
10 Commandments for Strip Club Enthusiasts

Having spent quite a bit of time over the last 15 years in various strip clubs, massage parlors, and various other adult entertainment locations all around the country, having seen the adult entertainment business change dramatically when CL and Backpage started their sites, and then seeing the CL adult site close after the serial killer, and having seriously dated one stripper for 18 months and been involved in various relationships with other strippers, I thought I'd share a 10 tips for any budding enthusiasts out there.

1) Thou shalt inquire about the club. You should already know that all clubs are not created equal. There are clubs where I would take a business client, clubs that I would go with a date (an open-minded and freaky date, mind you), clubs where I'd go to watch a game and naked women, clubs that are great party places, and clubs where I go only to feel and get felt. Doing your homework on TUSCL and checking out websites is helpful, but the best information comes from the dancers themselves. I have found that especially if a dancer comes by you to ask for a tip or a dance, if you say "This is my first time here, can you tell me about the place?" or ask about the rules, you can find out everything you need to know: how much contact is allowed, where is it allowed, do girls give extra attention, does she give extra attention, anything you need to know without having to ask alot of detailed questions. (I've always been told by dancers what clubs might suit my particular interests on particular day better.)

2) Thou shalt know or learn what thy preferences are and cater to them. As I said in commandment 1, all clubs are not equal. Learn what you prefer and spend your time and money in clubs that cater to your preferences. I learned early on that when I go to a strip club I want as much contact as possible, and therefore a lot of the Franchise Clubs don't suit me because they tend to minimize contact. So if I am at a club and the dancer tells me that there is little or no contact, I plan a speedy exit. On the other hand clubs that seem a little seedy to others often work our well for me because they tend to be a little more relaxed around the touching issue.

3) Thou shalt bring more money than thou expects to spend. Unless you are very uptight about money, it is easier to spend more money that you planned than it is to fall trying to roller-skate down stairs. I have a habit of taking the money I am planning to spend in one, easy to reach pocket, and the money I don't want to spend in another, harder to get to pocket. While most strip clubs have ATMs or other ways of turning plastic into cash now, the surcharges on this can be high. Better to have a little too much money than a little to little.

4) Thou shalt tip appropriately. Tipping should be considering into to the money you bring (commandment #3). While it should make common sense to tip the bartenders/waitstaff, tipping the dancers is important also. Girls watch the way you treat other dancers, and they talk about how you have treated them in VIP or lap dance rooms. Giving a couple of dollars, especially when a girl is on stage doing something noteworthy, can go a long way, and I have seen it turn an ordinary night into an unforgettable night with vibrators and dildos and whipped cream and...

5) If thou liveth in the city with a strip club, thou shalt make a stripper friend. Its easy to do, and you don't have to have a serious or really any relationship with them outside of the club. But knowing a name, a story, something about a girl can go a long way. Dancers are people too, and its just good practice to be a good human being. It can also help make a good not great and a save a night from being a disaster (buy me a drink and I'll tell you about the time two strippers tried to set me up to get robbed before a friend tipped me off.

6) Thou shall know thy acceptable risk and act appropriately. If you have a job where you don't want people knowing you attend strip clubs. Have an alias, but know your alias. Know your name, your occupation, whether you are local or visiting long before you go in. Know it well enough to be able to tell it drunk. If you want to make a friend, have an extra phone or another way to communciate other than using your real number.

7) Thou shall never bring thy main phone in a club unless it is absolutely needed. Pocket dials during a lap dance can be awkward. Best to avoid having one all together.

8) Thou shall respect boundaries. This another rule that is essentially, "Be a human being". Please refer to rules 1 and 2 and know that whatever your preferences may be there is a club for you, and likely there is a girl at most clubs willing to accomodate you for the right price and proper treatment. There is no need wasting time trying to convince, must less argue or fight someone who does not wish to fullfill your fantasy. Its much, much easier just to move on.

9) Thou shall plan in advance for thine alcohol consumption. This of course applies to drinking and driving. Don't risk it. Its stupid and dangerous. But this also applies to your actions inside the club. Are you looser with money once you are drunk? Does your personality change? Have someone who knows these things about you and is willing to step in to save you from yourself and/or save someone else from you if need.

10) Thou shall have a good time. Your first few trips into a strip club can make you nervous, especially you don't know what to expect. Just try to enjoy the sights, the sounds and the feels. They can provide endless amounts of good memories and great stories, so don't waste too much time being nervous. Sit back and enjoy!!


  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Good article. Most of it spot on.
  • TheFword
    9 years ago
    RE #1: Always ask. Very good advice even if you have been there before, even if you have been there a lot. First time talking to a new girl,(new to me that is) I want to know her rules, her deal. I've had girls quote their rule, touching is required!
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Love the article bro
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Actually, bring no more money than you can afford to spend. You will spend it all.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    >>>> I personally avoid making friends at my local strip clubs since I live in a small town - I do that when a travel but not at home. Granted, I have a wife, so running into a stripper at a restaurant when you're with your wife - yeah way too awkward. Most strippers know how to handle themselves but some don't.
  • noone123
    9 years ago
    I have to say that number one is most important to me. Generally speaking before I visit a club I read some reviews here to be sure I'm getting the experience I'm looking for. Sometimes the clubs work out better than the reviews say and vice versa, but it's good to know what you're getting yourself into. Thanks for the additional tips.
  • TxVegas
    9 years ago
    I agree with most of your advice, especially the research on what type of club you are looking for.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    I look at the article and wonder why bother. With the amount of effort and rules suggested it ruins a fine day.Fuck planning in advance; fuck having stripper friends; fuck asking people advice when they know jack shit about you and want your money; if you want dances don't be a stage tipping chump; screw your preferences...experience new things then add them to your own repetoire with women in real life. To this day, despite going strip clubbing for many years I have yet to do OTC, negotiate prices or investigate before I go. I just show up and let life unfold. I don't worry if people know because i am a local character and I take my wife to the clubs I go to. Its not a science and here is ow to have fun: Bathe carefully, shave, trim your nails, son't use cologne, wear clean fresh clothes, be polite, don't treat dancers like whores, compliment them on things they don't expect guys to notice( example I love the nail polish instead of wow u have bit tits) don't be richy rich spender cuz then you're a chump. Have fun. Pound some beers. Chat with the bartender. Be cool to the bouncers. since if they want to ignore the fact you have your fist in her vagina in the lap dance room its their call.
  • chukko
    9 years ago
    Good advice.
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    Agreed, good article, good advice. I would add another commandment, although it could be considered an extension of #2. Thou shalt learn to say NO if you're not interested, and not feel guilty about it. If a dancer doesn't match your preference, you are under no obligation to spend money on her, regardless of how slow business is in the club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Solid advice all around.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Don't forget "thou shalt have a watch". don't gotta be fancy but god damn, get one. If you feeling brave go for one that lights up. Because if you don't want to bring your phone in, you need a way to tell time and the clock on the wall may be hard if not impossible to see. You gotta get up early the next day if you don't want to be late for work after all. (Unless you're like me and plan your trips accordingly).
  • indymovieman
    9 years ago
    #1 reminded me of my first time in a particular club. I was asked if I wanted a private dance. I told her it was my first time there and asked about the rules. Her response was classic: "Well, we will go to the back. I'll molest you and you'll molest me. Any questions?"
  • GG81
    9 years ago
    Some really good advice here - in the article and the comments.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Well written - and good advice too.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
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