avatar for JustDude

Comments by JustDude

review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Elskinman
New Jersey
Pretty much what I've come to expect from most NJ Clubs...
This review sounds off to me as well. I was there within the last few weeks and there were no masks on the dancers and the cover charge was $25. The doorman told me it went up when they re-opened after COVID.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for Rrap
Time to kill
The lapdance and VIP areas have been downstairs for years.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Libation
The New Normal??
Gesh. I was 1/2 hour away from this place and almost pulled the post-covid-first-visit trigger... glad I didn't. Sounds pretty lame.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for wallanon
The Hobby in Quotations
^ S'Funny, I hadn't expected my admittedly stale review to incite to much anger. I figured the real news was the $10 lap dances, which seemed worth reporting at the time. ;-) /shrug/ There isn't crap going on in Jersey right now to report on otherwise. Wish I had something new to report, but everything is still locked down around here. Probably a few more months till things loosen up. Just have to live with rehashing previous visits for a while sadly.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Ben D'erhover
Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Welcome to Day One after the Apocalypse.
I was shocked to see a new review of an actual visit, and turns out there wasn't much happening... yet. I guess that's to be expected as most retail and restaurants are just starting to reopen around Jersey. I don't think we'll see things pick up for another month or so. Might have to hit this place up some day, but I don't have the time in my day to hang without a dance to be found.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
TUSCL Feature Requests
Another bug to report. The sorting feature under the clubs within a state seems to be miss-sorting when you use "Most Recent Review" but looks to work as intended on the others. Tried on phone and computer with different browsers. I also noticed from my phone that your one-free view before signing in doesn't seem to function as it used to. Might be intentional? Not sure that I'll be able to get into clubs with COVID going long before my membership lapses again, so being able to check at least one club is helpful...