
Comments by Krossingtheline0414

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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    Now that I've addressed some of your concerns, I will depart now. I will also unsubscribe my emails from this thread because I don't really care to be alerted to a "huh huh huh OP is wrong, I'm so tough." circle jerk that will no doubt go well into the next week or so because you all have nothing better to do. If you have anything further to say, my inbox is open to any further complaints :) Good day, all.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @mark94 What you said in a nutshell: "Club owners should base their business decisions on their dancer' s moods." My response: HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! The response of every club owner you bring that drivel to: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @wildbourbon Me not wanting to indulge in your childish back and forth banter is me running now? Misinterpreting my desire to do other things doesn't change that you're a weak cuck of a man. White knighting gets you nowhere, my friend. You appear to be smart in your field, I will give you that but you lack a spine. I hope you grow a pair one day. Maybe one day you will be lucky enough to be a quarter of the man myself and my brothers I served alongside are. If you think I "run with my tail between my legs", I do so more for your benefit than mine. I killed my first man at 19 in a shithole desert, you were probably in a club somewhere or in a classroom. You and I are night and day and you are probably the LAST person who should accuse me of cowardice.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    Lol man, I check my email account and you guys are STILL commenting on this thread. I need to disable email notifications so I don't get slammed with notifications in my inbox. Before I do so, I will address a few things so we can finally put this matter to bed. @Bj99 You are a boot. Plain and simple. No amount of insults you fling at me after the fact will change that. You downgraded from service member to stripper which tells me, you are most likely a two year wash out that couldn't hack the military and were probably discharged as a "failure to adapt" or you received a Big Chicken Dinner. Also the descent from honorably serving your nation to taking your clothes off for money also reveals that my previous assertion of you being a barracks rat is most likely correct. Nothing you did in the service was really meaningful unless you were infantry (like myself) or any MOS that actually left the wire while in the sandbox. You were basically a civilian that wore our uniform, no more, no less and you probably sucked ass at that also. So unless you have some hard evidence to counter what I just said, again, shut your useless POG ass up and get back to shaking that ass for fives. If you want to back up what you say, then message me with the name of your platoon sgt, company first Sgt, dates of deployment, and most importantly of all..... what unit were you with. Until then, you're a boot POG or a LARPer who never joined.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @25 Your cuckold fetish is showing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @wildbourbon It is a shame that you are such a weak man that you side with someone who got what they deserved when they opened their mouth to insult someone else. I really don't think you know how the service works since you have such a high opinion of it but I can assure you far worse things are said when people are needlessly provoked. If you are so faint hearted, then I am glad you have nothing to offer me as you have nothing I could possibly want then. I will simply pursue other avenues, preferably someone with your knowledge who actually served and isn't easily offended by such bantz. As fun as this has all been everyone, I got what I needed. I have one more lead than I did when I started and that in itself is a victory. Au Revoir. @Bj99 Stay classy. ;)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @wildbourbon Thank you for the meaningful and well thought out post. With your permission, I would like to message you privately and pick your brain some more.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @Bj99 Being a fobbit doesn't mean you served in any meaningful capacity in the theatres you've mentioned. I'm willing to bet that nice ass of yours was passed around at the barracks more than once. If you weren't infantry or never left the wire, do us all that actually did something with their time in a favor and shut the fuck up :) My boots have more time in the field and battle rattle than you probably did. Also going from service member to stripper isn't really brag worthy. Be gone, POG.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @Bj99 "I'm a dancer...." I stopped giving credibility to your rant right there upon reading that. When you have a degree and life experience, you might have a pedestal to stand on in the conversation. As in terms of being a phony, ouch, but I can validate every one of my claims. Nice ass, by the way.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @meat72 Roger that. Thank you so much for the advice. I've put my time in for hard work so sweat equity doesn't deter me from anything for the opportunity of revenue that generates constantly.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    Who is more successful in terms of wisdom or experience when it comes to knowing the world and how it operates? Someone who plays in the sandbox and pulls six figures and wishes to do something with a portion of it or old fearful has beens or washouts? The difference between us is I have been in life and death situations and prevailed every single time so far. What seems like a mountain for you to climb is merely a small hill for me. One that is currently not shooting at me or trying to kill me so I consider it an easy day, not out of ignorance or arrogance but simply because that's what it is to me. If I face an army of people saying "you can't do it because..." then I'll find the one voice that says "I can." There is a myriad of examples of people breaking or bending the rules without breaking the law to become successful. Most of them are on wall street currently. If you don't think outside the box in terms of generating wealth then you will forever remain as you are, no greater than you began. You also will become a depreciating asset in your field because technology and the economy is forever changing and you're the only one who thinks your ideas will save you 100% of the time.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @skibum609 If you were even as remotely intelligent as you think you are, you'd understand that small growers are what is pulling in money currently. I used to transport cash and product to and from grows and the bank and 500k-1 mil a week says you pretty much don't know what you're talking about. You are old and one of those dinosaurs that are clinging onto the last vestiges of security you think you have. Soon it will be our time, it already is a new economy. It isn't my fault that you don't adapt to it. I've seen it as well have managed many people that in your age group or older, most of you are completely useless because you are stuck in the notion that your way is best because it worked years ago and it actually is quite laughable. Now kindly go back into your corner of nihilism and self loathing and let the adults talk, gramps.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @twentyfive I'll be ok. I worked in the marijuana industry for three years and know most master growers in the state on a first name basis. I'm even going to go hang out with one to discuss a business opportunity later today. If you aren't already or have been in the industry, you will have only scams and con artists pitch to you. It's a very tight knit community and everybody knows everyone, and everyone knows who scam artists and who the legit ones are.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @twenty-five I've beaten many odds before and should I desire to pursue this, it will be no different. I can find a partner, I was just looking for ideas as well as hoping there would be someone here that might be interested. I might have to use my other account which contains 50k to add to my 20k to have more negotiating power then. Also.... 20k is plenty to exploit a legal loophole in marijuana law to have a larger payout. I was hoping to get into a field that's a little more on the "legal" side of things though. Twenty-thousand is plenty, you just have to know where to apply it. Those who have never had to make do and excel with less would not understand that. Thank you for all the suggestions, everyone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    You just need to be savvy with finances and have a business background to succeed which I have both. I'm looking to purchase one of the smaller lower end clubs for sale online (300-500k). Just need another investor with access to sufficient capital or assets to either get a loan with me or have enough where the owner will carry the rest of the note. Start off small and grow.... provided the current owner's P&E statements and tax returns are to my liking.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    @Bj99 I never said 20 is all I have, I just said 20 is all I'm willing to invest currently so I'm just getting ideas. I probably make more than everyone here in a year with one deployment.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    Corrupt local officials - Play their game but find dirt on them and eventually bring their empire crashing down on their heads. I have no issue playing a Machiavellian game of chess with someone until they no longer stand in my way or bend to my will. Organized Crime- That won't be wise on their part. I'm a combat veteran that will also supplement my security team with other combat veterans instead of autistic giants with no actual experience in those situations. The criminals will be lucky to leave alive..... If at all.
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    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    As in terms of needing "years of experience" to run an adult cabaret, that is not necessary. If you aren't half retarded, a capable person can learn in a month. The upside of being a military guy is you can adapt to nearly any situation. Some of the dumbest fuck people I have ever met in my life had "years of experience" in their fields but we're hampered by archaic and outdated ideas and thus fail to adapt.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Curious about Investing
    I was going to get a lawyer to handle all the nitty gritty with my own money apart from the funds I have set aside for investment. As in terms of investment, my passions are actually elsewhere but I need ownership in a lucrative enterprise to bring in more income to facilitate those passions. I'm former military (infantry) as well as a private military contractor and an executive protection agent so you can guess where my passion actually is. I know a few reputable people in the industry in AZ so finding someone trustworthy to run things won't be a problem for me. There are two avenues to go, find someone or a group that wishes to either outright purchase an existing club or build a new one from the ground up. The first option is the easiest but you have the prospect of owners overestimating the actual value of their clubs and charge exuberant sums for their club but.... law of supply and demand with limited supply so I get that. The second option is an uphill battle but far more rewarding when at the top of the hill.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much does level of undress(nude,topless,bikini) matter to you?
    Full nude. I love the female physique in and outside the bedroom. I like to see what I might be taking home from the beginning.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tucson club recommendations
    Eden. Hands down.