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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 12)

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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
SJWs eat their own alive
"Most of the trolls here, what they are doing is posting negative meta narrative. That is, they don't speak to people, and about what they are saying to people, they instead try to launch a negative meta-narrative at people, a conversation about the conversation, and attacking the poster. They make it hard to have any serious conversations. They insist on bringing everything down to their level. And then of course since most of the people here are subservient to herd think, if one person jumps on someone with non-sense, then lots of others will follow and believe what is being said. Most of the people here have spines made of silly putty." You're not wrong about that, this seems to be a pretty accurate observation.
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5 years ago
avatar for davephx
Christianity Today calls for Trump's impeachment
^That's why SJWs almost always end up eating their own alive is because their ideology is so strict and unforgiving that almost everybody who's a part of it fucks up somehow. If VH_Kicks actually hung around and was honest around SJW type people, they would rake him over the coals for "sexual objectification." But the people here like VH_Kicks, JAprufrock, and SJG don't want to be around those type of people, they're hanging out with the perverted misogynists on TUSCL because some part of them must know that the SJW types would never be remotely as accepting as we are of people's personal opinions and behavior. If fucking JK Rowling can get in trouble with the SJWs I assure you a middle aged, possibly white guy who dislikes communism and fucks prostitutes at Follies would get knee deep in shit with them at some point.
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5 years ago
avatar for whodey
Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
Strip club called "immoral" and "disgusting" for performing charity
So basically the mother is a prissy little bitch who has no understanding of real morals or ethics.
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5 years ago
avatar for davephx
Christianity Today calls for Trump's impeachment
@twentyfive Yes it is my concern, because the extreme bias of today's left threatens my future job security. The exact same kind of project which I was considerate enough to leave my political bias out of, another person may not afford me that same consideration because of them being taught to hate people with my kind of views. I have seen people in this line of work have their projects increasingly censored in the past several years and it concerns me greatly. My parents tried to be my friends because for a lot of my life, I didn't have any friends. But I am currently building a community outside of the various forums I am on of other people who are social outcasts. We don't have a ton of members but we've been doing nicely for ourselves. I also have three close friends in real life that I actually trust instead of the several dozen acquaintances other people have who are looking for every opportunity they can to stab you in the back or 1-up you. It's not my fault that most people are so superficial that they decide social awkwardness is a bad thing and choose not to be friends with someone because of it. And in the community I am building we don't care about speech policing people or following social norms.
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5 years ago
avatar for davephx
Christianity Today calls for Trump's impeachment
^He's not though. I will tell you a major reason why. I was in a situation very recently where I had to review and give a rating to somebody's project (I'm leaving it vague for personal reasons). I was put in a position where I could've made it very difficult for them to have their project succeed. Without giving many details, I will just say that this guy's project went against many of my most deeply held beliefs. Not just that, but the beliefs I care about the most. I could've shredded the guy's project and told him it was terrible. But it wasn't, it was good, and regarding the nature of this project, he had a right to insert some of his own beliefs into it if he wanted to. So I gave him a good rating and the feedback I provided was solely related to the quality of the project and how he could improve. I know I'm biased because we're all a little biased but I tried to suppress all bias so I could give the guy honest feedback and I was still concerned about helping him despite all that. Can you honestly say that VH_Kicks would do the same? If he had the power to make it difficult for a Trump supporter who believed the very opposite of whatever belief he holds most dear to his heart to succeed at something that was important to him, I think he would do it. And what I'm saying, is that by the definition of an SJW, all them would, and that's why they are dangerous. I troll around on internet forums and try to make people question their beliefs but I would never actually do something to harm someone. What I dislike is people acting as if hearing an opinion they don't want to hear is legitimately harming them.
