Baltimore Strip Clubs: Choosing a Gentleman's Club or The Block?

The 2 Gentlemens Clubs in the area are Scores and The Hustler. Scores will have the best quality by far.There are some truly real stunning girls. You will frequently find a 10. You will pay a premium for her time and attention. The "hustle" at Scores is far lower than what you will find at some of the tip end clubs in other cities. Often the top girls gravitate toward their regulars. If you are from out of town and pulling a one-nighter, it is fairly easy to solve any problem at a strip club with $$$. Scores is no exception. Simply tip your future ex-wife of your dreams a few twenties when she does her stage rotation, and she is sure to have a drink or two with you as you decide whether to go VIP or just the Lap Dances. The "hustle" at Scores is usually far less than many other GC's I have been to while traveling. As always YMMV depending on your lady.
Topless LD are $30, "regular top on LD is $20. "grindage" is full on and hands allowed to roam over anything not covered. The champagne room can be great fun as it is with most clubs. Although it is not cheap. Dayshift offers 2 for 1 for all dances and rooms. You do not pay $20 per drink for the girls, although, at the clubs advice, they will likely order the most expensive drink they can. As with any club, the level of fun is largely determined by you girl and your connection with her....or her greed for money:)
Do not expect to bust a nut outside of your pants while at Scores.
Hustler is the only other true Gentleman's club in Baltimore City. It is similar to Scores however the quality is a bit lower. There is also a much wider array of rules at Hustler. Some days you can "get away" with far more and other days far less. This is largely determined by management that day, the girl you are with, and believe it or not, the last time the LE came in to hassle the club. In my Hustler experience, I have some nights in the VIP where some outstanding mileage occurred. Other nights, she often pointed at a camera and slowed things down. Dayshift at Hustler is usually dead. It is 2for 1 but Scores is hands down better on dayshift the Hustler. I rate Scores much higher overall than Hustler. The only part about hustler I like better is that is on the end of the block so if I get all worked without an outlet- the good ole' block is right there!
So now we have "The Block" or what I affectionately call "The Dark Side". If it is "mileage" you seek, go to the block. It is a mile away from scores (and closer to the airport). There are multiple clubs to choose from on The Block. I am not going to review each club on The Block. That is virtually useless since girls and the clubs change so often, plus several other people have done club reviews on The Block. You just never know week to week what any particular club will be like.
Overall the top Block clubs, strictly by consistency, are The Pussy Cat and The Red Room. I still find that it is usually best to check all the clubs yourself. That is part of the fun. Opening each door on the Block, while searching for "THEE" girl of the day, is akin to opening presents like a kid on xmas morning. Id also advise that when you find THEE girl, settle in and end the search. Too often, I continue my adventure and pass up a girl I really like and find that she is no longer available.
I suggest you begin you block adventure by expressing some air of confidence and a showing little "game" yourself. Don't let yourself get played. Be prepared to walk out of 2 or 3 clubs until you see a chick that catches your eye. Don't feel bad about walking out immediately when you see a chick that looks like a linebacker for The Ravens. The fun thing about the block is the adventure; not knowing what to expect. You could find a cute young GND who just graduated HS and needs to make some extra money, or a young hot recent divorcee. Or unfortunately the inevitable ugly toothless chick who is 7 months pregnant (hard pass on that one!). So many girls, so many stories. You will see and hear it all.
I have rarely gone down to The Block and failed to find at least a few young hotties desperate for $ and willing to ensure I have a wonderful time. At least that is the attitude and approach I use when going down to the "dark side" for a BLOCK adventure. Anything goes on the block. Keep that sense of adventure if you opt to "Block-IT". If you do find a girls that you want to meet, you buy her a drink for $20-25 for an intro 5-10 minutes. After that, it is expected you can make a decision if you want to take the party upstairs or maybe a little nook in the club for more privacy and a higher priced drink. I am fairly certain that the drinks and policies of each club is already published buy some of my other Block buddies. Nothing has changed here for decades!
If you just want the traditional safer strip club experience, stick with Scores or The Hustler (also on the block but at the end). Your $ at Scores and Hustler wont go as far but the quality will be far better overall. The Block is down and dirty and truly an adventure!
Hope this helps. Good luck. I happy to answer any specific questions.
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Had a similar experience in San Francisco, with a bunch of clubs on the same street right next to each other. Been to long to remember to many details other than a young black spinner chick who cowgirled me both normal and reverse for some nut blowing fun. Cool part was there was a mirror that I was able to look at and see her fine sculpted ass going up and down on my cock. Oh the memories.
Having to buy a dancer a $25-drink just to be able to talk to her for a few minutes does not appeal to me since I like variety and thus would not be too happy about having to buy several dancers $25 drinks just to get a chance to talk to them.
