
Comments by orangepicture (page 11)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Victory Dance
    Why should Dana have to work as hard as the other dancers if the guys (her regulars) are happy with the service she is providing? She's got it made in the shade for a couple years until she gets older. I've seen guys aggressively hunt her down in the club; like standing next to the steps that lead to the LD rooms to claim dibs while she is trying to cash out with her previous client, guys cut her off while she is heading to the bathroom to touch up and guys practically sitting with their backs to the bar in front of the dressing room waiting for her to pop out. The girl needs a "take a number" ticket machine like at the deli counter.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Victory Dance
    It all comes down to personal preference. I think Dana is (facially) the hottest girl in the club and my third favorite body after Tatianna and Devon. For me, she is a perfect 10. There is a reason she is almost impossible to get a dance from on most days; she'll have customers 4 or 5 deep in line waiting for her and I'm told she can get overwhelmed by the amount of guys that want to be with her. Yes, she could be a bit more sensual in back (mouth to mouth kissing, more body touching), but she does do a whole lot face kissing, heavy breathing into your ear, etc. Andrea, on the other hand, just doesn't do it for me at all in the looks/body department. I realize there are a LOT of guys that dig her look, but again, personal preference.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    The Gift Of Gab Is The Gift That They Have
    Eventually, if you're good.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    2nd Time Here
    I'm 99.9% sure this is Rayne posting as a customer, because as TFP pointed out, this account's single comment to another review was clearly written by her defending herself. Rayne, if this is you, just post a review of the club from the girl's perspective. Those are rare on this forum but always nice to read. We've met and danced together once before; I know you are a super cool girl with a great and bubbly personality. No need to pretend to be a dude using a vague review.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    The Gift Of Gab Is The Gift That They Have
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    The Gift Of Gab Is The Gift That They Have
    ^^ upcharged This site really needs an edit button to make corrections within 2 to 5 minutes of posting stuff.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dancer Update
    Holy shit!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    The Gift Of Gab Is The Gift That They Have
    @TFP: I probably didn't get uncharged because of my award winning personality :)
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Same Old ..
    Ha! I've seen the picnic set up too; usually right where the right side of the bar angles inwards. Did the guy have a biker helmet set on the bar? Some of these girls seem to waver their back room offerings on a guy by guy basis. I was at club recently hoping to get my first dances from either Mercedes or Roxy, whichever hit me up first. Mercedes was the winner and we went back after a 5 minute bar side conversation and there was no ask for a tip for handiwork. She specifically asked me if I wanted a hand with the dance and I was bracing myself for the additional fee request but it never came. The reason I was also toying with the idea of going back with Roxy was because recent reviews have said she is now performing Brazilian style dances. I'll keep an open mind is she approaches me next month and she what she offers.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Consistently Satisfied
    There is always a cover charge. During the day, it is $5 and gets you a free drink. On Sundays, it is $10. If they have a security guard with a metal detector wand at the door from 6pm to close on a Friday or Saturday night, it is $15.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Leza Is Very Erotic
    I too want to know if Roxy is giving hand shakes. I heard differently.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Two For One Review, Sunday Evening And Tuesday Afternoon
    Of the 4, Talita, Leah, Thais then Lena in that order but I've only danced with Talita and Leah twice and the other 2 once each so my sample size is small.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Two For One Review, Sunday Evening And Tuesday Afternoon
    Yeah, Talita is a solid 10 and the second best girl in the club in my opinion. Lena is more popular, but I would put her at a 8.5 or a 9.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Two For One Review, Sunday Evening And Tuesday Afternoon
    Lena, Talita and Thais are sisters. If I had to guess, the order I typed their names is from oldest to youngest. Leah is not related to them, but she rolls with them like she is a biological sister and when other girls in the club refer to "the sisters", she is considered part of that clique.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    The Lovely Thais
    I only danced with Thais once, but it was the most memorable of all my dances for a hilarious reason that I won't share publicly. She's hard to get a hold of and doesn't hustle too much; kinda sits by the cash register and waits for guys to approach her which they do. I could tell her breasts were fake because her torso is very skinny; like zero body fat to the point where her shoulder bones and collar bones are visible but it works for her. Her ass and legs are perfect and she wears shirt shorts that look they are painted on. (Side note: my username is because I couldn't think of anything when creating the account, but I have a picture in my home office that predominantly has orange in it.)