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5 years ago
avatar for davephx
Christianity Today calls for Trump's impeachment
VH kicks is seriously got to be the most shamelessly biased person I've ever seen on this website. When he thought prevert was anti Trump that was all he focused on. Just "my respect for you went up after I thought you attacked Trump." As soon as prevert said something remotely positive about him, VH resorts to calling him a racist because he, like most Christians, objected to the idea that they're a bunch of racist people. He then goes on to call him a swamp rat. To people who think SJWs don't exist or aren't as bad as people say they are. We got one in-front of your very eyes. And this is TUSCL which is a clearly right leaning website. Do you guys have any idea how many people like this are on college campuses? My college is actually put down as right leaning compared to most colleges in the US and yet I've personally seen two people get assaulted for conservative beliefs. One person had a drink thrown in his face and a preacher was spit on. If this is what it's like here I shudder to imagine what it's like at Harvard or Berkeley.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
SJWs eat their own alive
@VH That article clearly was designed to mislead readers and straight up lied about social media companies not having political bias. Corporate censorship at this point is almost as dangerous as the prospect of government censorship. But in the US specifically the government is restrained while corporations are free to act tyrannically using the mob. This says that websites break the good faith clause if they act in a manner that suppresses their own users for their views. Trump is actually trying to do something about the way the Twitter mob lynches people and ruins their lives which is good because it's about time somebody do something about it. The left just wants to continue censoring people on social media and be able to act with impunity so I'm not surprised they are trying to twist the interpretation of this executive order.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
SJWs eat their own alive
@SJG The thing is that even you seem to subconsciously agree that the conclusions I have come to on the world are correct in many ways. But you don't want to accept that because it goes against your deeply held beliefs. The thing is, I can legitimately say I challenge my deeply held beliefs all the time. Almost every belief I have, there was a time in my life I thought the exact opposite or something in the middle. That includes not thinking SJWs were bad. In high school nobody I knew advocated for promiscuity more strongly than I did. I decided rampant promiscuity is largely unhealthy for society after seeing the impact it had on my college community. That's why I'm such an inconsistent member. My views change fast and very rapidly when I have good evidence to believe differently. I pointed out the way the left censors people. Neither you nor VH kicks was able to deny this. I brought up how progressive ideology actually kills our sex lives instead of enriching them and in a strange way, I could tell you agreed.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
SJWs eat their own alive
@RickDugan Oh boy, you've been really out of the loop then.
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5 years ago
avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Black knee high, high heeled boots are SMEXY.
@Heaving I guess how cute it is to me seems to have more to do with the girl wearing it than the outfit itself. Depending on the girl wearing it and how she looks and behaves. @tiburon Thanks I thought it was a good link lol. And you're not wrong about the geek part.
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5 years ago
avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Black knee high, high heeled boots are SMEXY.
@Heaving I find that the creep label is disproportionately applied to people who aren't highly attractive womanizers expressing sexual interest while other guys get away with doing the exact same thing just because they're popular with girls. Thus, the term is largely meaningless to me.
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5 years ago
avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Black knee high, high heeled boots are SMEXY.
@Heaving I see your point about the jackets. I suppose a perfect look would be skirts that short along with bare midriff shirt. Skirt hemlines at the upper thigh with socks ending just below the knee. Pulled up over the knee covers a little bit too much of that transition. I think the sexiest look is when you have the closest combination of showing a lot while providing that little bit of tease. So perhaps something like this... https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/8hUAAOSw44BYbBXZ/s-l300.jpg
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5 years ago
avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Black knee high, high heeled boots are SMEXY.
These lengths are perfect... https://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/4e4474d3470d8e223933cb4cc5f73fae.jpeg?w=640&h=395
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5 years ago
avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Black knee high, high heeled boots are SMEXY.
