Portland OR
Comments by somechick99
review comment
6 years ago
A catch-all account
It's pretty much universally known that unless you buy a VIP, a regular lap dance is minimal touching, if any. You're lucky she let you grab her butt in the single dance room at all. What a disgusting thing to be proud of
review comment
7 years ago
Tacoma, WA
When everyone comes in with that cheap and entitled mindset (like you shouldn’t have to pay) the girls leave with very little and thus dancing is a dying industry
review comment
7 years ago
Tacoma, WA
The girls here are not averaging 5-600 and its cheap perspective like yours that ruin it for everyone
review comment
8 years ago
A catch-all account
Ashley - lol i know, read his other reviews and comments with other people on here. Sexist loser douche doesnt even begin to describe
review comment
8 years ago
Portland OR
Lol youre just mad i called you out for being cheap when you complained about an $8 cover
review comment
8 years ago
The guys who think $8 is a lot of money aren't the same ones who pay me cash lol
Bye cheap loser
review comment
8 years ago
Solid review, Rouge is a very nice club...however I couldn't help but laugh when you said the words "ridiculous" and "$8" in the same sentence...if such a small amount of money is too high for you, why go to a strip club?
review comment
8 years ago
I can appreciate the detail to help people choose better, but it's honestly rude and gross to rate the chicks, call their boobs saggy etc. Doubt they'd give you the time of day outside the club.