Comments by ShakenGrind
review comment
a month ago

"In the back" doesn't mean much. I've gotten fs in the back. I've also only paid a dancer the floorside rate, since she did little more than pose for 2 songs. Runs the whole gamut.
Sorry, but it sounds like you got ripped off. I never pay more than $30 for cr. It tends to be an automatic red flag for low mileage when dancers overcharge.
discussion comment
5 months ago

review comment
6 months ago

She charged $30 for 1 floordance?
review comment
7 months ago

I'm being generous when I say that Tens hasn't been relevant in at least a decade.
review comment
9 months ago

I got champagne room dances for $25.
review comment
a year ago
On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
Thanks for the info on Tia & Monique.
review comment
a year ago

Too bad Jamaica wasn't there. She has a sexy lithe body. My Venom visits tend to be very brief. Haven't partaken in the cabana experience. I thought a session lasted 30 minutes.
review comment
2 years ago

North Carolina
Malaysia? She was about the only enticing one I've met on my visits to RR. That last review on Curves was bs. It is lower mileage than RR, though, not nearly as much as the review implied. The dancers are better looking there, too. Just depends on what you're looking for.
review comment
2 years ago

Wow, I'm impressed, Venom had actually had around 13 dancers. My last 2 visits there have been extremely brief bc of the lack of dancers. In fact, my last visit was nothing more than a pit stop. Walked in. Saw a couple of undesirable dancers, & nobody else. Took a leak. Left. Anybody know if Kailani is still there?
review comment
2 years ago

New Jersey
I'm not LE. Been to the reef. Asked the bouncer about the different private rooms. Sounded like there were at least 2 different vip rooms, in addition to the champagne room.
review comment
2 years ago

New Jersey
Harderlap: Do you need to go to vip or champagne room for the extra fun?
review comment
3 years ago

The prices have gone up & the mileage has gone down. Curves never had the mileage of the boat or Venom. But you could get real good dances there pre-covid.
review comment
3 years ago

Unfortunately, $15 is what most Curves dancers now charge on the floor, $30 in the Champagne room.
review comment
3 years ago

Good review. Actually reminds me of why I now keep my Curves visits brief, & also tend to sit at the bar. Much lower mileage, nowadays. It was so much fun pre-covid.
review comment
3 years ago

May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor
Management is restrictive on floor dances to try & get you into the champagne room. That's my guess. The whole vibe at Curves has changed.
review comment
3 years ago

May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor
$20 floor dance, & $40 in the champagne room is a ripoff. Not only that the dances are lower mileage than pre-covid. Curves has been under new management for at least a year. I've had the daytime manager, tall guy with a ponytail, tell me & the dancer to "cool it, those are champagne dances" during a floor dance. All she was doing was grinding.
review comment
3 years ago

East Coast
This is the first time I've heard that no touching is allowed for floor dances. Monica is gorgeous. Gotten many floor dances from her, with plenty of touching. Remember the names of the other hot dancers?
review comment
3 years ago

This is a rehash, word for word, of a review that appeared at a different site a couple of months ago. Smells like bs to me. No way in hell do you get 6 cr dances for $100. This person also once mentioned getting a bj from a certain curves dancer who I'd be amazed at if she ever provided that service in the club. Good dancer, but way too conservative for that.
review comment
4 years ago

How has the lineup of dancers been? $30 per dance is rich. But it's been close to 3 months since I've dropped any real money at a stripclub. Would pay that amount if the dances are up to par. Unfortunately, there wasn't many dancers at Curves the last time I was there, despite a decent crowd.
review comment
4 years ago

That was the price we agreed on, & the $10 difference doesn't mean shit to me, anyways. Was carrying several hundred $$. She cost herself $$. I was interested.