Comments by lappymclappy
review comment
2 years ago
wow, sorry you had such a terrible time. But a few things seems strange.
You paid $25/LD; I’ve been going there for decades thru Dec 20ish, and the whole time I’ve always paid $20/LD (which is kind of incredible because everything else seems to have doubled). i’ve never ever been quoted $25/LD. Was it one girl that got $25 per from you?
Also, $850 + plus tips and B.S. is the rate for the Level 1 “private” room but its for a full “hour”. Its definitely not for 30 minutes. I know because for many years I’ve asked the “floor managers” and “the owner” (I believe because s he was dressed much sloppier than any employee would be allowed) to offer a 30 minute private room. And they always have said “No.”.
If FD now actually charges $850 for 30 minutes, that’s truly ridiculous!! At Rick’s, a man can to private room for 30 minites for much less (I forget exactly how much, ~$300. And these rooms are actually private, spacious and kind of nice.
Also, the ladies at FD ate usuaally better than fescribed here
review comment
2 years ago
I’m curious if anyone can explain to me the total lack of hustle at this club? The dancers here seem to just sit with a dude forever, not doing any dances, or walking around asking if guys want dances.
In big cities, girls claim guys pay them just to chat. I could see that in a big city full of rich guys. The guys at Emperor didn’t seem like the mind that would pay just for chatting.
Can anyone help me understand the dancers’ business model here?
They don’t want to make money? They just enjoy chatting?
review comment
2 years ago
New York
i agree with the sentiments in this review. that lines up with my review. i just noticed that its number rating for people and price are pretty low. i’d say they are definitely trending up. the room is a solid value for nyc.
review comment
2 years ago
New York
Thanks for this useful update! Has all the important info.
Helped me decide to go to FD for an early afternoon visit instead of Ricks.
review comment
2 years ago
I agree the $300 private room with this caliber of women is the best deal going in NYC. Flashdancers needs to cut the shit and offer 30 minute private rooms as well.
review comment
2 years ago
goldeneagles9. thanks for your concern but I didn’t get “fleeced”. I been to all kinds of places. I go to AMPs to get full service for $300. I’ve filtered enough to get only younger, cuter providers at the AMPs. But still, S_____ just blows them all away. At least for me, if I can spend some QT with a seriously beautiful young woman, I’ll gladly spend some money to do that. In NYC, that happens once every 5 years.
review comment
2 years ago
Believe I know the private room at FD is a rip-off. I’ve had fantastic times at Baby Dolls and Treasures on the floor. More action than the private room at FD. Also, read my review of Cheetah Pompano. I know great times are available for much less $ outside NYC. But i live in NYC (although I travel some), so I gotta work with what I have. S______ made it worth it for me.
Look for my upcoming review Gallaghers 2000. Its horrible, but with the right girl, the private room can be a good situation.
Buck - please recommend some top places in NJ. I figured it would be cheaper in NJ, so I’ve search on TUSCL. But no place seems to stand out.
review comment
2 years ago
Their pricing structure has a wierd dip. $40 for 1, $60 for 2 ($30 each), $100 for 3 ($33 each). Think normal volume discount is cheaper per LD as one gets more LDs. Like 3 should be $80 ($27 each).
Second set wasn’t $40 per. Can’t add the $20 tip then compare to first set when I didn’t tip.
While I’m here, I should say that my hottie’s LD technique was not to my liking. All twerk (probably best for its young crowd). I’m an older gent who likes a slower style of LD.
But she did give me a lot of looks her very pretty pussy. That was good.
discussion comment
2 years ago
ok. so to summarize, it looks like:
- all these Cubanas really were born in Cuba, its unclear how they’re all - - getting to the USA but probably not on a jet from Havanna to Miami, and
- they do seem to have some advantage in getting residency and work permits (which explains why there aren’t a ton of dancers from El Salvador, Bolivia, etc).
good team effort by the PLs
discussion comment
2 years ago
Thankd rickdugan. But didnt Obama and Trump effectively kill the Cuban Adj Act of 1966?
This article seems to explain the history.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Thanks Papi-Chulo!
I thought you might have some real knowledge on the topic. Yes, coming in through other countries makes sense.
I’ve employed day laborers (male) who’ve come to the USA to work via an incredibly long and hard journey from remote corners of Central and South America. Like walk 4 days from a village in the mountains of Peru to the closest stop for a bus to the capitol type deal. I just can’t imagine these gorgeous ladies making that kind of journey.
