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Comments by karizma1

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8 years ago
avatar for Dougster
Have You Ever Worn a Suit to a Strip Club? (The System!)
I agree you can never judge a book by its cover but I do not know anyone who, as a first impression, looks less valuable wearing a suit and tie versus casual clothing. Not justifying it, just stating an opinion. Strip clubs are a retail business and the same rules apply in my opinion. Dances and VIP encounters are expensive at most places. If you owned a retail business or work at one as a salesperson, you'd probably take a well dressed person more seriously versus a casually dressed patron.
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8 years ago
avatar for Dougster
Have You Ever Worn a Suit to a Strip Club? (The System!)
Doesn't have to be a suit per se, but generally I have noticed that a tie with a blazer or full suit commands more respect from both the staff and dancers. It conveys your a serious person with money to spend. Imagine if you owned any type of retail business and a person walked in wearing a suit and tie.....You'd probably take that guy more seriously versus a guy who walked in wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
My last comment was cut off.... But honestly, who cares.... Good luck Nina and Lone Wolf
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
The confused like you and Nina need a Trump presidency.
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
OK so you believe that less people working, therefore more on food stamps and welfare is better.... And I believe that the more tax paying people we have working and the less number of people we have on food stamps and welfare is better. I can live with that argument on my side. I think strippers would benefit far more from my economic model. Good luck with your venture
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
Hmmm.... I see.... A smaller number of people who are willing and able to work, are actually working........ That is a good thing? Who are you people receiving dances from? Please send me their location and info so I can join this alternate universe of bliss I am apparently missing out on.
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
Yes Lone Wolf, I am wrong... But a country with $20 Trillion Dollars in debt, the lowest labor force participation rate since the 70s, the highest percentage of its citizens receiving food stamps and welfare and a lower median income now versus 15 years ago is right. Your are right, buddy.
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
Nina, One major annoyance I have with Trump: A guy with so much talent and ability gets side tracked with stupid things (Megyn Kelly, re-tweeting) and makes his verbal points in a sometimes, somewhat crass manner instead of sounding like a statesman. I suspect this will change when he wraps up the nomination.
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
Lone Wolf please see below: 1. Trump is going to build a wall. (Great. Everyone wants a wall but Trump said he will make the poverty stricken corrupt country of Mexico pay for it. Sure, that's going to happen)------------->We have a $50 Billion+ trade deficit with Mexico. The necessary revenue could easily be raised through tariffs on imports and taxes on remittance money transfers to Mexico. 2. Trump will assassinate "go after" family members of terrorists for retaliation. (Is this America or the mafia. I want no part of purposely killing innocent women and children. Do you?)----------------->You interpreted "Go After" as killing and murdering innocent people. I interpret "Go after" as in legally through the police and courts in a lawful fashion 3. Trump support Muslim neighborhood patrols. (I want the freedom of being muslim without a patrol outside my house. Don't you?)------------>That was Cruz, not Trump 4. Trump wants to allow Japan to have nukes and an army. (How well did it work out last time they had an army. Great idea.)------------->Wrong. He wants our country to be adequately compensated for providing the services of our army to protect them. Would you work a job for 1/10th of a fair wage? 5. Trump will fix social security without raising reducing benefits. (How? Oh, by making a better deal. Right.)---------->Do you want me to mention all the promises Obama made like...."If you like your doctor and health care plan, you can keep your doctor and health care plan? Or health care premiums will go down 30%? You guys who supported Obama believed him. Why is it so hard to believe that if our economy is booming again, we can afford to fund social security? 6. Trump supports torture. (Great recruiting tool for our enemies. Plus it does not work. Plus it will give our enemies a green light to do it to us. Great idea.)------->Absolutely. If Al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters can behead people of our armed forces, I see no problem in water-boarding them to obtain needed information. 7. Trump will "take out" ISIS. (Fantastic! But how? Israel cannot take out Hamas even though they have overwhelming military. All the bad guys do is run away and snipe at you. Trump has never served in the military.) ---------->By eliminating their funding. (Discrete Bank Transfers and Oil) On and on. This guy is a fruitcake.-------------------> http://www.thedailyrash.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/president-barack-obama-rides-along-bike-path-correllus-state-forest-martha-vineyard-west-tisbury-massachusetts.jpg
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
Nina, when Trump says " We are going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it", he doesn't mean that Mexico will gleefully send a certified check through Chase Bank to the White House in the mail for $8 Billion Dollars. He has suggested there are many ways to raise the necessary revenue from Mexico, such as tariffs on imports and taxes on remittance money transfers. Again, I don't see how that is wrong. Just my humble opinion though :)
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
I really don't understand what is so "whacked out" about what Trump is saying....Here are some things that people deem controversial: 1. There are a lot of drugs coming across the southern border that are harming Americans and many crimes are committed by illegal immigrants who shouldn't be here...Therefore we should build a wall along the southern border to address these issues and deport people here illegally....(Correct) 2. ISIS fighters may disguise themselves as refugees to enter a country and commit acts of terror. Therefore, we should temporarily ban immigrants from Muslim-majority countries until we can figure out what is going on...(Correct, see Paris, Brussels, San Bernadino, etc) 3. In a hypothetical situation, if abortion is deemed illegal by the federal government, should a person not obeying the law be subject to punishment? Yes. (Correct, if you break a law there should be a punishment) 4. Stupid trade deals are draining our country of jobs and money. There should be a tariff imposed on imports into our country. (Correct, look at our trade deficits, loss of manufacturing jobs and the fact that other countries do this to foreign imports to protect their companies) 5. Rosie O'Donnel is a degenerate and overweight. (Correct, google her for confirmation) 6. John McCain is a war hero because he was captured. (Correct, if he wasn't captured and made it home safely without incident no one would know who he is) I think the 6 points above have caused Trump the most controversy, but I don't really see anything controversial about it. He is right.
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9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
Trump 4 president!
Trump is going to do very well in upcoming primaries on 4/26 and 5/3 and will big states like New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, Indiana and others. He will also win California in June These wins will encourage delegate momentum. I also see him choosing a VP that will satisfy the "establishment" and announcing his pick before the convention. Someone like a Huckabee, Kasich or Rubio. That will ensure victory on the first ballot. Trump will go on to "schlong" the Clinton campaign. He is a vicious guy who fights back and is a master manipulator of the media. Democrats are not used to going up against a person like this.
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9 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
So who do you think will be our next President?
As soon as Trump gets the nomination, you are going to see full court press unleashed on Hillary by the Trump campaign. Its going to be brutal, and the media will cover it because Trump gets ratings. Democrats are used to kicking the Romney's and McCain's of the country around, but they've never gone up against a guy like Trump who will fight back ten times harder. We saw a preview of this several weeks ago when Clinton accused Trump of having a "penchant for sexism." Trump went on the attack and shut both Bill and Hillary up in two days flat.
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9 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
So who do you think will be our next President?
The majority of people are pissed off at government, both democrats and republicans which will lead to record voter turnout. I think Trump will ride this wave of anger to a resounding victory in November. You can see signs of this already; Democrat election turnout in the primaries is down from 2008 and 2012, while Republican turnout numbers are significantly higher. Trump is a bad match up for the democrats. He is a master of the media, fights back against attacks with a vengeance we've never seen before and excites his base. He will probably put Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin into play as well.