Comments by maddieEmerald
review comment
3 years ago

Thanks jayveeuu! It’s always a pleasure when you come in to the club.😘 I’m glad I was actually at the emerald when you popped in.
review comment
3 years ago

I would love to see you!
review comment
3 years ago

Awww! I’m sad I missed you! I only work Thursday, Friday and Saturday. As you can see, Wednesday’s suck! So I can’t work Wednesday. I haven’t seen Nova in months…😞 she was always one of my favs to. Hopefully your next adventure is eventful and full of great naked dances! Btw we have had a lot of turnover, a lot of new to the business girls who still have a lot to learn, I don’t think any of them are even aware of sites like this or maybe they would pull it together lol.
discussion comment
4 years ago

Haha! This got interesting! Also thank you for the supportive comments, let’s all remember, at the end of the day we all(yes even me lol)enjoy the same things, tits n ass, so you guys already have that common ground otherwise none of you would be here.
discussion comment
4 years ago

@Roxmitten…You Should expand your club travels all over knox! All the clubs here have so much to offer but in unique ways. Personally I love the emerald. I have worked all the clubs here, I am not a fan of the ball, you can read my review on google reviews and it will explain why. The emerald has a huge lineup of sexy, talented and diverse women, and we won’t hassle you, but we will certainly put it out there if you want to have some fun!
discussion comment
4 years ago

Also, I always try to get customers to post honest reviews about their experience here, good or bad, I think we could all thrive on a little constructive criticism. I am glad people on here call out the fake reviews, nothings more annoying than a dancer posting a review about herself while posing as a customer. I am all about making your money and promoting yourself, but be genuine about it so people can make an informed decision about if they want to spend their money on you.
discussion comment
4 years ago

Ah I see his location is Massachusetts lol. I figured we were still talking about the Emerald club.
discussion comment
4 years ago

@skibum609…Have you ever been to a brothel? If so you would know your comment about Knox clubs being closer to brothels than stripclubs couldn’t be further from the truth. They ALL have someone monitoring the dances the entire time, and I have never found a used condom or condom wrapper on the floor in any of the clubs here. Sadly I have worked at clubs in Detroit back years ago and THOSE clubs are brothels. I would see multiple empty condom wrappers on the floor and get asked my price anytime I worked, which was why I would travel far away from Detroit to dance because I couldn’t deal with people asking for a blowjob(no I never partake, not then, not now.) These clubs are great for people who enjoy a good show and decent mileage dances. But as far as getting more than that you would be hard pressed, unless you run into someone trying to feed a drug habit and she offers takeout, and those girls get ran out quick!
review comment
4 years ago

Hey! My name is jezabel at the emerald. Usually Fridays I’m stuck in the VIP room most of the night, definitely not complaining! But if you let me know who you are the next time you come in I will make sure you have a really good time! Let me know your name and that I commented on your post on tuscl.
discussion comment
4 years ago

Your correct, I haven’t been to MC, I just know a couple dancers who work there from time to time who offer takeout. Every club on this planet has at least one dancer who will offer that. But follies I have been to and got asked multiple times if I did anything else like it was the norm or something. I heard cheetahs was more of a burlesque type club, so that doesn’t sound like my cup of tea either. Usually big cities the dancers have a whole lot more competition which makes them more open minded to other ways of making money. That’s why I do like where I am at because I don’t feel obligated to do anything I’m not comfortable with and still do quite well.
discussion comment
4 years ago

Atlanta is a different world but even that depends on which club you go to, magic city or follies is almost guarantee score. But I still made a ton of money in ATL without offering anything extra, I’ve heard a lot of guys say they just appreciate my good convo and intelligence, I’ll take it😎. Nashville sucks, that’s no secret, the 3 ft rule and rail around the stage that forces customers to throw the money is insane, but apparently girls do well in Nashville, I suppose from these poor guys who don’t know any better.
discussion comment
4 years ago

Your totally right about the hypocrisy from the Bible thumpers(I bet half go into clubs themselves!) Luckily the club I work at doesn’t let that ruin the fun we can all potentially have. Of course extras aren’t really a thing and take out is frowned upon but that’s basically any club in America or so they say at least. I have worked at multiple clubs in 10 states and all of them have frowned upon extras and actually other states have had bouncers who make rounds and cameras in your face, I don’t think the emerald even has cameras back there. I have dealt with bouncers saying “don’t touch” in just about every club I have worked at besides the obvious Miami, Detroit/Jackson Michigan and Chicago clubs.
review comment
5 years ago

Good review! Very well put. We had a lot of fun with you as well, keep me posted on your next visit so I can be here to.😊
review comment
5 years ago

Glad you enjoyed yourself! My name is Maddie aka jezebel, I also dance here at the emerald. Hope to see you back soon!
discussion comment
5 years ago

Compared to Florida and Michigan, Tennessee clubs are pretty damn strict, but comparing all the Knoxville clubs, the Emerald wins hands down, line up is usually really good, the woman are great and we all get along besides your occasional spat due to overindulged drinking. The dances are definitely way more lenient verses the Ball that throws guys out for moving a hand from one spot to another on the chair arm, or breathing wrong on a girl.🤣 If you want a night filled with fun and hot woman this is the place to be, if you want cheap sex followed by STD’s then this isn’t the place for you.
review comment
5 years ago

Hi Wesley,
My name is jezebel and I am a dancer at the emerald. We have a plethora of AA woman as well as other ethnicities, but typically you will find that on Friday and Saturday. Hope to see you back soon!
review comment
5 years ago

Very curious, how were you able to be inside of a place like this and still spend LESS than $100?? I sure hope this wasn’t a case of pay your door fee and get a free show in the girls expense...
review comment
5 years ago

I have worked at all the clubs here in Knoxville(originally from Michigan). All the clubs have pros and cons but in my very honest opinion the emerald is the closest to my home clubs in Michigan that I could find. Of course like every club we have our good and bad nights but lately the good far outweighs the bad. The owner has been making sure to get rid of the problems and bring in quality dancers. Hopefully we will meet!
review comment
5 years ago

Glad you enjoyed your time here! Karma is always a great choice☺️ I hope to see you back again soon!
review comment
5 years ago

Hey guys! My name is jezebel and I actually work at the emerald club, I worked at the ball for a week, but it was a little uptight for my taste. I am from Michigan so I understand your Dilemma with Knoxville clubs, but I think if you check out the emerald we can sway your opinion at least about one club here😉. I hope to see ya soon!
review comment
5 years ago

Hey missme! My name is jezebel(Maddie) and I do want to apologize that your experience wasn’t top notch. Most clubs I have worked at, I have noticed to girls are hesitant to approach female patrons simply because they can be unpredictable and 70% of the time they are only there to either babysit the husband or critique the dancers. If you visit again just let me know that you are missme on tuscl and I will make sure you have a much better time!
review comment
5 years ago

Hi dingusdan! This experience is not the norm and I do believe the girl you are talking about has been fired! It really makes me sick when dancers take advantage of customers(not in a good way😉). As of now we have an amazing lineup of woman who I can bet my savings are honest and genuinely good dancers! My name is jezebel(Maddie) and i do hope you give us another chance to make you change your mind! 😊
review comment
5 years ago

Hey dickdart! So I am sorry about your bad experience at the emerald, Wednesday’s are typically our worst day as well, so coming in that night could easily ruin your perception of this club, versus coming in Tuesday or Friday(or any other night really) the energy of the place is TOTALLY different, the girls are also more eager to work as well, I do feel that they should be more approachable regardless of the day but that’s another beast to tackle. My name is jezebel and I would like if you gave it another go!