Also, even then, it doesn’t explain why 90% of Latina strippers that I’ve met in NYC, SoFlo, and TX (my main stomping grounds) all say they’re “Cuban”. If bleak economic prospects was the main driver pushing women to seek $ as dancers in the USA, I should be meeting tons of dancers from almost every country in Central and South America. Esp Venezuela (very fucked economy) and Argentina (known for beautiful women) and Brazil (a wealthy elite but millions of poor and known for beautiful women).
Bottom-line, something just isn’t adding up for me. Curious about it.
review comment
3 years ago
New York
thanks grimes, for some great details. this place is definitely a mixed bag, weighted to the negative.
review comment
3 years ago
$75 has gotta be for 3 guys. Maye $20 cover each amd $5 coat check?
review comment
3 years ago
New York
Great review with the important info. Pleasantly surprised to read that the Eastern Europeans are back now.
review comment
3 years ago
Good review, all the important information. thanks.
review comment
3 years ago
Hold up eveyone. I wasn’t trying to cause a big issue by characterizing BT Pompano as an Urban Club. I just stated a factual data point about the clientele. People can do what they want with that, including totally ignore it.
But also, I’d say it wasn’t just the clientele that caused to me to feel it is an Urban Club. During the brief time I was there (5 minutes) there were 3-4 dancers on that giant stage or side stages. At least 3 of the 4 were AA.
I love AA dancers that are lean and pretty. Lean and pretty is my “type”, regardless of race. These dancers were not lean; I guess pretty is subjective. These had very thicc bodies, lots of curves. They also seemed older. If that’s your thing, have at it. Thicc is not my thing, whether white, Russian, Latina, Asian, etc. I’ll pass on all them.
But if you want to spend chasing time chasing thin, young, pretty things, then you might want to know about my “datapoint”.
I’m not responsible for presenting a perfectly accurate picture of BT on day vs evening vs night. Or for every day of the week.
All the reviews on TUSCL are obviously a very limited sample size. One guy at one point in time. No one claims that one review is a perfect description of a club in all its nuances. That’s why there are hundreds of reviews for each club. Its reader’s job to figure what’s right for him. Not the reviewer’s job.
review comment
3 years ago
Well I guess management is not racist now. So that’s good.
review comment
3 years ago
I call it an Urban Club because 80% of the custies were AA. Compared to 0% at Cheetah 5 minutes before. I think everything else about a club follows the lead of its clientele.
If that criteria makes sense to you, you can appreciate the information. If you disagree with the criteria, that’s up to you.
review comment
3 years ago
Techman. I had zero interest in this club. I left as soon as I walked in. Its not appropriate for me to give a full review.
My “review” of BT is just a heads-up so people dont mistakenly wander into an Urban Club. For those whom own that about BT Pompano and want it, there’s hundreds of reviews with details.
review comment
3 years ago
Parking details. This club has hundreds of reviews, many of them go into great detail about parking, layout, etc. TUSCL really should show those details just once for each club, use a wiki system with expert moderators (no shortage of that). I’d like to see Papi Cholu’s write-up on all the details on the SoFlo clubs. Don’t need everyone repeating that.
Some girls did discuss 30 min. Room $150 and I think they wanted $500. Not cheap but not a terrible deal but I liked the idea of seeing what $375 gets me.
review comment
3 years ago
LDs $20. Private $350 for 30 mins.
review comment
3 years ago
Minnow: A “babushska” is what they called Russian women when they get old, fat, and wrinkled. By “Proto-“, I mean the stage just before they turn into babushkas.
desertscrub: I said “Rick’s is Dead” and that it was bad. How is that a Club Ad?
review comment
3 years ago
Thanks for the great color on very relevant details! I was thinking of visiting it for the first time since covid. But so glad you warned us mgmt got rid of the normal $20 LD.
I can’t go there until mgmt brings it back, for all the reasons you stated. If mgmt is reading this - you have to bring back the normal $20 LD. Pre-covid, every time I went, I got some LDs to pick a girl I liked, then I’d take her to take to the private room (which was a good deal). The new arrangement sounds a shit deal for the customer. and the dancers.
review comment
5 years ago
Agreed but sometimes I like to check and make sure they still suck!
For Minnow: Low cost SC. No cover. domestic beer $7, Modelo $7. LDs were $20. Guys got some lovin’ for $1 at the stage (as some other reviews detail).