

It was a dark night and the ship was rocking furiously as the waves crashed against it. The crew was frantically running about. They were trying to hold on &amp; control the sails to keep them from being torn away.<br />
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The only light they had came from the moon so high above. The storm clouds threatened to snuff the light out, but somehow it managed to shine down on them giving them a small ray of hope despite the storm.<br />
<br />
The ship was battered and The crew was beyond exhaustion. Their bodies ached with great pain. There minds were filled with confusion &amp; fear. Would they survive the night? Or was this the end of there lives?<br />
<br />
No one new what their fate would be. Would it be death or would it be life?<br />
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The dawn was beaming a small glimmer of light ahead. Yet the storm was still raging. Will this ever end?<br />
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As the crew continued to wear down, the sea began to calm. The waves began to settle now. And the wind turned in to a fast moving breeze.<br />
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The sun became brighter and the sea was calm. There was a light breeze now. Oh what a relief. The crew all collapsed on the deck as if they were dead. The sails began to catch the gentle breeze &amp; guided them across the waves once again. The sun reflected on the water as if to look like diamonds that had been sprinkled over the sea. How beautiful everything was. It was as if the storm had never come.</p>


  • 2ofus
    13 years ago
    yes, but how much?
  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    Christal, your use of imagery is very good. I enjoy your contributions.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    great storie
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    Christal- Have you ever been in a storm? If you have, you would know that the moon, or sun would be the last thing you'd see, what with overcast skies, and raining like a cow pissing on a rock. (Hows that for imagery??) Furthermore, for it to "storm through the night" could only be the product of a very extensive low- pressure area. (Versus a common localized intense storm that can occur on land or sea alike. It was a small, but intense localized storm that is believed to cause the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975). A crewmember on a sailing vessel in the middle of a storm with high waves would be lucky to determine where the horizon really is.
    Even on the backside of the low, with clearer skies, there would still be a bit of wind for a while. Nitpicky, I know, but this is a more critical audience than a bunch of 5th or 6th graders. FWIW, I'd be willing to wager that your son/daughter got at least a "B" for this submission to teacher.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Minow, what a great comment. I can see you are a realist where as this story is more on the fantasy/ fiction list. So through my fantasy world this is how I saw it. Think of stories like Alice in wonderland or Edward sisor hands. All were fantastic fantasys with zero reality As far as my children go, well I have to say they had nothing to do with the story. I will take all of the credit for bad gramer & misspelled words. After all I'm still learning and writing is. Wry difficult for me because of the learning disorder & dilslexia I have. I'm facing my fears of writing and having them published in what is the m
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    The most critical inviroment, yet the most enjoyable.

    Thank you all for your comments. I truly appreciate it.

  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    Happy New Year, Christal. I enjoy your sensuous writing style.
  • jestrite50
    13 years ago
    Spending several years as a BM2 in the USN I have been in many storms at sea. I remember storms where you would have "waves of rain" that would come across the bow and then it would stop and the clouds would break only to be followed by another storm system. I am not so critical of this story and believe it could be possible. After all this is just creative fiction. I enjoyed reading it. However I would love some more stories like your Seduction story Christal. That was great writing !
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Thank you for your comments & good wishes. There are more seductive stories coming :)
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