
Comments by Jonsnow76

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona Thread - The Sequel
    Wife and I went to Candy Store Thursday night. It was very busy. Temp checks walking in. No lap dances but did see plenty of customers shuffling to the VIP rooms. So I’m guessing that’s still happening there.
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    4 years ago
    Yabba- Jabba
    And as much as he posts his crap. He hasn’t the balls to respond to us.
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    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Have you ever considered marrying a dancer? Would you?
    I met my wife of six years in a local club. I had just got into the club with my now ex wife and a couple we were friends with. My ex and I were on our way out of marriage at the time obviously. My Wife has walked past me as I sat sipping on a Coors light. We met. Talked. Went to VIP with nothing but more talking and hit it off. We dated for about 8 months. We married. She retired her heels. Yeah we have had our ups and downs but none of it really attributed to her past life. Sure once or twice a year she reminisces about her younger days as a free lance traveling dancer. But it’s understandable. She never had the normal bad habits of girls in the business. Rarely drinks. Drugs no. Cheating no. She did what she did to survive and provide for her mother and her daughter. I’m sure she had some good and bad times for herself as well. And it could be where she is from and her culture but she is fiercely protective and loyal to me. She is aware of finances and doesn’t just burn money like most wives. I never dreamed I’d ever date let alone marry a stripper. But I can say that she has been and is a great person with an amazing sense of love and family. Not to mention. She is also extremely hot and sexy. Yeah she is crazy as all women are. But she is worth it and I’m lucky to have met her. As she is lucky as well. Ok. Start calling me out.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Huge Club, Usually Empty
    Any idea on the Colombian girls name?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Amateur Nights Phoenix
    Just asking what clubs have them. That’s it.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    I love the country. Been there many times. And the body on my Wife. Shit. Her hips don’t lie for sure.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    I only worship one idea. And it isn’t her. Or money. I only look at her with respect. I was married and divorced. And the way she treats me and me her is something impossible to describe.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Rickdugan when I say it’s not about the money. I mean she and I together don’t need it to survive. When you mention that she may want to have her own money. That’s a different yet true statement. No matter what I earn and what she has access to doesn’t make her feel any better. She liked having lots of her own cash for whatever she needed. She hasn’t felt good about Christmas or my birthday because in her mind she is buying me stuff with my money. I don’t view it that way. But that’s her. I’m lucky and happy to say that her body is still killer as are her looks. So that’s not an issue. We will figure it out. And make the best of whatever happens.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Ok I wasn’t looking for you to back off. Your opinion is yours and yours alone. But calling me a pussy whipped faggot doesn’t move a point along. Either way I really don’t care. I mean I got what I got from people who don’t know the story. And it doesn’t matter. Your only going off your own experience. And me too. So I’m over it.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    25 finally a statement not filled with vile and contempt for me or my wife. And I get it. What do you care about either of us. Nothing. And you are right. What makes me uncomfortable is the unknown. I’m ok with all of the stuff she claims is all she will do. I’m not ok with the rest. Which she states she has never been a part of. We have a family together. And Pandora’s box sometimes should stay closed. But at this moment. It hasn’t been mentioned by her or me for a while. So it in most cases is a mid life crisis.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    This may sound strange. But our marriage is great. This is just a personal crisis she is experiencing and I may just let her try. I mean I get to see her dance again on stage. She will be looking hot and sexy. And I trust her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Listen please. My comment about income was not a brag or meant to be. Rather to state a point that the money wasn’t a motivator for her returning to dance. I don’t look at her as a possession. Rather I look at her as a flesh and blood human that has needs and wants that cannot be bought. I more than fulfill her sexually. We travel a lot. And she has a great life as I do with her as well. But what I cannot provide is the feeling she felt when she was adored on stage. When guys were pawing at her. When she felt like her beauty made the harshest boss beg for her attention. I’m a good man. But if that is what makes her feel empowered then I can’t do that or provide that. She says she misses seeing me look up to her like I did when I first met her. I really feel for her because I cannot imagine the inner turmoil she feels at her boring vanilla jobs.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    She is in her late 30’s yes. Model? She did that for most of her 20’s and early 30’s professionally. But at this time not an option as she has passed that prime. As far as looks. She is still in my book and I am sure others a 10!
