Comments by bulo44
discussion comment
7 years ago
I've mentioned names of dancers who I liked. But never gave specifics or said something like 'She made sure I left happy'. Just wanted to point out a positive experience and hope that maybe others might check out my recommendations.
Is that bad form?
discussion comment
7 years ago
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Hell, no! But there was a place called Harmony Burlesque in Times Square. You could cut the pheremones with a knife. Naked girls would walk around, ask you, 'Want some?', and, for a dollar or two, you could do pretty much whatever you wanted for a couple of minutes.
There was a stage and there was often a nude girl on the edge of the stage with her legs open and a line of men waiting to DATY with her.
Mid-seventies through the early eighties. Those were the days...
discussion comment
10 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
That's a convenient stereotype. And, in this case, wrong. His father migrated from the Congo. Grew up in a middle-class area of Charlotte, NC. His sister plays hoops at Wake Forest, which, like Notre Dame, has a strong academic record.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Yep. Here's an article on the incident:
BTW, Shembo admitted being the person who wrote intimidating texts designed to keep the student from filing charges. The student who ultimately committed suicide. Shembo admitted this before the draft. Didn't stop the Falcons from drafting him in the 4th round.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
The same guy was at the center of an alleged rape when he was in college at Notre Dame. The complainant ultimately committed suicide. Shembo skated.
I'm usually in the 'give the guy the benefit of the doubt' camp, but I think he was given special treatment in college in order to keep him eligible.
Throw the book at him.
review comment
7 years ago
Yep. Definitely a different vibe in most Portland clubs. Dancers can dance, some serious pole athletes, lotsa ink, the dancers are in control. And they get all nude and up close.
A nice laid-back alternative to the hustle factor I'm used to back east.
review comment
10 years ago
Could this be the NJ Cheerleaders? The Philly Cheerleaders has been modernized. Doesn't seem like the same club.
article comment
7 years ago
You want a golden oldie that's perfect to strip to? Written by Randy Newman, here's Joe Cocker's version: