Joined Nov, 2014
Last Seen Feb, 2018

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Dorkiest thing you've ever seen in a strip clubBORN TO PORK kinda sounds like a good tattoo idea for a PL though...?

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Ever Had Sex with a Married Civie Woman?shit. i should've put a comma in there somewhere. help me juice.

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Ever Had Sex with a Married Civie Woman?I'm crazy horny. The homewrecker thing I can't do.

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Dancers with poor personal hygiene to include bad breath as well as unpleasant bI agree with lopaw.

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Who the fuck is cflock?Now, if I just can get The Human Centipede out of my head... is it rong that I think it's a porno?

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Waitress screws up my change (again!)There just being idiots on porpoise. Who the fuck is cflock?

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Morels Are Freakishly Early This Year!LOL, two different strains named for their color difference. West coast morels aren't as tastey as where his reviewed clubs are located. WA…

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Morels Are Freakishly Early This Year!I just bought a few at $39.99/lb in WA. We have lesser black morels, you have the better white morels. I bought…

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Annoying neighborsThese mofos work better than liquid ass. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/2… you can set them up to break open when victim arrives, one of these…

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For those who like slim hotties in yoga pantsI rue the day when yoga pants go out of style.

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Stripper seems to really like me or is it just buissness?First strip club crush is a wonderful thing. It's just business. Have fun with it, don't spend too much, and be prepared…