New York
Comments by dmoney23456
review comment
4 months ago
It depends who you talk to. I’ve had a VIP there recently for just $200 to the girl and $100 to the club for 30 minutes which seems to be on par with CD in Providence and on the low end when you consider much of the northeast at decent clubs. I have been quoted that high as well but usually a sign of a bad vip if they quote you that much right off the bat. I find there is a lot of room for negotiation at BR.
review comment
6 months ago
Is the old Egypt back or is this a new Egypt?
review comment
6 months ago
New York
Tuchman - yes they get nude on stage. VIP is referenced in the review ($100 to the house per 30 minutes and whatever is decided between you and the dancer - usually ranging $100 - $300). $35 - $45 lap dance reference was for other clubs such as Cadillac Lounge and other places that have jacked up their lap dance prices - which IMO hurts their business because less people are getting dances there from what I've noticed. Boardroom is smart and keeps it at a clean $20 with dancing being good where you usually end up dong a few with a dancer. Better quality at a lower cost = my new favorite spot.
review comment
6 months ago
Bria has been around - she's mostly nights. I've seen mix reviews on here but she's always been cool and laid back in my experience. She seems a little shy on approaching people so if you are interested just go up to her because she doesn't seem to do the initiating to people she doesn't know. I think that gives some people an unfriendly vibe but really not the case. She also does one of the better stage performances here.
discussion comment
6 months ago
Badabing Crosby
New York
Went by Valentina. But there’s a new Valentina at CD now I believe.
discussion comment
6 months ago
Badabing Crosby
New York
I don’t think she does. I haven’t seen her for a few years.
discussion comment
8 months ago
Atlanta suburb
Is there anywhere to watch this now? Can’t find it streaming anywhere even on paramount plus UK
review comment
9 months ago
I wouldn’t say air dances but similar experience as Nelly with Chelsea. She is very attractive though and pretty chill to hang out with. Just don’t expect more than that. I’d have a drink and a dance again but probably wouldn’t do a VIP. I have seen her give some lively shows on stage. Usually at night when there’s a larger crowd and people throwing money.
review comment
a year ago
Is this a new Valentina post COVId? Or is the the old Valentina back?
review comment
2 years ago
Is Egypt back? I thought she left the business?
review comment
3 years ago
@drunknboard I was there the other week and the lap dance area is back open but the quotes for a dance were very high from the girls I talked to. One said $50 and another said $40. Didn’t see one person go back there while I was there for about an hour.
There was one server when I was there but very slow because I think they only had one working and it was pretty busy. Hard to get a drink at the bar even though the bartender that is usually working is one of the better bartenders around.
Precovid I thought this place was pretty good but it’s gone downhill since Covid IMO.
discussion comment
3 years ago
New York
@jackslash that would have been a more logical move. Probably going to have to let it go after this post though so I don't get stalker status at the club.
@loper thanks. I'm pretty sure she isn't anymore. I've been impressed with the girls since their reopening though.
discussion comment
3 years ago
New York
My bad. And they don't let you delete discussion posts or I would.
discussion comment
4 years ago
just looking for a little human contact along the way
I don't really have enough to review on the other clubs and anything I would say about Desire has pretty much all been said as of late. I also don't like to write off clubs or do a big bad review after one visit especially on a Thursday visit, but I tried a couple last Thursday hoping to find a secondary spot from Desire when it is packed with regulars and hard to get a dance.
Stopped at Wonderland around 9:00. Door guy said $10 when you go inside. Only had 20's (rookie mistake for this place I guess)....guy inside when I asked for my change said, "nah it's 20 now since it's after hours). A sign this trip might not be good but I went in anyways. I was only there 30 minutes as the girls were disinterested, even if you went up and tipped them on stage which the stage is really too high if you want to sit down at the stage. Most of the dances were busy huddled up on their phones. I split after 30 minutes and went to Foxy which I liked the club setup and decent dance prices but I think I caught them on an off night because I didn't find the dancers as attractive as I thought they would be. I will have to give them another try on a weekend. I should have headed back to the hotel at that point but I thought might as well try out Caddy. I was surprised how many dancers they had. Not the best looking but some my type so I inquired on some dance prices. Some girls were asking for $50 a dance. Just seemed like a disorganized place and sketchy at times.
In New England I think I am going to stick to Desire and the former Foxy Lady, now Boardroom in Brockton. Those clubs seem to have the only consistency I am looking for as I am not in the area often.
review comment
6 years ago
rhode island
OWG, do you know how Joy is in the VIP or booth? I agree her stage performances are great. Some of the best I’ve seen.
review comment
6 years ago
New York
Sorry Bamaeight, it was kind of a lackluster night so not much to write about. My review was more of a heads up that weekdays or at least Mondays if you're looking at going to a club I'd go somewhere else, unless I just hit this place up on a bad night. Two years ago on a Friday I had a great time and there were some of the hottest girls I've ever seen. Maybe my expectations were too high.
review comment
6 years ago
New York
I haven't been upstairs so I wouldn't know. The downstairs under the stage and the downstairs booths are the same price. Usually if one of the four booths are available you don't have to ask and the dancer will bring you right to the booth.