
How to earn more money for Strippers!

Avatar for Knightline

I've been a financial consultant for 20 years, and have some of the highest designations in the business. Here's some current investment advice so you can pay for your dances:

Invest in high-income securities. Currently, NY stock exchange securities like AGNC (20% current yield, NLY(15%), & CIM(17%)are very good - they pay dividends over 15%!! They are likely to pay that until short term interest rates rise - but that wont' happen for a long time - here's why. The official CPI consists 50% of wages and wages are going nowhere for a long time. Another 25% is housing and guess what - see what I say about wages. We as a nation are in 'save' mode - not spending mode. So, US stocks aren't going anywhere either. That is - any company depending solely on the US economy is a problem. If you want growth stocks - look at developing countries - and stay away from Japan and Europe - they are not developing! Go to China, India, Brazil, etc. But these are volatile stocks - still they should do better than any other growth areas over the next 10 years. Better yet - stay with high-income securities like the ones I listed above. But make sure you sell them when short term interest rates start to go up - but you're safe for another 6 months at least. If you put away 10K and get 17% - you'll have $1500 in six months to splurge on lap dances!!


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Avatar for farmerart


I was searching for a NASDAQ quote for CIM's companion company - BBBJ. Couldn't find a recent quote; must be very thinly traded. Could you give me a current quote?

Avatar for Knightline

For BBBJ - It's going for about $200 depending on the vig.

Avatar for Knightline

I like AGNC - it is only investing in mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - pseudo-govt agencies that the US Govt. if pretty much behind. Darn nice yield for the risk level. All these are sensitive to short-term interest rates but as I wrote - I doubt short term rates will rise in the near future.


Avatar for samsung1

How about investing in the DETROIT area economy. Ford is making a comeback. What do you think about investing in VCGH or RICK?

Avatar for samsung1

There is a stock quote of "BJ" BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. (NYSE)‎

Avatar for Knightline

Yes CIM is very appropriate for hobbyists! And it pays YOU!!

Avatar for glen_livet

Here is your TUSCL ticker for today:

ATF.F 1.83 BJ 47.16 CBJ 11.93 CFS 2.48 CIM 4.10

DFKM11.CME 21.00 GFE 18.22 ITC 60.80 LD 58.45 OTC.TO 44.05

Avatar for steve229

Hey, maybe we could start our own TUSCL mutual fund.

Avatar for samsung1

CBJ = also abbreviation for columbus hockey team (Columbus Blue Jackets)

Avatar for farmerart

steve229: I am getting back in business when my non-compete expires in May, 2011. Would be very happy to take any TUSCL capital you can get together. I would even let you guys name the new company. C$30 million would be a good starting figure. I just visited the site where samsung1 shops for xmas gifts for ATFs. How about Vajazzle Petroleum? The possibilities for a company logo are intriguing.

Avatar for samsung1

LOL Farmerart................by the way, Jim Cramer mentioned CIM on his tv show on friday "Chimera Investment [CIM 4.22 0.06 (+1.44%) ]: Annaly Capital [NLY 18.22 0.11 (+0.61%) ] is a better play, Cramer said." www.cnbc.com

Avatar for steve229

Hmm, CIM or Anally? Tough choice.

Avatar for chimpo55

Scammer and a shark. These "investment" people just want our money to benefit them, whether we do or not!! NEVER trusted investment or stock brokers!

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