
Comments by minchia

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Worthwhile and Within Expectations
    I've been to this club about a dozen times or so, and probably 9 or 10 of those times I got a number. Other than to ask when a specific girl was working, I've never followed up with let alone had any OTC stuff happen. The point is, most the girls there are just trying to establish regulars. So read too much into it. As far as extras go, DC is probably the *least* likely place for that to happen. Aside from OTP stuff and a little boob sucking (sometimes even a light kiss if she likes you... and/or she's drunk enough), not much else is going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I love that place, and the girls are indeed the hottest in Denver! But if you're hoping Dick von Weiner will get a chance to play in the rain, I'm tellin you that place is drier than a nun's cooch. You're better off going to Player's Club or PT's Centerfolds. By the way, are you sure it's $325 for 15 mins??? I almost always get a half-hour suite (it's actually less costly that way instead of buying a series of $50 lappers), and THAT has always been $325... holy crap!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just for kicks... What if??? Who would win? Who would you club with?
    Bundy!! And the No Ma'am clan!!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    "...a barbarous cuntivore without a flyspeck of decency in him."
    Dances aren't nude per se (technically, this is a topless club only), but girls will routinely flash the kitty. Their knickers never come completely off. Girls set their own prices. Most will do 3 or 4 dances for $100, but again it's at their discretion. There's no club rule as far as I know. There also is no VIP room.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Extremely Pushy Dancers & High Mileage - Not For the Budget-Conscious
    Yup, I had the same exact experience OP, and I think it was even with the same girl you're talking about!!! Does she have a large tattoo on her back, kinda partially covers her butt? Tongue piercing? I don't want to directly call her out, but her name starts with an S. That other broad who was with her is her sister, I think. Yeah, don't try and play nice with that one. She'll do things for sure back there if you find yourself, uh, so inclined... but for as much as she'll try and charge you for it? Hell, you're better off hiring an escort. It'd probably be a hell of a lot safer too!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    "...a barbarous cuntivore without a flyspeck of decency in him."
    Great fun... if you have the coin.
    Oh, how you wish, scrub. And get some new jokes, man. I've read that hotel line so many times in the dozens of crappy comments you've left on dozens of other reviews.