@Heaving Personally I like it just below the Zettai ryouiki levels. Grade C socks that end just below the knee. It provides just enough coverage to emphasis the thighs without covering any of them πŸ‘Œ
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5 years ago
avatar for davephx
Christianity Today calls for Trump's impeachment
Ukraine is currently investigating Burisma and has found them guilty of large scale embezzlement. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment-burisma/ukraine-widens-probe-against-burisma-founder-to-embezzlement-of-state-funds-idUSKBN1XU2N7 I'm sorry but having people stay in his hotel is about as tame as it gets when it comes to using political offices to enrich oneself. If Trump is some kind of corporate shill. Tell me why all the most powerful companies in the world, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Bank of America, Microsoft, and all of Hollywood supported Hillary? To the point where several of those, especially Twitter, Instagram, and Google, have directly interfered in the election and tried to silence conservative voices? On Instagram, people found that liking posts by Trump Jr. caused them to get locked out of their account, they would have to like his posts over and over again because Instagram literally canceled their likes. Google meanwhile, is deliberately changing the search results so that people are constantly inundated with anti-Trump news. Twitter has banned 22 politically active and prominent users who expressed a preference in the 2016 elections, and of those 22 people, 21 of them were conservatives supporting Donald Trump. https://quillette.com/2019/02/12/it-isnt-your-imagination-twitter-treats-conservatives-more-harshly-than-liberals/ 72% of Americans believe social media censors views they don't like, and people are 4 times more likely to believe that social media is biased towards liberal views instead of conservative views. This is gonna be trouble for the DNC, because Americans, as a whole, despise censorship and the silencing of political opposition, which is exactly what the DNC and their information arms in the news media, in Silicon Valley, and in Hollywood are guilty of doing.
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5 years ago
avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Black knee high, high heeled boots are SMEXY.
I love the schoolgirl uniform and knee high socks or boot combination.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for davephx
Christianity Today calls for Trump's impeachment
@VH Our unemployment rate says otherwise. Yeah, pulling out of Syria was a dumb move I'll give you that one. Trump and his family are actually sacrificing a lot of their domestic businesses here specifically so that the democrats can't accuse them of using the office to enrich themselves. Another thing Trump jr. Mentioned was not wanting to get their associates accused of racism or misogyny through association with Trump. Pretty much everything the Democrats accuse Trump of is what they themselves did. You wanna talk about facts... Let's talk about the fact of the Clintons using federal agencies such as the FBI to blatantly abuse their power and spy on Carter Page, hoping to find dirt on Trump. How about the fact that Joe Biden, not Trump, directly threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine if they didn't shut down the investigation into Burisma and his son. How about the fact that Obama sent the Ukrainian troops blankets while Trump is sending them javelin missiles and many other weapons that are actually killing Russian troops?
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5 years ago
avatar for davephx
Christianity Today calls for Trump's impeachment
Unbelievably ridiculous statements, trying to say that Trump and the analysts at Fox are like Hitler or the Nazis. That's a false accusation and you know it. Now I tend to like overly dramatic statements when they are funny, but an overly dramatic statement that's only meant to slander the reputation of real people is malicious. The fact that you would make that statement while presenting yourself as being on the side of facts and logic is incredibly ironic. The two things Trump cares about most is A. Bringing jobs back to the US, and B. Keeping the United States safe. And contrary to what a lot of leftists claim, wanting to keep the United States safe, is not racist. Trump wants people to immigrate legally so that we can properly integrate them into the infrastructure of the country (social services for illegal immigrants cost us an extra $250 billion by the way) and so that we can separate terrorists and drug cartel members from doctors. Given the nature of illegal immigration, you can't control for that if you just let anybody in who wants to come. Concerns over illegal immigration have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with skin color, except if you're part of an extremely small and fringe group on the right that nobody takes seriously anyway.
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5 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
What should I ask for ?
With knee high socks.
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5 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
What should I ask for ?
Tell her to wear a schoolgirl outfit next time you fuck.
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5 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: Wow
69 cars? I swear God trolls us sometimes.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Why I love TUSCL
I'm sorry txtittyfagDOT. You seem to be under the impression I am here for your entertainment?