The Only Rule To Strip Clubbings Is There Are No Rules

1. Never use the club ATM. Definitely a good general guideline. The fees charged by most club ATMs are outrageous, and they usually have a low limit, often no more than $200, maybe less, to force you to make multiple withdrawals and pay multiple fees to have a decent time in the club if you walk in with no money. Bring a reasonable amount of cash with you. On the other had, the club ATM has been a godsend to me on a number of occasions when I have had a good time, spent most of the money I brought with me, and only then had a chance for a VIP with a “must have” girl. You bet I’m going to the ATM to get enough cash and pay that fee. Do you think she’s going to wait while you run down to the 7-11 to use the ATM?
2. Never use your credit card in a club. I like using my credit card for drinks, and food if I’m eating. It conserves my cash for the girls. If I’m in a sleazy dive, I probably won’t do it, but if you’re in a mid-tier or upscale club, and don’t get shit faced drunk, the chances of a credit card fraud issue are probably no higher than a regular bar. I’ve never had an issue, and I do it all the time. I wouldn’t use a CC to pay a girl for a VIP, though. The club often adds on outrageous surcharges because you’re basically make a CC cash withdrawal. You’re probably better off going to the ATM.
3. A vague answer about what she will do in VIP means she’s a ROB. No, it doesn’t. First of all, a vague answer is not a promise to do anything. If you make some wrong assumptions based on vague answers, that’s on you. It also probably means you’re asking vague questions. If she says she will suck your dick for $X, takes your money, and then doesn’t, that’s a ROB. That’s only happened to me a couple of times in a lot of years of going to strip clubs. A vague answer also does not necessarily mean she does not do extras. More often than not, if you make it clear you’re looking for extras, a non-extras girl will tell you that she doesn’t do that. However, some girls are just shy or a bit wary about explicit talk, maybe for good reason. How does she know you’re not a cop, especially if you are a new customer? Of course, it is possible she is being vague to lead you on. You just need to go with your gut on this one and decide whether you are being led on, or whether she is just a bit shy. I will say that I have been pleasantly surprised a lot more often than I have been disappointed.
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There are more rules that could be added.
1. Don’t tip the person who takes the cover, a bouncer, or doorman
2. Don’t confuse tipping with paying for extras
3. Don’t buy the dancer a drink unless you are going to get a dance..
4. Don’t confuse a stripper’s attention for attraction
5. Don’t get personally involved with a stripper
6. Don’t loan a stripper money
7. Don’t spend more than you can afford to in a club. This goes along with your points 1) and 2)
Not sure I agree with your "guidelines." These "rules" you are trying to debate have been stated many times by many people because they are based on real problems. But why not have that debate here? Approved.
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last commentSJG
Rule No. 1: All ladies must engage in the front room makeout session with any client who agrees to the nominal cost. We're thinking $5 for 30 minutes but haven't sorted out the details yet.
Rule No. 2: All ladies, upon completion of the front room makeout session, must strip completely nude and allows said client to fondle, grope, caress and feel their bodies from head to toe for a nominal cost. We're thinking $10 for 60 minutes but continue to do hands-on research to be sure.