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Comments by SebHenley

discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for SebHenley
Why do Dancers wear High Heels?
Do clubs require the dancers to wear heels?
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for SebHenley
Why do Dancers wear High Heels?
I see a lot of nice looking woman OTC not wearing heels. To me heels don't make a difference. Why get caught up in the long standing stereotype.
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7 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
How do you feel about Tattoos on your Stripper ?
I agree with BJ99 it is a generational thing, but maybe also a regional thing. I moved to my current southern city from a midwestern city a few years ago. Maybe I didn't notice, but there seem to be a much much larger number of women (all women not just Strippers) in this southern city with tattoos. And, I am speaking of large tattoos. Or, maybe there are just many more strippers in this city?
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7 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
How do you feel about Tattoos on your Stripper ?
Monetarily I would think it would be more advantageous without. I don't know why someone would want to hurt their potential?
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Sugar relationships in public
The fun challenge to me becomes, can I figure out what really matters to someone. I did the Valentines flowers with my ATF. I do believe they were very important to her, not because of the flowers or Valentines day. She had been going through a very rough time, I don't think any of her other regulars got her anything, and I think it has been a long time since she's even been on a date. I do get the hustle of appreciation, but I think sometimes you can see beyond any hustle.
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7 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Sugar relationships in public
When you get older, you come to the realization that spending money or time on bright shiny objects isn't fulfilling unless there is someone there to share or experience with you long term. You realize a stranger doesn't give a shit about your sharp clothes, diamond necklace or sportscar. A stranger goes on with their life never remembering. But if you create an experience or memory with whether if be your SB, a friend or family, then you have something fulfilling.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for impala
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
Cameras in the clubs (warning to owners)
I wrote in my only review so far, that the club evidently had a camera in their VIP room. There was one medium size VIP room with sofas around the outside walls, and a bouncer sitting inside the room at the door watching everyone. Except during the first dance, the bouncer had his head down sleeping. My second dance with the same girl had a different guy, a young watchdog. The young guy came over and told me I could not touch the girl, after she had grabbed my hands and placed them on her. I had no problem, I didn't want to get her trouble. She started arguing with him, telling him it wasn't me but her. She was a great girl, and I would definitely take dancers from her in the future. I can't remember exactly how he said it, but he said something to the fact that they told him I was improperly touching the girl and he was told to tell me to stop. Leading me to believe someone was watching on a camera. And, the bouncers in the room were not actually watching. They appeared to be there just as a hopeful deterrent. I don't have an issue with someone in the room, but I don't like being on a camera. Needless to say, I won't be returning to that club anytime soon.