It's Monday and my First Time in Tijuana

What a difference 30 min can do. Now there’s about 20-30 women. Still waiting for the fun. Locked eyes couple times but their playing the shy card and not coming yet but talking to their colleagues so to speak. Time for my second beer and maybe walking through will engage in some conversation…
11:15 hits ... Columbia from Monterrey which reminded me of Forrest Gump (There was Dallas, from Phoenix; Cleveland - he was from Detroit; and Tex... well, I don't remember where Tex come from.) Sexy little cutie. Not sure what to expect from everything I read on here but so far an hour in and not impressed....yet... She comes over and we order a ficha. Talk a bit, laugh a bit. She's not very touchy feely as much as I've heard with ficha orders, but that is quite alright. One more ficha and a little more physical. She's now giving me a HJ over my shorts...yep , it's Arriba time! Lets knock this out... We agree on $80 (but my hotel room isn't ready until 3pm so I had to pay the hotel fee which seems unfair but oh well...)
Columbia strips down quickly which is fine but not sexy really… but when she strips me down and puts the gold label on me … those lips and tongue were nice. Well worth the quick strip down. She did not take her time being sexy in the undress but she was not shy all of a sudden. 5 minutes into the BJ , she was ready to ride. Columbia and I went back and forth in positions. Her riding me, then me on top. Reverse cowgirl, doggy, etc. She seemed more sensual and passionate than wham bam all business, which I prefer. This is how these women make money, so I understand if that's what they do, but she took her time to please me, and please me she did. We finished about 45-60 min after we got in the room. She allowed me to take a picture, being my first in TJ (no face in pic). This will always be a fun memory. We excahnged phone numbers and back to the club I go.
Columbia followed me to where I sat. we talked a bit more but I told her feel free to browse the room and try to make money if she wanted. After about 20 min she did so and I was fine with that. I was on to the next journey...
Now I met Jeremiah, my first mesero to actually take a second and chat a bit. His tag says he is training but he’s going to do great. I tipped him with a two dollar bill which he never seen. I told him it’s real and brings you luck. He was awesome. I feel I will tip him very well later on in the end. As he's bringing my $4 drinks, (and at end of article see my take a ways for a tip on drinks) he notices this sexy girl giving a good grind to a guy in the corner, but she's looking my way and smiling and waving. Jeremiah is asking me if I'd like for him to get her attention to come over and I laugh saying we just went was Columbia. I had a good smile over that lol.
Over the next 2 days I wanted to tryout what TJ had to offer. Luckily I was able to meet up with a couple TJ veterans...Cristobal and Greenbeans. We met up on the 2nd floor at HK and both were very welcoming. They both were giving me details on girls, experiences, and just general knowledge. I like to socialize so this was pretty cool to me. We hit a couple clubs so they can explain what to expect at each one. At HK you get more model like women, adelitas you may get more non-mexico vibe with the women...chicago club (free shot walking in) and so forth. As time went on, it was time for Cristobal to head home. Greenbeans and I still hung out.
That night, and the next day n half, Greenbeans and I hung out a lot. If ya'll ever get a chance to meet up with him in TJ, (cristobal too) I will vouch for him. He's a fun guy who has a lot of knowledge about TJ. Things outside the clubs is really what I wanted to know about. We did everything from the clubs to sports bar, places to eat, massages, and toured around. While touring around, we came upon some good knowledge well worth noting for future TJ mongers. I didn't really need money at this point but realized I gave a bit of cash for venmo,to family back in SD before TJ and forgot to pull more out. We went to a bank and to pull $300 would cost me $342. ouch, no thanks. Lets try one more. It's Bank Norte near Caesars hotel (maybe greenbeans to expand more on where exactly). There are 3 ATMs and the one on the right will give you US Dollars so I tried that one out. To pull money out, in USD , cost me less than $4.50 in transaction fees. I was very pleased about that. The ATM had side notes in the computer for english translation too. No reason to fear hidden fees with these features. I have Bank of America as my bank, so they may be affiliated hence the small transaction fees but again, worth nothing for people with USA banks visiting TJ. Went ate at Caesars which as cool. Original place of the Caesar salad. We both wanted a good meal vs the typical street food. I had a salad and lamb sahnk with veggies. About $25 after tip, which was a steal to me.
