
Stripper Drama

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Dancers will use Drama to get money out of you where you are paying for something your not getting. Don't do it, especially if its big $$$.

Occasionally, this happens to me with gals I had been seeing otc (outside the club) for motel sex and fun. It could be a gal a guy has been seeing itc as a regular also. A usual scenario is a gal that I had seen at least a dozen times and then all of a sudden she needs some big dollar amount or God forbid she and her children are going to be evicted. They will use this kind of emotional pressure to manipulate you to get at your wallet to get something for nothing. Almost always this is due to drugs or some sleazebo bum boyfrined pimping them out and then using them to get more money. This can be tough if it is a gal you really like and her performance (as a mistress, etc.) is really good. But sometimes when push comes to shove its time to go for the dump. Almost always this is the impact of some sleazebo bum BF or drugs. You can't control these and it may be time to fold your hand. In my view it helps to have more than one girl on the roster so when graduation day comes another player can step up. As I got more experienced at meeting strippers otc or fielding their hits itc, I used these situations to try and negotiate something I wanted instead of thowing up my hands in despair and terminating the relationship. Look for what she prings positive to the table and possibilities in exploiting the situation. Lets say she needs more sessions per month etc to get what she is wanting. Perhaps you can use this as leverage to get the cost down and have more fun for less! Of course she will try to make the time frame she needs the money tough for such a ploy to work. Ignore her timeframe, set your own in terms of what you want.

Just say not to them trying to bleed $ out for nothing - their problems are not your fault. Only pay for what your getting no matter what kind of pressure they are putting on you! Hey the reason could be bogus anyway. Say she wants you to take her out to dinner, well thats ok and can be good for the relationship. What I am discussing here is big money requests where you get nothing in return. Now there's nothing wrong with a goodwill investment in the relationship if its within reason, but when those start mounting up well it might be time to pull the plug on the project. You are a paying customer, deserving respect and should not be burdened with their problems. Whether it is a GFE session otc or a set of dances itc, they should not be bringing drama (BF, money, problems, etc.) into the encounter. However, if they do, this could be an opportunity (see below).

How strippers will try to set you up:

They will use something like their Birthday to get into you to take her shopping at mall for say $250 while you nicely let her buy what she wants. Then they will use a fake out routine ("After my shift on Friday we will go to motel, so get a room and we can have super love makin"). Now your out $250 + $50 for room = $300 and still no pussy. On Friday you go to the club for her BD celebration, You and her and two other dancers are at a table and she wants you to pay $125 to take them all to VIP for Champagne party. She says "Whats wrong honey, you seem kind of nervous - relax your my man!" You oblige so now she is into you for $425 and still no pussy! Then in middle of 2nd or 3rd lap dance in VIP she wants $400 from you to fix AC on her car. Of course she has to have it right away to pay the guy today. Sorta like a poker game where she keeps raising the pot, forcing you to either fold or get in deeper! So what do you do - fold at $425 or put more chips in the game, with your bet up to $825 having faith she wil come thru on her promise? A friend of mine got ripped big time like this (her 42nd BD LOL - she was one experienced rip off artist, and oldstyle hustler good at her game). He handed the $400 over to her like he was in a trance he says. She then disappeared from the scene to the dressing room where he could not go! Later when it dawned on him he had probably been ripped he started trying to find her. Calling her cell he got her and she gave a sleazy excuse that an old BF had just insisted on taking her out to dinner and she could not refuse! He then realized he had been royally ripped. Here in Houston you can get it for $100 - $300 (dancers, escorts, massage gals, etc.) so even if she had come thru on her promise he would have grossly overpaid anyhow.

Don't let some gal like that get to you, especially some hasbeen hustler. If she needs money then make her an offer "OK babe I can help you, but this is what I need....."). If she will not meet your request, then simply walk away. Its as simple as that - I tell them "Honey, I don't pay money for what I am not getting." If a dancer you just met calls you saying "why don't we meet for lunch, I need $200." Don't be scared, here is your opportunity to find out if she is a player or a fake. Redirect the meeting to a motel (or your place) if thats what your willing to pay and say "We can do lunch afterwards babe, but first lets meet for xxx at XYZ motel." Always take control - money is power.

Drama vs Opportunity:

In summary, Drama is where a gal is trying to manipulate you to get money for services not performed. It could be a dancer trying to get you to buy her a new pair of dance shoes that costs $75 or using car trouble to try and bum money, sometimes $100's of dollars. Opportunity is where she needs some financial help, but instead of paying money for something your not getting you simply make an offer. This is your opportunity to find out if she will play or is simply a fake. It could be to get her to meet otc at a motel for a private session (one hour is standard) or simply use as negotiating leverage for the price of a set of dances. Money is power, especially with strippers - use it, don't give it away. Set your own timetable, its your time because its your money.


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I'm sitting here reading this and I'm thinking to myself "I would have said 'no' at this point, and at that point, and again at that point." This is what happens when a man is a slave to his libido. I'm not going to pretend like I haven't spent a pretty considerable amount of money in the strip club scene, but after a while, you have to ask yourself how much is your orgasm worth. None of these $100+ transactions would have happened for me if there was no getting laid PRIOR to it happening, and I would have capped off my donations a lot sooner.

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Her:"i need money to fix my car"

Me:"today is your lucky day. I need a BJ (or a lap dance or..) and i am willing to pay for it"

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Presents come without expectation of anything in return. It is payment of you expect something in return. Don't blame her if she misunderstood you meant payment when you called it a present.

You paid for lap dances or time in the VIP and got that. Why would you expect additional services you have not paid for?

Once you give her the money it is her money. What she does with it is none of your business. She can give it to her BF, burn it or get her car fixed.

The best way to avoid drama is to make things clear. You do not care what she does with the money. Negotiate a service for a price.

I would rather meet for lunch first with some one new . I won't be paying for anything more than lunch and drinks. We will have established some trust, established boundaries and have a clear understanding of what is to come.

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