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Again 25. Your super low brow. You just continue to prove my point. You could have spoken like an actual person rather than a complete dick. You can’t back peddle now and still come at me saying I married a girl who doesn’t give a fuck about me. That’s stupid as fuck to make that statement. And you have done nothing since your first reply other than to disrespect a person who didn’t start shit with you. You did with me. So I’ll gladly hand you your blanky back mother fucker.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    I’m not a troll. So move on. Secondly. The two who replied minus 25. Both very good points. Do not assume that I think my wife’s occupation before me was 100% sterile. I’m not naive or stupid. But. I chose to marry her. So I have also chosen to accept the baggage and have accepted her admissions to me as being true. If I married her to only assume she was a liar than shame on me. As far as I know. This could just be a mid life crisis. And to all of you who haven’t crossed the line otc as you put it. How would you know. There is a person behind the glitter and lights of the fantasy. We are parents. We live together. We travel together. We provide. You think being married to a non stripper ensures you that you won’t be cheated on? Yeah right. Life happens. Do have have insecurities about her returning. Wonder if I can absolutely trust every shift or situation she may encounter. Who the hell wouldn’t. I’m only human. Does her dancing on a stage for me turn me on. Yes. Does the thought of another man getting too hands on anger me. Yes. So it’s not going to work. Does that mean she is going to leave me. Divorce me. Not a chance. Every person struggles with something at some point in time. People lose their marriages to money issues. Deaths in families. Etc. Just because she and I are talking about something that she expressed to me doesn’t mean the clock is ticking. Nor does it mean I am stupid. And she is going to fuck guys or leave me. It just means she has been feeling unfulfilled for the moment. Yes. One person. No matter how wealthy. How big there game is. Or how big their dick is. Is always going to satisfy another 100% of the time for eternity without a moment or two with some feelings of being slightly off. I applaud her for speaking to me honestly. And know that she will make the right decision for her. With my support. You can’t control anyone. It will backfire. So please. All get off your high horse and realize that this was a question posed by a real couple.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Fuck you fuck you. Ban me moderators. Because this is just fucking childish and gay. So while your kids are in bed. Have fun lying to your families crying on girls like my wife’s shoulders about your fucking pathetic lives.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Only called out cocksuckers like you. So I will join the tough guys. Why don’t you both eat a dick. So hardcore you actually think I give a fuck. Hotdog. Your the fucking jerk. Did you actually answer the question. Or just think it was cool to call people pathetic or say someone’s wife is a whore. None of you know anything other than what I stated. This is a waste of time. You all win. I will go cry in my corner as my wife divorces me. Fuck of faggots. So enjoy your laughs. Because like I said. I’m done with this. It’s not productive. I got what I deserved from a board about a bunch of smaller dick faggots that have to pay girls like my wife to make them feel masculine. Fucking losers. Your no better than the whores you pay.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Truth? You called my wife whore.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Twenty five sorry I’m too busy humble bragging with my whore wife. It’s just amazing at how nasty certain individuals are with their nonsensical comments. It really must make them feel better about themselves and their lives. I shouldn’t have expected much different. I didn’t come here to brag. Or to insult. I asked a fucking question to a bunch of people who are like minded individuals. And while I got good responses. There will always be the wanna be alpha males that feel the need to hurl insults at another man they don’t know. So kudos to you for hitting the nail on the head. Your right. I’m a small limp dicked man who married a whore and was used for a green card. Lmao. I don’t judge my wife for who she was. Or may still be. She has been worth every second of my life that we have been together. One thing a loser like you will not ever learn is that in any favor of life there are the good ones and the bad ones. So to throw insults at a target you will never encounter is just honestly super pathetic. And all of the others on this topic that didn’t act like a Neanderthal or embarrass the male race would agree with me. So go back up into your bedroom of your moms house. Spy on your sister showering. And enjoy slapping people in the face with your keyboard.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Actually married almost 4 years.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    It all stems from once feeing like a star to feeling like she has to eat shit in a mundane job for admittedly way less money. If she found something that was fulfilling yet paid low. She would be fine. Or vice versa.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    All of the comments that upset me. Is only because that’s not what I was asking. There have been numerous productive comments good and bad. But real. The bad comments only reflect a potential sc customer that my wife would have never given the time of day to do to their lack of any perceived civility or class. I mean we all have gone. And all know what to expect and enjoy. As far as my experience with her in a club. Sexy as hell. Lots of rules. No touching. She never did cr or vip anyways. Lap dances yes.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Salty nutz. I’m not going to be worried about what you write. Don’t care.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    She had actually stated she would like a once or twice a month afternoon shift with me and her on stage only. My feelings are that once she set foot out there she would not like it. And has expressed that feels like she wouldn’t. And yes she is hot enough to be hired for a once or twice a month only. But I think she is only remembering the glamor she perceives to be her past. And not all the hurt and pain and obvious ptsd she carries from her time.