
Flexing Your Love Muscles

“Become more and more aware of love. Your heart is fast asleep — it has to be awakened. And once it is awake, you will be tremendously happy. Happiness is a function of love; nothing else makes anybody happy except love.

“Almost everybody's heart is fast asleep. We have never been taught the ways of love. We have been taught the ways of hate, because we have been conditioned to struggle, fight. You have been taught that the whole world is your enemy and everybody is after your throat. Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, but this is the whole conditioning — that you are in a very antagonistic world, and you have to fight if you want to survive, and to fight by any means — honest or dishonest. If you don't fight you will be defeated; if you want to defend yourself, attack. This has been the whole conditioning of the mind. Hence, naturally, love has dropped out of existence.

“The heart goes on throbbing like a physical mechanism, but it is no longer a spiritual vehicle — which is what it is meant to be. It is not only a physical mechanism; it is also a spiritual vehicle. So when you start throbbing in love, only then are you really alive, fully alive.

“So become more aware of it. The more aware you become, the more and more loving you will feel.

“When you hold the hand of your friend, do it very alertly. See whether your hand is releasing warmth or not. Otherwise you can hold the hand and there is no communication, no transfer of energy. In fact you can hold the hand and the hand can be completely cold and frozen. There is no vibration, no pulsation; energy is not streaming into the friend. Then it is futile. It is an empty gesture, an impotent gesture.

“So when you are holding the hand, watch deep inside whether energy is flowing or not, and help to direct the energy. Bring the energy there; move the energy there. In the beginning it will be just an exercise in imagination, but energy follows imagination.

“Imagination creates the root...it channels energy. So when you hold the hand, hold it consciously and imagine that the energy is moving there and that the hand is becoming warmer and welcoming. You will see a tremendous change happening.

“When you look at somebody, look with eyes of love, because otherwise the physical eyes are just stones. They are very cold; they have no welcome in them.

“When you look at people, pour love through the eyes. When you walk, walk throwing love all around.

“In the beginning it will just be imagination and within a month you will see it has become a reality. And others will start feeling that you have now a warmer personality...that just to come close to you feels tremendously good, a well-being arises.

“So this is to be your conscious effort — become more aware of love, and release more love.”

Osho, Blessed Are the Ignorant

1 comment

  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Kumbaya my lord....kumbayahhhhhh.

    Actually, the heart is just a muscle that pumps blood. Our emotional reactions are tied to the brain. Perhaps that's why people are having trouble finding love...they're looking in the wrong organ.

    As for the world is out to get you thing. Biologically speaking, you are successful only by passing on your genes. While humans have developed this whole morality thing, the liars and cheaters who have a bunch of kids running around are more successful in life than others who follow the rules and take care of their 2.5 children.

    jk...nice sentiments.
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