Pathetic Losers or Brilliant Wieners?

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
Don't panic I am mentioning the extremes. Most veterinarian bill tusclers fall somewhere in the gray area closer to the Winning Side.

"Our life is not really a mutual helpfulness; but rather, it is fair competition cloaked under Due Laws of War; it is a mutual hostility."
Thomas Carlyle

Our Society is built on the principle of Generalized Competition; that every aspect of life is a game which one was engaged at a personal level, sports, politics, justice, economics and personal relationships.

Merriam Webster Define pathetic as
Having a capacity to move one to either compassionate or contemptuous pity.
Loser a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed also something doomed to fail or disappoint.
I believe the story behind the term pathetic loser coined by a stripper on the pink site matches this definition.

Webster definition of winner is:
One that is successful especially through praiseworthy ability and hard work.

I our case; in the strip clubing game "winning" has as many possible interpretations as players...
I will focus on the natural ultimate goal of "getting the girl" as to have sexual intercurse, as I agree with Dr Sigmund Freud that that is what everyman has in his mind.

A man can ask an stripper out to dinner an give a gift of cash for her time with her and as consenting adults some times do they might engage in consentual sexual intercouse.
They might have one of the following perceptions or a combination of them, about the relationship:

1) It was a great deal, they both think thay got a higher value than what they gave in and walk away very happy. win win situation
2) It was a fair trade; they both feel they obtained exactly the right value of what they trade in, and are about satisfied with the transaction. It is kind of a tie situation, no win, but not loss either.
3) It was a terrible deal, they gave much more in exchange for what they received. It is a lose lose situation.

The transaction is the same the perception makes the difference.

If they were thinking they had a great deal and are happy, and minutes later he finds out other guy got the same deal for $300 instead of $400 he immediately is unhappy, feels cheated.
The same could happen to her if she finds out she could have gotten $500 instead of $400.
But they where happy a moment ago.
It is all in their minds.

To continue with the gambling analogy; Don't bet (Spend) more than you can afford to lose.
Play smart, unfortunately many of us turn our brains off in the presence of our version of a Dream Stripper. However if you are smart and cautious you might end up getting the Dream Stripper and have a win win relationship.

I have learned to see the reality with a fair trade perception approach.
I believe that you pay (to see their cards) for the first dance to find out if you will get more and so on until you pay for OTC to see if you will get more OTC encounters.

I know we all have been shortchanged one way or another in life, and that life is not fair and we just have to learn to deal with that fact. I consider these experiences as the cost of learning to play, and find out who is reliable and who is not.

Most Tuscl experienced members have found what makes them happy about strip clubbing and OTC with strippers and have learned to

Know when to hold them,
Know when to fold them
Know when to walk away
Know when to run...

The secret is to know what strippers to trow away and what to keep...and the best they can to hope for is to die happy in their sleep during an OTC.

In conclusion Brilliant tuscl Winners are not people who never fail at getting good OTC, but people who never quit until through praiseworthy ability and hard work get OTC with their Dream Stripper an both walk away from it happy about the exchange.
"I love those random memories of OTC whit a beautiful girl that make me smile, no matter what is going on in my life at the moment..."

Pathetic Losers or Brilliant Wieners? (I want to thank 4got.... for the title)


last comment
@CJKent are most veterinarian bill Tusclers dog doctors or do they have other specialties? LOL
LOL Twentyfive yes Weiner dogs need to be treated by specialized Veterinarians and the bill will be higher, ask 4got......, he knows all about it.
I mean to said veteran, experienced members of tuscl...
Damn Autocorrect.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
it's a tale of two Heads?

our body's got only so much blood to keep one working at a time!

good perspective - once in a while the concealed head should be allowed to air out.
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