Waitresses are the key to a good night!

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Over the past year I've turned into somewhat of a strip club semi-regular. I go maybe once every two weeks. I like variety, and the Detroit area has plenty of that, so I rarely go the same club twice in a month or two. I read the reviews here often, post my own, and use the site for what it is intended...gathering information to make a value based decision.

Now that being said, I have found that BY FAR, the most important tool for getting info on any given night is the waitress. This site's reviews are great for the clubs, the layouts of the VIP rooms, and overall feel, but unless you read about specific dancers AND they happen to be working the night you go, you're still going in blind every night.

I always pay extra for the booth, and I always buy the waitress a drink and tip very well right off the bat. I'm in my early 30's, I'm in good shape, and I come to the clubs with $$, so I'm a pretty good target for dancers. 9 times out of 10, the waitress will sit with me when I buy her drinks. I strike up a conversation, with questions thrown in about the club and dancers working that night. Jackpot! As long as she's not new to the club, the waitresses know everything. Which girls are ripoffs, which do extras, which are annoying, etc, etc. This really helps me avoid wasting "trial" dances with girl after girl before I find what I'm looking for.

Advantage #2. Buying the waitresses drinks, while expensive at times, pays me back in the money I save having her drink sitting on the table. Let me explain. I'm not a hard sell guy. I know the game, I have no problem telling a girl I'm not interested (especially shot girls,) and I want to choose my dancer, not the other way around. When a girl sits next to me and asks for a dance immediately, I almost always pass. By buying the waitress a drink, she leaves it at the table when she's gone, and I don't get the never ending train of girls sitting down because they think I'm with another dancer because they see the drink. This allows me to scope out the dancers on my own. With a little help from the waitresses, I usually can get what I want, when I want it, and without a lot of wasted time and extra money.

Sure there are nights that are exceptions, especially really busy nights, but I almost always go early in the week, at night, so most clubs aren't packed with customers. A combination of this website and a good waitress, and I can walk out of the club at night within my budget, and with a smile on my face.


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Deja vú all over again. :)
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
And of course it comes through as a glob! Your nice paragraphs are no more ...
avatar for tttclub
14 years ago
And I took my sweet time to make sure it was in a nicely packaged, easy to read format.

Oh well.
avatar for dw.buck
having fun
14 years ago
great tips, will use this technique next time
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I too realize the value of having waitresses on the customer's side. The club I visit regularly in Calgary has a weekly turnover of dancers but I have cultivated two of the waitresses to be on my side. When I enter the club now one of my "friends" will make suggestions about the current week's roster of dancers. It is not so much the money saved that I appreciate but the time not wasted in the hunt.
I have to disagree with the value of waitresses. First of all their turnover is about the same as dancers. Where do they get their information? Gossip? My favorite waitress at the Columbia Platinum Plus is Jen. She knows me by my real name, what I drink and who I usually get dances from. She has worked there for 2 or 3 years and is a sweetheart but She does NOT know who does what in the back room. My best source is other dancers that know me well.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
Another advantage to having a good relationship with servers is that they will save your seat when you go to the VIP even when the club is crowded. That's always one of my peeves when I return from a few lappers upstairs and find my table occupied by another PL.
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