Why Strip Club Experiences Differ

avatar for Harderlap
When I wrote my article on visiting a strip club for the first time, https://www.tuscl.net/postread…, I included the short paragraph:

“The second thing you should realize is that there are exceptions to everything that goes on in a strip club and everything that someone says about what goes on in a strip club. You won’t necessarily get the same experience someone else got, or even the same experience the next time you go, or even from the same dancer. "

And I got the following comment back from Subraman:

“Definitely true. You could write an entire article about just the many facets of this. The fact that you could find a club that's almost always so-so, and just find the right girl, and it's amazing. The fact -- disputed by some, but nevertheless a fact -- that the girls don't all do the same things for everyone for the same price, and in fact might not even do the same thing for YOU for the same price next time you go.”

So after some thought, I decided to write this article about that very subject.

In most clubs regulars get better treatment than the guy who only comes in once in awhile or the first time visitor. This should come as no surprise, but it does to some. Dancers know what to expect from a regular and feel comfortable with him. They know he will spend money and what he expects from them. They don’t have to explain rules or boundaries. They know that they he will be back and that they should treat him well or he won’t bother with them the next time. So, become a regular at a club, even if it is only once a month or once every two months. Try to go in at the same time, or when the same dancers are working. But, even regulars don’t get the same treatment every time they go in and some of the reasons are below.

Money and Tipping
There are lots of things that go into the kind of experience you get in a strip club, including some I don’t know about. I think how you spend your money is one big factor. Dancers like tippers, so I tip. First off, I tip all the dancers when they dance on stage. It is a cheap way to get empathy from the dancers. It acknowledges that you realize that the dancers get at least a portion of their income from dancing on stage and that you want to contribute to their income, even if you don’t want a table or private dance from them Also, it makes the dancers that don’t get tipped a lot appreciate you tipping them and in the same manner, appreciate you. And thirdly, it says to the other dancers I am not just into a pretty face or fancy dance moves. I think many, but not all, dancers appreciate the guy who appreciates other dancers by tipping them and hence, all of the other dancers will treat you better. In some clubs, a tip is expected for extras and I do tip on that. But I don’t for just a great dance. If you have tipped before, dancers will remember and be more generous. But they will expect it again. I am not talking exorbitant tips here, or making it rain.

I also think that tipping the wait staff is important. It builds rapport and also helps them to look the other way if you are doing something with a dancer that is strictly against club rules. The waitress is more likely to ignore what you are doing if you have tipped her. Again, I am not talking exorbitant tips to waitresses here, 15% to 25% is fine. Fifty cents on a six dollar beer is not.

I don’t tip bouncers.

If you spend money on dancers when you visit the club, you will get remembered and your experience is likely to be better next time. You don’t need to spend a lot, dancers like even the small spenders if they are reliable and visit often. You will get treated better than the guy who never buys dances when he comes in or the guy who only buys dances from one dancer and then wants to change favorites. If you intended to have a dance with your favorite but she isn’t there, try out some of the other dancers. They will appreciate you for it. Also, dancers tend to think that a guy who just sits and doesn’t get dances doesn’t want dances so they tend to avoid asking him after awhile. If you get stuck in this rut, just ask a dancer for a dance, don’t wait for them to come to you.

Who is in club
Who is in the club also determines what kind of experience you will get. If the house mother or manager is there and wandering around, things are likely to be stricter than if they are not there. If you know what times these people are not there, you will likely have a better experience, Many do not show up early on day shifts or low traffic days. I remember walking into a club early on a Saturday afternoon and one of my favorites who nearly always gave good dances grabbed me almost as soon as I walked in the door. She whispered in my ear, “The manager is gone and there is no one here to watch the cameras, so we can have a good time in the VIP”. I was leery that this was typical stripper BS, but it seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up. As it turned out it was an excellent opportunity and I had the best dances from that dancer I ever had and some of the best ever. But I never had such a good an experience with that dancer again. It was all timing. Some waitresses and dancers will watch other dancers and tell management when they are doing more than they should. If such a dancer is dancing at the next table, or the waitress waiting tables in your area is known to complain about dancers going too far, this will make your experience poorer. If the dancer hasn’t told you what was going on you would never know, you would just think you had a poor dance from a dancer that had an otherwise good reputation. And dancers are likely not to tell you in fear that you will stop buying dances, which you should, and that the next time you come in you will notice the offending dancer or waitperson in your area and not get dances then. Some dancers will suggest you move or go to the VIP to avoid this. Take the hint. Many, though, will just dial back your experience. There is no real effective way to deal with this, but if you got a poor dance from an otherwise usually good dancer, you may wish to move to a different part of the club with different wait staff or a table with fewer neighboring tables, like in a corner next to a wall.