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Based in Detroit, Cali born and raised
    First Time But Won’t Be Back
    That girl won't last long if she is trying to pull that type of shit. Was her name Gigi? Looking at last night's schedule, she is the only name I don't recognize ever seeing from the late shift. Good to know; I'll avoid her at all cost.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    The Lovely Thais
    They should because these girls make serious bank. They have a lot of loyal customers; I've seen the same guys there multiple times. Hell, I've been there 24 times in the past 4 months if that tells you anything. Pretty soon, they are going to name a lap dance room after me. For the girls, it's a perfect combination of low house/payout fees along with being allowed to offer the lower spectrum of extras that keeps them out of trouble but brings all the guys back time and time again.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    The Lovely Thais
    All the girls here speak Portuguese because they are all from Brazil. It lets them talk about us losers without us knowing what they are saying.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    3 Visits Review
    I forgot to mention that on your birthday month, they wave the cover charge, so I was able to get in free yesterday; just ask and show them your ID.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    3 Visits Review
    TFP: Day shift on Saturdays offers 50% of the hot girls that dance M-F, so I think I'm going to do the following 3 visits per month plan: go to Nipples and Nibbles every month to see my #1 girl (I told her to expect me to do that), go on a Saturday afternoon once a month to see my #2 girl and then leave a 3rd visit each month up as a wild card. That could be another Saturday trip where #2 is available or choose to mix it up with someone else, or a Sunday night trip to see Devon or if I'm in the area for work, see my #1 a second time. Most of the day shift dancers and bar tenders now know I am there to typically see 1 of 2 girls. Often times, I'll go back with a different girl as an appetizer, usually a quick performing girl racing some invisible clock to save on funds, then I'll hang out to recoup until I am ready for my #1 or #2 girl.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Wait, “nipples & Nibbles”? Ok, I’ll Bite.
    April was making physical suggestions to me that she offered BJs in back, but I came specifically to see someone else (had an appointment). No one else was sitting around me (there were only 4 or 5 of us at any one point), but I had a thin, black zip-up on and at one point Ami went behind stage to change out a $20 into (20) $1's for me.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Wait, “nipples & Nibbles”? Ok, I’ll Bite.
    I think the column at the middle of the stage blocked my view of you then. I could barely see the DJ booth room from where I was sitting (though when I leaned over, I could see the girls struggling to queue up their own songs through the window as they didn't have a DJ there). Were you the guy who brought Krispy Kreme donuts? Although I didn't see you, April brought one over and said that a guy sitting in the opposite corner brought them in.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Wait, “nipples & Nibbles”? Ok, I’ll Bite.
    Heh, I was there this morning too, from 7:40am until 9:15. I was getting an 11 count dance from 8:30 until I left. Not many people there at all so I probably saw you. I was the guy sitting right outside the girl's dressing room until 8:30 where Ami and April were pestering me for dances relentlessly. Were you the guy sitting in front of the 2 main floor LD rooms with a large can of energy drink (or something) who got a couple of dances from Tatianna shortly after 7:45am. That's the only person I remember being already there when I go there.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    My Favorite Strip Club So Far
    The time keeper is suppose to be watching the computer screen with the camera displays on it, but I'm told that the good time keepers don't and the girls in turn tip them more. If you went to the LD room furthest back and to the left (near the emergency exit door), when walking back to the bar you have to go around the time keeper and you can see the computer screen and usually they don't have the viewports up. One dancer told me management doesn't care what happens so long as no dicks are captured on the camera HDD. The door bell is a panic button. The bouncer will kick in the door if a girl presses it. Once, Tatianna once elbowed it by accident while putting her top back on, but I was already standing in the hallway, so the bouncer halted his charge and walked away.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    My Favorite Strip Club So Far
    I'm actually surprised TFP was able to get all that assjob and titty fucking that he likes. A vast, vast majority of the girls here are very cognizant of the cameras and pick specific rooms that they like so they can block the cameras with their bodies while doing HJs in a position comfortable to them. The only girls I can remember off the top of my head that don't care about the cameras are Thais, Talita, Leah and Alexandra. Two of them don't care so much that I am actually surprised they don't turn towards the camera while performing and give a thumbs up to it.