
Comments by Sgtsnowman (page 10)

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Good time despite the government's fear mongering
    More than likely she heard from the latina girl that I was from CA. I've seen it before that out of towners get the price notched up a bit. At this point, I don't make a big deal out of it as long as it a horrendous difference. I liked hanging out with Sadie enough that it didn't bother me.
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    4 years ago
    New York
    Punxatawney Fauci. Punxatawney Phil. You never see Phil giving his end of winter prediction on the same days you see Dr Fauci predicting that our lockdowns will continue. Phil got a government job when none of us were paying attention. It's the only explanation.
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    4 years ago
    Why is porn so rough?(Is porn the hardest sex work?)
    Yep, and now that the cancel culture is in full swing on social media there is a whole new avenue to attack rivals. Go look at what happened to that one girl to kill herself, August Ames was her name I think. There was a group of actors whose life stlye was too risk filled for her to work with. But they were politically untouchable. She called them out, the cancel machine put her through the wringer, and she committed suicide. The porn industry has to be more heavily media centered just because of its business model. If you've had other issues and are more vulnerable, a whole scale social media attack can be the final straw for some people.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    5 mistakes dancers make that cost them money
    Part of #5 is probably just a natural conversational response. If I ask you who the best plumber in town is, even if you are a plumber it's just a natural assumption I'm asking about people who are not you or would I have asked questions specifically about your plumbing business. It definitely implies that I am not interested in getting a dance from you or I probably wouldn't have asked. That's like those gotcha questions in job interviews, "What is your worst quality?". With number 5 if you want to remain confident sounding but still think you ought to provide the PL some options, I would answer, "After me? I guess maybe XXXX"" I think that will leave you open to highlight your strengths if you're not comfortable just telling the guy. "It's me silly. You already found her"
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    My bad, I just realized I misread that. That is a really great package for that region. Talk about deflation.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I used to frequent a lot of the LA clubs, but haven't in about 5 years. Has it really sky rocketed so much that 40 dollars a dance for all nude is considered cheap? I remember that being a pretty common price point back when I was in and out of the North Hollywood clubs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Why is porn so rough?(Is porn the hardest sex work?)
    A few more details about the article and what it designated as the difficulties might be useful. About a decade ago I read an article that talked about the effects of sexual pleasure on the brains of men and women. The essence of the article was that lots of sexual activity without the ability/opportunity to emotionally bond seemed to wear harder on women than men. There are women who can go through life that way, they just represent a smaller total of the population. Presumably, if that study was accurate you would see it as one cause for a high turnover rate in the industry. Unless say two performers really had some chemistry and established a working relationship over time that allowed that bonding to happen.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    AMP massage parlors/strip clubs
    It has been my experience that your best bet if you're going in blind is to go to an area that has quite a few within a 5-10 mile radius. Competition more than the local demographics really seems to influence hiring practices. That's based on 5 or 6 years of cruising around the Orange County, CA scene. But it seems like it holds true on the times I've been out of state. There are some review site dedicated to that industry, but I've never joined one so I don't have any recommendations. I go to google maps, I look at how many of those populate a given city. My personal guide line, if I see 8 or more within 5 miles I figure competition is fierce enough to keep hiring standards high.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Good time despite the government's fear mongering
    No cover that early in the afternoon, no parking cover. I have no idea about the official price of the dances because three different girls charged me three different amounts per dance. So CJ charges 20 per dance, Sadie charged 30 for the same private room. Another girl whose offer I did not take up was 25 per dance in the rooms. They were good dances plenty of friction. I didn't try for anything crazy so I can't really testify to that. I drank Guinness Blonde from the bottle, it was 8 dollars a bottle. I think the domestic bottles might have been 5/bottle.