There is a reluctance on many dancers parts to give great dances to strangers, or someone they have never seen in the club before, or someone who looks like he has never been in the club before. Not much you can do about this, except give the club a second chance and hope that someone recognizes you the second time around. Spending money the first time around helps. When in a new club, I usually sit down and observe for a bit before I get dances so I can see how things are in the club. Notice how tipping is done and follow suit, Things to look for, can you hand money directly to the dancer or do you need to place it on stage, can you touch at the stage, if you stay long at the stage are you expected to tip again, or if tipping is even done on stage or it the dancers walk around to receive a tip. Check to see who is giving the best table dances.See whether people get dances on the floor or in the VIP. See who gives the most VIP dances and how long they last. See if the dancers do anything consistent after the VIP dance, like heading to the bathroom or dressing room to freshen up. I have seen a dancer who gives very good VIP dances head for the hand sanitizer after a VIP session. Look to see if they have wait staff or if you have to get your own drink from the bar. Often dancers will ask if you have been in a club before and part of the reason for this is to make sure that you will not cause trouble. I usually say yes, even if I have not been before. Doing your homework on TUSCL helps to answer this question if it gets pushed further, which it doesn’t usually. If you don’t feel like outright lying, say no, but you have been to other clubs in the area. Again TUSCL is your friend. Or say you have, but it has been a long time.

Law Enforcement
There is also fear that a stranger may be law enforcement; not just vice, but also alcohol control commission. So, don’t act like a cop. Act like yourself, a horny strip club customer. If there is concern that law enforcement/alcohol enforcement is in the club, or is actually in the club, your experience will change a lot, and not for the better. Also, if there is fear that law enforcement may show up, like recent raids on other clubs or tightening of alcohol enforcement, your experience will diminish. Often this occurs shortly before or after local and state elections. There isn’t much to do about this though, except to try another time. Some clubs have signals, like playing a particular song or having the DJ make an announcement . Also, I have been in clubs where the housemother went around and told the dancers that LEO were in the club. So if you hear a suspicious song being played at an odd time, or an odd announcement being made, or someone making the rounds whispering something in the dancer’s ears, there may be law enforcement in the club. The dancers or club management may be reluctant to pass the information on to you as you will likely stop buying dances. At one club I went to the uniformed cops on the beat walked in the club and stood in the back for 10 or 15 minutes every couple of hours. I suppose they were on a break. Similarly, I have seen fire fighters stand in the back of a club, presumably to insure that the fire marshall’s occupancy limit is not exceeded. Those are obviously poor times to get a dance, although the dancer may tell you it doesn’t matter.

Time of visit
In many clubs, there is a big difference in the experience you get between the day shift and the evening/night shift, and between week days and weekends, The day shift is often populated by single mothers eager to make a buck quickly and you will often get a better experience then than with evening shift dancers. The night shift is often populated by prima donnas, who think that they may be doing you a favor by dancing for you and as usually the club is busy during the evening/night shift, they can get away with that attitude. Same with weekends, particularly Sunday afternoons and to a lesser extent Saturday afternoons. Those are slow times and dances are likely to be better. Anytime the club is less populated you are likely to get a better dance as there are fewer customers to make money from. Simple supply and demand. Shift changes and times near closing are also productive for good experiences as dancers who haven’t made as much money as they think they should have that night will stretch the limits to put more money in their wallets. If there is a feature dancer and you don’t care about seeing her, when the feature dancer dances is a good time to get a dance as most of the patrons are there to see the feature and the other dancers get ignored.

The time of month can drive your experience, and not just from a physiological standpoint. The times closer to when bills are due are usually good for a great experience. This is usually, but not always around the first of the month. Since strippers don’t usually plan ahead or budget very well, the days after the rent is due are more productive than those before. There is also a seasonal effect: September, back to school expenses for their kids, December, Christmas presents, and January, paying credit card bills, are all good bets to get a good strip club experience. I once had a stripper tell me that she had just bought $75 in candy for her son’s Easter basket and she needed to make the money to pay for it. Great dance from a normally good dancer followed.

Personalities and Quirks
Well, I am treading on thin ice here, but some dancers can change attitudes or personalities quite drastically. Usually over the course of days, weeks, or months, but sometimes just in hours or minutes. I am no amateur psychologist, but I suppose that not unexpected. People with unstable personalities are not usually good prospects for more typical jobs. Alcohol or drugs are sometimes involved. Not much you can do here, but be aware of it. I had great dances from a dancer if I bought her a drink first. She wasn’t drunk, just a bit uninhibited or grateful for the drink, I could never tell. On the other hand I have had dancers approach me that were high or drunk or both and I doubted that they could stay awake during a dance. Obviously avoid those. I have had poor dances from dancers that were angry, usually with management, husbands, day care, landlords, significant others, you name it. If you don’t know what happened, you would think they are always like that. I had a great dance from a dancer that had just gotten out of jail for a DWI. Just be aware of a dancer’s attitude and go with the one’s that are mellow. I have had great dances from dancers that said I reminded them of an ex-boyfriend, musician, or favorite teacher. I suppose reading up on Freud may help here.

It doesn’t hurt to set expectations with a dancer before a dance, particularly a VIP dance. Ask what kind of experience you can expect. Ask why it will be different than the dance on the floor. ask what you can do during the dance and what she will do. If you have specific requests make them before you go VIP. If extras are offered, set a price up front. I try to invest in at least a single dance on the floor with a dancer before I go to the VIP room and try to get in some touching or more during that dance so that the dancer knows that I am open to more. But if you don’t make it clear to the dancer what you want, you are less likely to get it as she is just guessing at what you want and how far you want her to go. Often they guess correctly, but not always. Sometimes they will be hesitant to tell you what to expect, as they are afraid of getting into trouble, or you won’t go if she won’t do what you want, but if you sense it will be a good time otherwise, try her for a single dance and if it isn’t what you want call it quits. You will know better next time.

Hygiene is important. Dancers tend to avoid guys that are dirty or smell.Take a shower before you go and put on clean clothes. Brush your teeth and use mouth wash. Suck on a breathe mint. Similarly they don’t like to rub their bodies on dirty clothes. Or rough clothes for that matter, so don’t go in blue jeans or denim jeans. Common sense should prevail here. And it might not be you, it might be the guy you came in with. I have had dancers tell me that another customer smelled so bad she lied about having to go on stage to avoid giving him a second dance.

I am sure that I have missed a few points, but there are enough here to ponder for awhile. Also, I just forgot, some reviewers on TUSCL stretch the truth a bit, so they may not have had the experience they said they had.


last comment
Like to comment on your " no tipping the bouncers". Sometimes that can work for you. The dancers see you being greeted by the bouncers nd think you're a big shot (I'm not). Also most of the time I believe you're right about going to a new club. The girls don't know you, so a little stage tipping would help.
I always tip the bouncers if they are running the private room area and I tip the ones who always let me in for free. I notice that if I take an extra 5 minutes I don;t get charged; that one dancer who was worried that I might be LE provided a great time because the bouncer vouched for me as a regular and that the more people who say hello to you in the club, the better you get treated by the dancers. At the no extras club I go to its the difference between 2 way conr=tact above and and below the waist, even if they walk by.
Good article. Funny story that goes with your "Law Enforcement" section. When I first started going to a new club, only 1 or 2 dancers would stop by my table...the other dancers would avoid me like the plague. The select few that would stop at my table, I would talk with them, buy them drinks, buy private dances, and tip. Finally, after a couple of months, I entered the club and the doorman flat out asked me, "Hey - rumor is that you are a cop...is that true?" I laughed and assured him I was not. From that night on, I would get visits from almost every dancer.
Apparently because I keep my hair cut pretty short and wear decent clothes...everyone in the club thought I was a cop lol.
I appreciate that you approach this like a science!
lots of good experience to read here.
On point and accurate!!! I'm more experienced in the SC culture now and everything you wrote about is true.
This is great! Thanks for the tips. I have started getting back into the SC hobby and this was a great reminder.
Another well-written piece, Harderlap. Thanks for taking the time and thought it took to post it.
Never treat strip club dancers differently than you would treat any other woman.

Wow, man. That's a great article. Thanks for taking the time.
Well done. Some accurate points made.
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
I have found that my own mood and energy level can have a pretty big effect on my experience, too. After a grueling week at work, when I am really looking for a great experience, I have had a dancer ask why I looked so mean.

I find that it works better to pick out a slower, divier place to start the night when I'm not feeling at the top of my game, and maybe after a couple of beers and the friendliness afforded simply for being a paying customer at that kind of place, heading over to a club with better prospects.

In other words, I find that my vibe tends to be more important than money.
I found out a long time ago that you can go there looking for girls to give you affirmation or anything like that. If you approach it that way, you'll end up being a whale.

You have to go there looking for what you can give. The girls have little or no coverage, and so they are actually the ones who need affirmation, and who need to be shown respect. So then you can truly give money away freely.

avatar for bvino
8 years ago
You are so right about that "law enforcement" paranoia. I am 5'9" and 150 lbs with short hair and glasses. I look like former military (which I am) and when I go to a new club I always freak out the dancers until we talk a little. They always think I am a cop. I have to make lewd suggestions with witnesses to get them over their fear. money helps. Nice article.
Agree w/ some points and disagree w/ others - I do agree that dayshift/slow-shifts often produce better QoS - if you are one to put more emphasis on dancer-treatment than looks; then dayshift may be a better fit - if one wants the best eye-candy possible; then nightshifts and peak-nights are where the hotter dancers usually are (this is not to say one will not find any hot-dancers on dayshift).

Some points I disagree with:

"... become a regular at a club, even if it is only once a month or once every two months. Try to go in at the same time, or when the same dancers are working ..."

Yeah - being a regular does usually get one better service - but it can at times also be a double-edged sword though - some dancers w/ time begin to take their regulars for granted and feel they don't have to try as hard since the feel the regular is "so into them" - and just like custies get tired of their regular dancer; dancers also at times get tired of their regular custies - I'd say overall being a regular usually offers more benefits; but I don't think one *has* to be a regular to have a good experience in clubs - i.e. if one likes variety vs sticking w/ the same dancer(s); one does not have to stick to the same ones to get good-dances - perhaps in some small clubs in smaller cities that may have mostly the same dancers and same custies, then perhaps in that scenario being a regular def has advantages - but IME in big clubs in big cities there is often a large turnover of dancers and custies and most of the time the dancer and custy are meeting for the first time and a dancer needs to give a good dance in order to wanna make the custy wanna buy more - again being a regular has advantages but it's not a must except maybe in certain clubs.

"... Dancers like tippers, so I tip. First off, I tip all the dancers when they dance on stage. It is a cheap way to get empathy from the dancers. It acknowledges that you realize that the dancers get at least a portion of their income from dancing on stage and that you want to contribute to their income ..."

I see-it differently - most hardcore experience SCers go in w/ the mindset that a strip-club visit is about them (the custy) and what they (custy) wants - for many experienced SCers this is the surest way to get what you want vs leaving it to the dancers' devices - I think going-in w/ an attitude of doing what pleases the dancers vs going after what you want is not the way to go, just my personal opinion - 99% of the time dancers are gonna do what's best for them and that means making as much $$$ from you as possible usually for doing as little as possible; no-matter how good they are at making it seem otherwise.

I, and many hardcore SCers, are not big stage-tippers - at most we'll tip a dancer we are interested-in to let her know our interest - IME it's rare a dancer will turn down me buying dances from *her* b/c I didn't tip every dancer on stage- IME they won't turn down dances w/ me b/c I didn't even tip them on stage - does not make sense they'll turn down $20 (often more for multiple-dances) b/c I didn't tip them a buck or 2 on stage - and again it's in her best interest to give me a good-dance irrespective if I stage-tipped or not - a good dance means I may buy more or even VIP.

Thus I don't see tipping every-dancer as something one must do - if one likes the fake attention from dancers for tipping all of them; then sure go for it - a lot of custies get more from the attention they get from dancers than actual dances themselves - so if one wants max attention from the max # of dancers; then sure the more you tip the better - if you only want attention/dances from specific dancers then not tipping every-dancer is not a hindrance IME to having a good-time w/ the dancers you want. Most SCers have a budget; and the more one stage-tips the less there is for dances - whatever dancer I'm with I assume will appreciate I spent $100 on her via dances vs only $20 or $40 on her b/c I was tipping every other dancer in the place. Again; stage-tipping or tipping every dancer IMO is not a requirement to having a good-time in the club and getting what you want - if one enjoys tipping then by all-means - and again; maybe in some small clubs being a non-tipper may cause some issues but it's not been an issue in the clubs I visit - in the clubs I visit if I have $$$ to spend and willing to spend-it; I pretty-much always get what I want; the key is I spend *my* $$$ on what *I* like; not what the dancers like or expect.

Experienced SCers see-it as the dancers being there to please you (the custy); not you the custy being there to please the dancers - the custy is the one w/ the $$$ and being a Mr Pleaser often makes you just seem as a chump and an easy-mark that dancers feel they can manipulate via empty insincere flattery.

As the famous TUSCLer lopaw once posted - "I'll beg for sex". "I'll pay for sex". "But I won't beg to pay for sex". Meaning that IMO one should not have to spend $$$ in clubs to get dancers to take one's $$$ - i.e. one should not have to spend $$$ on tipping every dancer to get other dancers to take your $$$. Again; if one enjoys the attention they get from tipping every dancer; cool - but it's not IME a must-do.

"... In some clubs, a tip is expected for extras and I do tip on that. But I don’t for just a great dance ..."

This is the opposite of what many hardcore SCers do. By tipping every girl even if they are not your type or you are not interested in them then one puts themselves in the position that the dancer may think you are interested in her and then you have to turn her down for dances; vs tipping a dancer you *are* interested in and want dances from. IMO it's better to tip the dancers you are interested in that give good-dances - that way one is compensating the dancers that one likes are one is interested in - compensating/tipping the dancer one is not interested-in but not tipping the ones one *is* interested in does not make sense to me. If the dances are fairly expensive then I may not tip extra; but if she goes above and beyond w/ dances then I rather tip this dancer extra than one I am not interested in.

Yeah - stripping can be hard and it can be hard to make $$$ at it - but I've come to realize that it's not my responsibility to worry if a stripper makes $$$ or not - nor do I have the pockets to make sure every dancer in the club makes $$$ from me - I only have enough $$$ for me to have a good-time; not subsidize the dancers that can't make $$$ - in the end if they can't make $$$ as a stripper then perhaps they need to find another line of work - and 99% of the time one's good intentions are usually not reciprocated by dancers - i.e. if you're broke they are not gonna give a shit about you - you are only worth something to them as long as you are spending $$$ on them - it's not my responsibility as a custy to financially support dancers - most dancers are young and pretty-enough to land BFs and if they decide to shack-up with losers that can't support them then that is on them - trying to be a Capt Save-a-Ho or a nice-guy in a strip-club hardly ever works out in one's favor IMO/IME - again as long as you are spending on them; dancers will tell you what a great-guy you are; but as soon as you are broke they'll often do a 180 and have no use for you - i.e. which ever dancer you spend-on will usually give you good-attention; i.e. IMO no-need to try to please all the dancers if you are only interested in getting attention/dances from a few - unless you like the attention from tipping all of them.

"... The waitress is more likely to ignore what you are doing if you have tipped her ..."

Perhaps in some clubs - in most clubs I visit the waitresses have no-power to enforce anything and they usually mind their business - it's not the waitress' job to enforce the rules; and if they start being a tattletale I assume they may get on the dancers' bad-side since they are fucking w/ the dancers' ability to make $$$. Yes; one should tip them for their service as a waitress but not so they won't interfere - again it may be different in some clubs especially clubs w/ tight-rules.

"... I don’t tip bouncers ..."

Again; this is the opposite of what many hardcore SCers do - in most clubs the bouncers are the ones that enforce the rules - so in a club w/ tight rules the bouncer is usually the one one-needs to tip to look the other way since it is the bouncer that will be enforcing the rules.

"... You will get treated better than the guy who never buys dances when he comes in or the guy who only buys dances from one dancer and then wants to change favorites ..."

