
Comments by desertdog

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Los Angeles and Area Latina
    thanks for that info !
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Los Angeles and Area Latina
    Thanks sclvr5005. What do you mean by local boards? do you mean by clicking on the individual club name? still somewhat new to this, but slowly learning.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Los Angeles and Area Latina
    Wow, it look like someone pissed in larryfishreman's corn flakes this morning ! Next he'll be telling me not to have discussion on the discussion board. Anyways i learned at a very young age to never wrestle with a pig because you both get dirty. The only difference being the pig likes it. I appreciate the rest of you who have taken time to respond in a positive manner. To clarify, the reason i'm asking for clubs that serve alchohol closer to COI than Sams Hofbrau is because being and out of towner i don't know the lay of the land. This way in case a strike out at Satin i want to have a fall back plan.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Los Angeles and Area Latina
    Other than Satin, whats the closest bikini club ie serves alcohol to COI ? I have to believe there's something closer than Sams Hofbrau thanks in advance
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Los Angeles and Area Latina
    Now that I've learned to somewhat navigate this site I pulled up a list of all the clubs in California and not knowing the lay of the land I google mapped each to determine proximity to the hotels I am considering. Based on my criteria (Latina dancers and club that offers alcohol) it looks like my main 2 options are Satin in COI or Sams Hofbrau in LA. Seeing that I've already checked out Satin (review posted) I may do Sams Hofbrau unless someone can recommend a 3rd option. Appreciate any additional insight anyone can offer. Thanks in advance
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Los Angeles and Area Latina
    Harderlap thanks for your help on posting a review and Scvlr5005 you are right it seems simple enough. I've had one experience state side and have now fomally posted it as review vs in the comments section. I've been a member for a couple years and my intentions are sincere aka "im as horny as the next guy" lol. But to be thruthful the strip club where i'm from are nothing to write home about i.e. 3 foot rule so i only frequent strip clubs when i'm away on business. to the rest fo you who have replied i'm truly grateful. looks like i will be staying in or near COI. seems like quite a few options. which one would present the greated number of dancers on a wednesday evening? thanks in advance.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Los Angeles and Area Latina
    Much appreciated gentlemen @GACA which clubs in particular do you recommend in COI? How's the MP scene in that area? @Sanjoseguy i'm alright with just topless and alchohol.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Century City Strip Clubs
    from the search function it would appear 4play is closest. do they serve alchohol? where can i go for extras in that area? thanks in advance.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    LAX strip clubs
    Haha.. Thanks Bud. This will be my 2nd SC experience in Cali (thanks for your suggestions re: COI SC's) so that means i owe the group a review. I checked out Satin last week and it went well (found my Latina lol). Actually plans are to meet up with her tomorrow night as i'm back in town. We've been texting back and forth. But if that doesn't work out i want a back up plan. Hence, my reason for posting here today.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    LAX strip clubs
    Thanks lopaw.. So would you say SR Torrance is pretty much my best option ? Or any other options exist out there for me? I tied using the strip club list but it's all sorted by city and I'm not really certain of distance from LAX for many of the clubs. Thanks
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    LAX strip clubs
    thanks jack*ss. my last trip i did COI. but its way too far out. Looking for club that serves alchohol near LAX, this is a must. The only that i can come up with is SR in Torrance. can anyone other than the above poster , recommend another option. and with respect to the 3rd question dances can vary from $10 to $30 and also by the day of the week. So if anyone knows what typical rates are on a slow monday, please chime in. thanks in advance for your help
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Where to stay in LA?
    thanks lopaw. anything within a 10 min drive of dejavu or satin would suffice. which club in general has the highest latina concentration? i'm open to going further out if need be.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Where to stay in LA?
    Hey all, So i cancelled my hotel based on everyones recommendation. I will be seeking one closer to COI. Can anyone recommend a 4* or above hotel within the vicinity of dejavu (COI) or satin? which club in the area offers the highest mileage? thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Where to stay in LA?
    thanks. i'll post under that thread!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best LA strip club
    Thanks for your response SJG i'm not concerned with cabfare. I want to drink, but not drink and drive. so i 'll spend whatever i have to have an enjoyable night. but would prefer everything within one locale so i'm not criss crossing around town. standare of looks - 7+, mainly latina/exotic $'s ? - hopefully don't have to will spend more than $300-$500 for a couple hours worth of entertainemnt. sorry not familiar with FS-ITC or OTC as i'm a newbie here. But i'm good with high mileage in the club, leaving the club, or not going to the club at all and havinga good time at the hotel. My main issues is with sites like BP you never know whos going to show up? Appreciate any assistance your pros can offer. thanks again.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Where to stay in LA?
    sorry it tried locating that post using the search function and it keeps taking me to an external site. what i gathered from that thread is to go to COI. but which club? specifically one that offers alchohol? \ thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best LA strip club
    Suppose i change my hotel to one near LAX how far of a cabride is that to COI? and which club exactly do you reccomend for high mileage latinas? and are the girls decent (7/10)? Also i'll be there on a tuesday night if it makes a diff. thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best LA strip club
    also, i have the option to book a room near LAX
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best LA strip club
    Thanks for your input all. Just wantd to mention i do not have a vehicle and will be staying near "san diego freeway" and Santa Monica blvd so i don't want to be spending crazy amount on cabs. Didn't realize there was no alchohol in california. so i'm going to summarize: - close to san diego freeway and santa monica blvd ($25-$30 cab ride each way) - serves alchohol - latina/ethnic mix of dancers also, how much are dances in LA? thanks
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best LA strip club
    thanks. how is Spearmint Rhino in downtown? which of the above clubs feature latinas / exotic (i realize its usually mixed).