Many Block clubs also seem “gimmicky” for lack of a better-word – have read reviews of clubs where there can be like 5 different dance prices - $20 full-clothed in this part of the club; $30 topless in that side/part of the club; but $40 topless in that other side of the club; etc – too much hassle to go thru and I feel like I'm just outright getting gypped by the club – I like things straight-forward and don't mind spending $$$ but don't like wasting $$$ - and having to spend $$$ so I can then spend more $$$ to have fun is just to ROBish for my taste.
Not saying The Block is not worth-it and I'll probably try-it some day; but just to gimmicky and tourist-trappy for me.
In my younger years of occasionally visiting the block ( circa early 90's), when a drink was bought, the girl would hang out and pull the dong out and stick shift it while French kissing. The girls would have a heavy liquor drink and would take drinks from it often in between kissing. Those were tasty kisses with the flavor of the mixed drink added in. In one club, during the daytime shift I got to fuck this stripper right on the bar stool. The bartender would check on us as I would have to continue buying drinks, as I was getting the extras right fuckin' there. Like in a porn movie, ordering a drink while I kept stroking the ho's pussy. Man that shit was crazy. The ironic part is that the main Baltimore police precinct is literally at the end of the Block. If the cops would have walked into the place, I would have walked right cuffs that is.
I don't even try anything that nutty now, but back in the day on the Block, crazy shit probably went down all the time. Now, the pc police has choked the fun out of just about everything. In Baltimore, the crusade against the sex industry is in a zealous state, and they still on occasion do a raid on the Block. It was more fun back in the day than it is now, that's for sure.
I certainly agree that $25 for just 5-10 minutes can be steep. However, at most clubs $25 is just a one song LD. For that $25 "drink" at the block, you could receive a LD and much more.
The way I use my time for the $25 drink is a get to know you. I try to engage a brief conversations about what is "on the menu". I enjoy testing the vibe to see if I want to take it to the next level with this young lady.
How many time have you seen a girl on stage that you thought was your type and you pay to go to a more private area, yet are disappointed by any number of factors? Her breath, bad attitude, she not as good looking up close etc etc. . I use that $25 as a quick road test and can often discover how much I would enjoy the upgrade to a $200plus champagne room encounter. Sure, it can be pricey, but I go in to any Strip Club expecting to spend some bucks if I plan to have eXtra fun. Also- there are in between drinks for longer periods of time and a closer encounter. . Like anywhere, everything is negotiable too. If you tip the bartender well, you buy yourself a great deal more time. Many patrons buy a larger $50-$70 drink, remain right at their bar stool and walk out 30 minutes having relived themselves of the poison.
One more tidbit and one of my fave activities-- 95% of the girls are available for OTC activities. I do not advise this for newbies! Use caution, OTC at The Block is not for the not feint of heart.
If your desire is to enjoy a cocktail, while watching the chicks dance on stage without being bothered, then The Block is definitely NOT for you. I strongly advise those people to go to Scores or The Hustler.
The Block is great for Players, Hunters and adventure seekers. It is NOT for solo rookies. I've been "Blocking it" for 30 years! This may be the only place I can admit that. LOL. Be Safe!
I guess if one is looking to drop $200+ with a girl in VP then a $25-drink it not that big a deal (although I still think it's a rip-off); but I'm a volume PL; I usually do not do extras and prefer to get dances w/ many different dancers rather than spending most/all my funds on just one-dancer; so me liking volume then add-ons start to cut into my bottom-line significantly and I feel I'm not getting good-value.
But as I mentioned; I personally won't know for sure if it's worth it to me unless I experience it for myself so we shall see.
I have def heard of black clubs in B'more and The Block; I'm just not close to making a trip to that area currently.
I am more on the GND look. You know that cheerleader in HS you wanted to bang....
During an afternoon visit to the Block, I stopped by several clubs, all located in close proximity of each other. A quick synopsis and then I'll describe Chez Joey in a bit more detail.
Norma Jeans--a walk through because the talent was sparse-- 3 thick, curvy black girls -- no problem with black girls, but I prefer slender and athletic bodies.
Pussy Cat-- not much talent was visible so a very brief visit.
Red Room-- decent selection of dancers including a few in the 7 range. The VIP is seriously overpriced and it is essentially a closet with a padded seat.
Chez Joey-- decent looking interior (for a converted row house) and a decent selection of dancers (just a smidgen below the Red Room). Arranged for a VIP trip with one of the dancers. The push to buy dancer drinks was not as intense as some of the other clubs so I liked the more laid back atmosphere. The VIP at Chez Joey is upstairs and is a small but comfortably appointed room. The price was also less than the VIP price at the Red Room. Of the four clubs that I visited, none were great value, two had decent (not outstanding) talent (Red Room and Chez Joey) and Chez Joey had the nicest VIP area and a reasonable rate (in comparison to the other clubs). Based on this very limited sample, only Chez Joey and Red Room would merit another visit.