Joined Nov, 2014
Last Seen Feb, 2018

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June slownessFuck that, Washington bikini baristas are the diamond in the rough. They want kink for free.

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June slownessTimes are so slow, that a bitchy hard ass stripper is resorting to sweet talk trying to get me to reply.

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shaylnn is now on itnues enjoy his new rap song day bewJuicer! That red headed avatar is smoking. Do you have access to that? I'd go broke in a hurry.

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This girl works out...are you man enough to take her down?No Adam's Apple... I'm game, no fear!

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PreferencesLast night, I called my dom Princess and told her I was going to teabag her sassy mouth. It didn't even phase her,…

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Politically incorrect jokesHey, I found it. It's on the sidewalk, a car was blocking your view http://imgur.com/gallery/UAMuL…

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if your club had a lottery for lapdances would you do it ?Hell yes.
Did I miss the memo saying whale avatars suddenly went out of style?
Did I miss the memo saying whale avatars suddenly went out of style?

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what is John Smith's weed laced with ?You smoke a lot of chemicals when you roll blunts with hundred dollar bills.

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Dress Sweatpants: Better than Liquid Lapdance / Alt to CIP...Best LDK$98? I'd rather just buy a blow job.

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would you eat this ?I just got back from one of these drive through strip clubs, they're everywhere out here. http://imgur.com/UlHbsOC

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why isn't LDK Commenting ?He had to take on another paper route, so he can afford to squirt in his pants.