Again - as long as you are spending $$$; dancers are gonna be willing to take-it from you - it just comes down to you pleasing yourself and spending $$$ they way it fits you vs the way you think the dancers want you to spend-it - IMO/IME too-many custies give too-much if not total control to the dancers and what they want - you are the one w/ the $$$ and that is your leverage and only leverage - thinking what the dancers like or what they may think is a chump's game as we say on the discussion-board - dancers don't think about us and don't give a shit about us other than what $$$ they get from us; no-matter how they make it look - trying to please dancers means they get your $$$ and get to do what they want; and you get to spend your $$$ and only hope to get what you want - nothing wrong w/ spending all your $$$ on just one-dancer if that is what you like - 99% of the dancers will likely take that $$$ if you decide to switch from that dancer to them - again - why spend $$$ to spend $$$ - why tip dancers of no interest to you to get dancers you are interested in; IME you don't have to - again if you like doing this; fine - but it's not a requirement to having a good-time at the club except maybe in some small clubs that have a particular M.O.

"... Shift changes and times near closing are also productive for good experiences as dancers who haven’t made as much money as they think they should have that night will stretch the limits to put more money in their wallets ..."

Sometimes this can be the case in certain clubs - but often times shift-change can be the deadest time in the club - often times the girls start calling it a day a 1/2 hour to an hour b/f their shift ends and start heading to the dressing-room to get their things together and relax b/f they go-home and take care of what they need to take care-off b/f they leave (tip-outs; etc) - also; around shift-change in many clubs many of the nightshift girls have not arrived yet - and the ones that arrive early can often be the fuglies that need to beat out the competition (get to custies b/f the hot dancers get there) or often times girls that come-in ealry do it to pay a lower house fee but then either hang-out in the dressing-room or not hustle much till the club gets fuller - IME and from what others post, shift-change is often a dead-time.

I'm not trying say my opinions are the correct-ones; just a different way to look at things since often times our experiences are solely shaped by only certain types of clubs we visit - i.e. many custies have only been exposed to certain clubs in certain regions that may work differently than clubs in other regions so one often assumes the ways things are in a certain club/region is the way things are in every club and thus the only way to do things.

IMO the best-way to get what you want in strip clubs is to pay for what you want not go-in w/ a mindset of what the dancers want; the dancers want your $$$ and that is what they care about, more than caring about what you want - most of the time they give you what you want to get your $$$; but once they got your $$$ you may not get what you want if your mindset is what they wanted/like.

Thank you for adding your knowledge as well. I agree with mostly everything you wrote too and helping me clarify somethings about strip club culture, such as stage tipping and other practices.

If you know 'what' you want from a SC and 'who' you want it from it pays to be a regular. They will give you more of what you want as a 'regular' vs a customer who is not. I became a regular of one girl because of that I get to suck on her titties every time I get a dance from her now. Had I not become a regular this most likely would not have been on the menu. Getting only 1,2 dances here and there with random dancers I would not have felt comfortable enough to play with their titties(my desire) let alone, get to suck on them. The opportunity would not have come up, let alone, me being comfortable enough to ask to do that, if I wasn't a regular, without the dancers asking for a ridiculous upsell, on TOP of the lab dance cost!

But if your the type of customer who like 'variety', meaning, you like many or all kind of girls, then, not being a regular shouldn't bother you. You may come into the club and have fun just for the stage dances and/or getting dances from the girl who tickles your fancy that day. For this person you can have fun at almost any club.

Stage Tip
I don't go to the stage and tip unless I'm interested in getting a dance from her or wanted to talk to her for some reason. What @Papi said it true, most 'serious strip clubbers' have a budget to play with, and that is me. I bring a certain amount of cash and that is it. The extra $20-$40 you spend needlessly is money you could have spent on your favorite dancer getting an additional dance and getting what YOU want from the deal, meeting YOUR needs!!

Recently I stage tip a random girl who I was not interested in only because I felt sort of bad for her because there were tons of dudes(many middle aged and looked like they had money to spend) at the club during dayshift but none was stage tipping or going up to the stage. She thanked me for tipping her which was fine, but it had an unintended consequence of attracting another dancer who was sitting on the side saw me tipping and came to talk to me when I sat back down at my table to come chit-chat and then asking for a dance. So it does set you up somewhat as a 'mark' for dancers.
And another time at a different visit I did the same 'tip just to stagetip' because I was sort of bored and was killing time waiting for someone and I was not even interested in a getting a dance from her but she comes over after her stage dance, talks to me, trying to sell a dance and I ended up buying her and myself a drink when I didn't want a drink because the waitress stopped by, never even bought a dance from her but ended up of spending $20 when i didn't plan to. That kind of sucked. So again, it does draw unwanted attention if you didn't want attention from that dancer only because you tipped her, so now she'll come around looking for you.

