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Joined Nov, 2014
Last Seen Feb, 2018


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10 years ago
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"You have a big dick"
The more money I spend, the bigger I hear my dick is. Whatever babe, get back to work.
avatar for beguiled
10 years ago
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Would You Do This?
My stripper says that she only lets ME do that, so it's ok.
avatar for beguiled
10 years ago
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What a PL says to his wife or girlfriend ...
I almost LOL'd and had to explain why to my wife.
avatar for beguiled
10 years ago
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Pandora's Adult Cabaret
8914 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115
I have driven by this old...
I have driven by this old chinese restaurant without noticing it is a club now. After hitting almost all of the clubs around,…
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