Best strip club in Atlanta...Follies

I am best known for my reviews and knowledge of the Columbia Platinum Plus. It is still my favorite club. But I do visit other clubs. I have lived in Atlanta since 1987 and started visiting the clubs here about 12 years ago. I have visited about 12 of the 43 clubs listed on TUSCL. Hotlanta is best known as the home of the "air dance". Table dances are done for $10 ($5 in some black clubs) with very limited contact. The action is all in the VIP rooms. Usually VIP rooms go for $35-50 per half hour to the house and dancer prices start at $100. BJ's and FS are available at a price. Takeout is also available. Look out for prices. NOT cheap. Recently Follies has been getting a lot of reviews. Their 12 month trend is positive. I have swapped notes with 4 TUSCL buddies about the club. I was intrigued so I ventured there last Thu along with 4 other ATL clubs. The reviews are correct. I arrived at 1PM after a ho hum visit to Pink Pony. Plenty of free parking and no cover. Drinks are a bit pricey ($4.25 for a coke) but I was not there to drink. There were 25 or so dancers working. That is unheard of for that time of day. They ranged in appearance from 6-8 with a few higher. There were 3 dancers on stage at all times and they all quickly got naked. This alone would draw a crowd. The place was packed. But what makes this place a standout is the VIBE. The music was great. There were table dances going on everywhere. And by ATL standards they were good dances with limited 2 way contact. The guys were having a blast and so were the girls. And they were making money. They were very friendly. There is always a lot of complaints from customers about being ignored. Not here. Sure some of the girls gave preferential service to regulars but there were so many girls working that you didn't wait long for company. The "wanna dance" and "upsell" factors were very low . I got dances from 6 different dancers and found them very enjoyable. 2 got extremely personal (In a nice way) lol. There are 3 VIP rooms available that are not all that private. $42 to the house for 30 mins and $100 for the dancer. I did not imbide on this trip. But my scouts advise that HJ's are available but anything more is unlikely. It's an hour drive for me but for a FUN visit, hard to beat. It will never replace Platinum Plus as my #1 favorite but it is now my #1 ATL favorite. My thanks to TimboATL, 10inches, Theriddler and Percy for confincing me to give it a try.
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last commentNice writeup, SC. I have to remark though when you say $4.25 for a Coke is pricey: Many Detroit clubs charge me $6.75 for a bottled water (an ad runs on TV for a store which is selling a case for $1.99) and by the time I've tipped I'm down $8.
CT, I hit 5 clubs that day. The prices for cokes was $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75, and $4.25. That is why I said pricey. Columbia Platinum Plus charges $3.50 and $3.75 for bottled water. The dancers get a coke for a $1.00 tip.
The top 100 list agrees with you. Follies is ranked 36, the highest for any club in GA. Cols Gold diet coke before 7pm is only $2 or $2.25 and no cover before price I have seen for strip clubs. It includes free refills but I typically tip a $1 for them. Dreamgirls on the other side of town will charge $6.75 for one, no refills and a $10 cover any time.
Finally Follies got recommendation from some of the famous Tuscl members. It was was overdue..I am hoping club should maintain it's uptrend for now till Oasis, Pink Pony etc wake up..
Finally follies got recommendation from famous tuscl members. It was long overdue :).. Hope Follies should pick up further and maintain it's uptrend unless Oasis, Pink Pony wakeup..
I haven't been to Follie's yet but based on all the reviews I plan to check it out. My biggest concern is the privacy....sounds like the lap-dance area isn't too private, and VIP rooms aren't either. Am I wrong?