
Comments by bntj1

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    a year ago
    First time need advice
    Uber ride was 79.99 pesos plus a 20 peso tip. Works out to $5.30 plus a free digital trail your gf can find later. Walk a bit to the left for pickup. They won’t pick you up near the taxi stand. I’ve done taxi libre. $5-$7 is the going rate. Get the price up front. They start you at $15, then $10, and will settle at $7, turned out I only had $6 and driver accepted without trying to fight me. Each car is at a different stage of check engine light failures. Hk limo is right there on the pathway when you enter the county. I have too much shame to get in that with all those people watching, probably requires a $5 tip to the driver.
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    a year ago
    Why I enjoy SCs
    Nice read. Personally, I think a “short term” provider relationship is good to mix in with regular casual dating of normal women. It helps satisfy our social and sexual needs. We can probably all agree out of club interactions are unstable. The context of our relationships with providers change rapidly. One week you’re paying for her time, following few weeks she’s says no payment required and you’re dating, month after that she needs help with rent, and then back to square one paying for her time because she’s paying for childcare during your dates or whatever excuse, but its probably drugs or she got temporarily banned for missing shifts or some other bullshit. Heaven forbid you look at her cellphone message or social media, all the thirsty dogs, vying for what’s “yours” Just like we can’t read if their intentions are genuine, they can’t read us either. We have girlfriend(s), wives, casual encounters , use multiple providers. They assume we are affluent but maybe we have a fake timepiece, leased cars and housing , and live off credit. But if we are well off, we just move on, and they miss out on a golden opportunity for romance and stability. Anyway, I know a guy happily married to his former streetwalker provider. So happily ever after can happen. Most likely you’ll get screwed over financially and emotionally. Maybe her pimp will even kick your ass. Just way too many parameters to navigate.
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    a year ago
    New York
    Cloak and Dagger
    I also prefer discretion, and thx, I learned some new tips and I’ve done a few as well. Challenging the idea of a non sexually adventurous spouse. I have a feeling you crave variety and sexual adventure. It’s hard to be married and abandon this lifestyle. Eventually , I did the divorce math, estimated a financial recovery timeframe and it was totally worth it. You could be James Bond but somehow wives always know.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be careful. You can break your dick from fucking.
    Rodman broke his dick several times. I gather it will heal eventually, maybe requires surgical intervention. Hopefully it doesn’t shrink or look deformed. https://youtu.be/p3zDKkoNMcg
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    a year ago
    Adelita In Trouble
    Several Police were guarding the club entrance and perimeter . Police were also stationed across the street 2-26/2023 @11am
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    a year ago
    Cell Phone Discretion
    it’s a lot of overhead just for 2-3 weekends a year. I would rethink the whole plan. Besides, if SO corners you, she’s going to see the statements. The nightly call is tricky. Buying a personal hotspot allows for wifi calling on demand from anywhere. Might require a data sim that works in Mexico. I’ve used gvoice for years. People cannot tell the difference between a gvoice call and a carrier call. It works over wifi when you leave the country. Can also send/receive calls from a laptop or tablet. It’s one number for multiple devices. Android devices manage google voice really well. Maybe convert your SO to the gvoice number. Conversion is a long haul decision, don’t fuk up and use the carrier number. Gvoice can also relay carrier calls. It picks a number randomly for the relay. This could fuk you over if it relays against a Mexican phone number. Test well before committing. WhatsApp with SO only if you normalize usage in advance, otherwise red flag. With apps theres a tendency to crave video chats and overshare availability, last login, locations; stuff you are trying to avoid.