lean towards a drug overdose, but no credible source has confirmed the cause of death. The rumor also is that she was in the room for several days before her body was found. Management is doing what they can to keep it quiet.
And a working girl’s body was found in a refrigerator. Again rumors are that she worked in a bar outside the Zona.
In Mexico, including TJ, there are many unsolved murders of women. And putas I am close to have relayed tales of assaults.