Dayshift vs Nightshift
I know now that I am more of a nighttime strip club guy, I have been to dayshift a couple of different times but its not for me. Its not bad or anything but it has a different feel and energy compared to night time. I prefer the nighttime energy, it just feels right to me. What @Papi said is true, during shift change at 5pm-7pm its dead inside of the club in terms of dancers being in the club. Its true the hottest girls, work nighttime.

Another thing I wanted to add that hasn't been mention is when to come in. Coming to the club at 8pm and 9pm is usually the peak time crowd. If you come at this time on a Friday and Saturday, the club will be packed as hell. I avoid those 2 specific party days because I don't like crowds. But even at any other day 8pm,9pm is the peak customer crowd, regardless, generally speaking. You have more customer competition and less available preferred seating and space in the club. Its better to come after 10pm when that crowd leaves and the club becomes less busy and it settle back down somewhat.

I remember coming into the club at 10pm one time which was late for me(I was usually the 8 a clock guy) and coming in at 10pm was one the best experiences of my strip club visit. My favorite dancer comes out of no where(I didn't even see her coming) sits down right next to me and I got a dance from her within 10 minutes of me being there, Touchdown!!

When I come in at 7pm, 8pm she is usually really busy. One time I waited over 2 hours to get a dance from her. So if you can, its better to come in after 10pm when the 8pm crowd dies out and leaves. Next time I'm going to a club will be at 10pm!!!! It makes for a better strip club experience getting what I want.

Plus what @Papi said its true; nearing closing time 10pm+ the girls will hustle to make their money if they are unhappy with what they have made so far, so you'll be the one in demand!!! That never even occurred to me until @Papi mention it. Thanks for that advice @Papi.
again so much experience (and opinions) posted here. bottom line.
kudos to papi chulo for his post. heres to all having a good time wherever! clink!
I agree that the focus should no on what the crusty wants; but SOME care should go to the dancer. The strip club business has seen a massive exodus of clubs and good looking, non-drug addled women in the past decade. Famous spots are either a shadow of themselves / Mitchell Brothers in SF for example / or on last legs, i.e. Baltimore's block, which maybe has 1-2 years left. The "heck with them" approach, while justified in some cases, is leaving only older, unattractive, dangerous from public health perspective, or the good looking but clearly predatory types who deliver little unless y r talking mortgage payment level payments. Don't get me wrong -- at the end of day, this is business transaction. But if we only "reward" a very few, we are only going to get a very few , and from what I've seen across country, that's usually unattractive and addled. Yes you can get action from high Rosie o donnel look-alike, but really, why bother
I'm amazed I missed this article and thread, but I'm glad I finally saw it. Nearly any PL will benefit from the wisdom here. One thing I will mention is each region or town has its anomalies. Many Baltimore clubs have their "tip walks" or "tip crawls" where it is literally expected you give the girl a buck. I'll of course tip at the stage (if it is not stationed somewhere in the middle of the bar) if the gal is particularly cute and if she removes her top and (where allowed) bottom and I like what I see.

I will add that the best regular gals will continue to let you "explore" and will give you more of her time as she knows she will get something from you as opposed to some random punter. But some gals will definitely take you for granted if you become "too" regular. I find seeing a gal once every few months is best. My best encounters are to a club in Raleigh I visit once a year where I see a dancer who was a favorite from Baltimore (she pops up in Baltimore once a year too). The club has its "overmanagement" issues with bouncers and lap dance rules, but my gal gives me companionship and fun conversation at dinner and a superb VIP room experience despite the annoying bouncers/managers. As much as I might want "more" from that girl (OTC, more time, etc) relying on that one regular girl and one club will keep you from enjoying other experiences. Especially as a lot of us travel around the country, variety is good, and there is nothing wrong with having a different "regular" in different places you go.

A very well thought out article. I appreciate your insights. I didn't realize some of the thought behind some of the points you made until you mentioned it. These tips make good sense - and they offer useful insight.
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