
Comments by OutlawJosieWales

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Dancer here can be a handful
    Note how I didn't call or out anyone by name which I won't. All I posted were facts which are given by the dancers or employees themselves. But cool, I'll be happy to NOT share any detailed info with you. Keep overspending and getting less. Enjoy!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Dancer here can be a handful
    Skibum you sure seem like a paranoid loser with no life. You seem to accuse everyone of being a troll and seem to live on this site.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Dancer here can be a handful
    @LTeo Whenever things don't make sense, there is a reason although it might not be obvious at first. Regarding the special arrangement, I have no knowledge if that's true, but I wouldn't be suprised since what I can say for sure is CD is an incestuous club. Many of the dancers live with each other or have lived with each other in the past. Some date or have dated each other (certain dancers are bi), I know of a few dancers who are related, certain employees knew management/owners before working there. Of course, some won't tell you any of this, but RI is a small state and the club/bar/restaurant industry even smaller. So it might make sense.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Dancer here can be a handful
    I'd say neutral, in my situation I could tell the stare was like a dagger. But yeah I don't know. I suspect since all the girls talk I must have done something to rub a few the wrong way. This specific situation happened when a dancer yelled at me cause she saw me go to VIP with another girl. I wrote in another post that some of these girls are single (or not) and looking for boyfriends. A few have admitted that to me, but it is based on faulty assumptions in my opinion. Most strip club customers, myself included, have no interest in this. A guy would have to be insane to date a dancer and even crazier to date a Desire dancer, cause well...I can't even imagine the denial their significant others must put themselves through or they are extremely naive.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Dancer here can be a handful
    @Nelly I'd definitely call them out but I don't want to out myself!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Novaline or Novalina
    Amazing I have never seen or heard of this dancer.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Desire closing at end of summer?
    I just looked at the webite mentioned and the discourse is garbage. Haven't seen or heard anything about this.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Boring Wednesday afternoon visit
    Much is how you connect with a dancer. Some enjoy times with certain regs more than other guys, just like guys prefer some dancers over others. So dislodging them may be difficult. That guy may also have known her or been spending money on her for years. My natural skepticism always errs on the side of extreme caution regarding anything more than a transactional relationship with a dancer. With that said, there is still a baseline level of trust and connection established with dancers you get to know. Even more so if you are involved in ahem 'activities.' It's human nature plain and simple. I had dancers tell me other dancers admit to looking for husbands or boyfriends in the club. I'm skeptical of how that turns out, but it probably works both ways with some guys looking for that too, hence the exclusive regular effect.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New blondes in stock!
    Yes everyone has different tastes, but the market determines it. My opinion is certain guys who go to clubs don't have a leg to stand on when they call some dancers ugly. Some are totally out of shape themselves. Of course $$$ is the main name of the game but being in decent shape with a good personality is helpful too.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New blondes in stock!
    Did she have a pixie cut?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Slow Wednesday evening
    @Tetradon Thanks for that. I was considering trying her a few times but now I won't. Is there a list of confirmed robs, it seems we have to keep going through other reviews. I've never had it happen to me but would like to be cautious.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Boring Wednesday afternoon visit
    @himilaya Thanks brother! Yes usually I approach dancers myself. The 'summoning' (the term is cracking me up, reminds me of a magic spell) would come in handy if for example you don't see your dancer of choice or she is in the locker room. I had a dancer tell me I could 'page' her but I wasn't sure what she meant.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Boring Wednesday afternoon visit
    @Nelly or OWG can you summon a dancer if you are not a member of Lust?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday night for dads
    @Skibum Emma is latina. I believe the asian is Ella. @recsandpark no problem. Not sure on who she is!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday night for dads
    I believe the one of the petite Asians is named Remy. The girl who caught your eye, there are many that fit that description. How tall was she? More details may help me narrow it down.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Good some employee / dancer attitudes need improvement
    @TheSheik Also curious who the dancer on stage was. @walter_mitty Who is the manager, how do you talk to them, and will they actually do anything to discipline the staff or dancers? I usually have a great time but some employees act in ways that to me are bad for business. There are a few toxic dancers who bad mouth other dancers and patrons. They should be fired on the spot.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Low expectations, Fun Sunday
    Kayla or Kayleigh. Are we talking about the same girl? Really cute, short and curvy (in a good way) dark hair, cute ditzy voice? I have seen her go into VIP several times almost everytime I have gone early enough to see her. My thoughts, disagree with no fun assessment.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    Dunno, time of day matters. I'm more of a night guy so then is when the girls I know and meet work. I'm on their radars. Daytime is more tricky and where the reg effect seems more pronounced but it is possible that to some day girls I'm a new face. Sometimes there is crossover where a night girl will be there the rare day I go. Then I get lucky. Otherwise, it's a crapshoot. But as I said at this point I have a few reliable girls I like so I just hang out with them! We're both happy with the arrangement so if it ain't broken, don't fix it!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    ^ Lol white guy you are making a lot of assumptions. I have the #s and real info of a bunch of girls here, I've gone 3x in a week before and done a room everytime. Sometimes I want to try a new dancer or I'll go at different than my usual time to see a different crowd of girls. Yeah if she wants to sit for hours with a guy, regular or not, and not expand it's dumb. Is it a risk? Maybe. But it may also work out where if she does a good a job I just do a room with her over and over every week which is the situation I have with a few girls here. Some of the sit with regulars and ignore me never got the chance for that happen cause they didn't want to get out of their comfort zone, even though I gave them enough signals. I don't care anymore cause I have ny stable until they retire or leave the business. Does a company ever sell a product to ONE person? No!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    New to the board. Great discussion. I guess I'm not the only guy who has noticed the time waster reg effect in this club. I have seen some sit for hours while I was a few seats away ready for an immediate room. I even would smile at them, make eye contact and was ignored, so I'm thinking you can make a quick few hundred right now and you don't want to? You're really a finance wiz girl! @Kingcool - great tips! I'm at the point where I have a few sure things here so I just go in to see them. I hate wasting time or playing the lotto with random dancers.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Good some employee / dancer attitudes need improvement
    Good review. What were you dressed like? The reason I ask is that some dancers I met at desires have no idea how to judge men. They think if a guy looks like a baller he is definitely loaded when it's not the case. I know loaded software entrepeneurs that drive 20 year old vehicles, but they judge a book by it's cover. Dumb. The dancer asking detailed questions also seems shady af. I will eventually write a review on this place.