Greenbeans and I venture around and back to clubs. He and I split up as needed. He finds a girl and goes, and I do the same, eventually see other later and so forth. For those wondering what a Monday is like in TJ right now... better than a Saturday night at your local club in the USA. 50-75 girls I'm guessing. Whatever type you like...but for me, my first time here...I want to try it all. I explain to Greenbeans I want my typical kind of girl i look for, but I also want a street girl, as well as a "fake body" girl...and I indulged in it all during my trip. My first experience with Columbia was great and set the bar high... The street girl I had next was not so great. She wasn't bad but it was all quick business. She just turned 18 and she seemed a bit shy. It was okay but that's what you pay for I suppose. I think I forgot to pace myself on drinks. Yep, forgot to keep ordering water with drinks,whoops. Time for a nap. GB and I decide we will meet up at the rooftop for the after party at 4 am. I got an hour or two of sleep before then. Go to the roof and I'm expecting paradise on a roof...elevator opens.... one employee in a suit knocked the fuck out...I mean passed out at a table. No one on the roof other than him. I guess no rooftop party. I go downstairs to HK and this is whre I start to get a downside experience.
No rooftop party bums me out so I decide I'll use my 1/2 off lapdance on a chica and feel her out before one last arriba for the night. Found this sexy latina and pull out the coupon but it ripped,whoops. I go to get a new one issued and when I get back, not only is the chica gone, but so is my drink and water. That sucks. I wait around hoping to find someone worth time but the bar is closing down to clean. As I goto walk out this female grab my hand and just takes me up the stairs in the club, not saying much. We go up the stairs, through a room on the right. Take that room to anther room through a door, etc. I have no idea whats going on at this point. Maybe after party?!? nope, we some how make our way through a bunch of doors rooms and stairs and end up on floor 6 and she wants arriba. im okay with it but tell them i have a room. Its just before 5am when we get into the room. I'm tired, still drunk, oh and they didn't put an AC unit in my room (supposed to have one). 45 min of pounding and she wants more more MORE!!! I told her "agua" and she said no lol. 3 or 4 condoms and couple hours later, I needed a break. Holy hell. I did most of the work but she kept saying MORE!!! I finally get up to get water and clean off a bit (sweaty mess too) and at that point she got mad bc I wasn't giving her MORE. She got dressed and I gave her $100. Not bad for couple hours and a few rounds. Lets get an couple hours sleep before starting this again.
Next morning (well couple hours later anyway) I take like a 2 mile or so walk to just enjoy the morning. probably about 20 girls on each block at 830-9am. There's not much worth mentioning the rest of the trip other than few girls, street food, the typical thats been mentioned. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but no need to repeat ...
At one point I went back to my room and I was locked out. Went to the desk and HK said I only paid for one night. Had to show them my reservation and what I paid. Got it taken care of but was kind of annoying. I pay for a master suite for 2 days...not only did I not get the AC in the room (which was the most annoying part) but they claim I only paid one day and had to deal with that. You made me wait to check in, make me pay for a room with a girl why I wait for my room to get ready, then lock me out and claim I didn't pay for more than a night. Shit happens but annoyed me.
Some things to take away from my trip...
Even being a Monday-wed morning, TJ was hopping. Maybe not what the weekend was like, but by noon there were 30 girls in HK with very nice talent so to speak. There were times where it was hard to find a spot to sit, so I can only imagine the weekend. Not sure I'd enjoy the weekend MORE than weekday but I'm planning to try it at least once.
Drinks --- sure you can order $4 drinks each time , but we learned to do bottle service. A bottle (one 1 liter) of bacardi anejo was $40 US dollars. comes with a few mixers too. What's cool about this service is, if you're staying at Hotel Cascadas, they allow you to take it to your room and back into the club. When we got our 2nd bottle, we didn't finish it, so I brought it upstairs and back the next morning to the club. Note that girls may or may not drink from bottle service, but they still want fichas as they are expected to get "X" amount of ficha tickets for redemption to the club...but it'll save you money if you plan to stay at HK as your main club. It did take about 10 min to get back into club with bottle bc there is a supervisor that has to "ok" it but I had no issues, just took time.
Bank Norte (for me, with my bank being bank of america) over by the corner near hotel Caesars, had under $5 in transaction fees, english translation, and paid out in US dollars.
And finally, getting in and out of TJ... I am not saying I was lucky or this is the norm or anything like that...this was just MY experience. I got in with only my Arizona driver's license. $20 to get in. Coming home , GB and I got a shuttle to the border area. about 2:20 pm we got in line. by 2:45 we were in the customs building. I got asked a few basic questions, they took a picture, and let me through. We were calling a Lyft by 3:00pm to pick us up. was about 45 min to get in line and through customs on the Wednesday afternoon after the Fourth of July holiday. I hear that's not the norm, but it was my experience. It was a very good (and maybe lucky and fortunate) experience. I will be back soon, with a passport this time, just didn't have it on time this time around.
One thing I wish I planned more for was my phone service. the first day sucked with no service but each morning I had great service. not sure why morning was better than afternoon but now I know and can plan for it. Maybe get a burner while down there...
Altogether for finances... I went with 3 girls from HK upstairs and 2 street girls. paid for 2 days of hotel , along with a VIP card. many drinks Monday paying $5 a piece after $1 tip. prob 5-8 fichas in total for dancers. One nice meal at Caesars. lots of street tacos. general type store to get beer (which I tipped to hotel staff what was left over) , condoms, water, pedilyte, $20 bribe to get into TJ.a LEGIT massage. 2 bottles for bottle service. I spent about $750 in total. Maybe a little less than that from Monday morning until Wed afternoon.
I hope this article helps answer some questions for people, along with provide a fwe tips. I hope to venture to TJ more now that I got my feet wet and if you ever see I'm heading that way and you're going to be around, don't hesitate to let me know. Happy Mongering!
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A few notes from me:
The master rooms should all have A/C... some of them run off a remote that they don't leave in the room -- you need to phone down or ask one of the towel guys to start/set it for you. In any case, next time just ask for another room right away. Those rooms get hot in the summer. You should check the john and the water temp/pressure in the shower too when you get there.
The bottle service is nice, but if you want booze in your room you can get some either from the Oxxo or the liquor store a bit down the street. Definitely a cheaper option.
As far as phone service goes, I say invest in a burner next time you're there. There's a tech mercado here where you can get some good deals, and the Telcel paygo SIMs are arguably the best. You can get one with about 5GB of data for about 500 pesos. That way you can just set your own phone to forward to the burner and leave it in your room. And you can add minutes/data to it at Oxxo or 7Eleven down there so it's basically a one time investment.
And DEFINITELY pace yourself on alcohol. Last thing you want after the trouble of getting there is to sleep through it. :-)
Thanks for the suggestions, definitely plan on the burner next time. I didn't think i'd need/want service there but it would have been nice.
@jascoi - yes they are :)
The hotel locks reset around 1:00 daily. If they didn't set it up for multiple days when you check in, which is usually the case, you must go down and get your key reset. Your deposit slip should show the date you are scheduled to check out (but not always) which can be one way of convincing the clerk you paid for multiple days. If I leave the room after 1:00, I check the door to make sure my key card works. A couple of times I have gone to the club without checking and returned with a girl in tow and had to ask her to wait while I went to get my card reset. Truly sucks when your room is on the 8th floor. Sounds like you handled the issue well.
But let me get something straight, you lost a BG?
I guess @greanbeans taught you everything he knows, including how to lose a BG... Lol
You have a great attitude about the Zona Norte and mongering in TJ, it reads like you have an adventurous trip, thanks for including the details.
Question: what was the rooftop party, are you referring to the HK After Hours Club on the 8 (or 9th) floor?
Whenever you decide to return to TJ give me a heads up it would be fun to meet up again and check out Zona Norte.
@Mongo how does that call forwarding work with a burner phone?
@Desertscrub is truly off his meds. It's like watching dementia set in right before my eyes. He really thinks every review is a club ad. Even a review where the OP tells of meeting with two other TUSCLers, who also post and verify the story. See a doctor!
His annual gyno exam must be coming up. Hope the doctor who's subjected to that sight in stirrups is getting combat pay.
I'm going back on labor day so i'll find out lol