
Comments by Mate27 (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I just fucked the hottest girl I've ever had
    “What do the looks have to do with the longevity”… You’re right Ricky, I should do better. Next time I’ll only revel in the glory that is to be a Rick, but I don’t have to rick-splain anything to you for being a king of beasts, do I? You’ve chronicled the cycle of your past exploits, and I assume with this one being the hottest conquest you’ve completed, your tale (tail) shall continue, so to speak. Curious to see how this one cycles out, because nuptials are out of the question. See above quote “show me a hot chic, and….”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I just fucked the hottest girl I've ever had
    Scrub says it best. Tell us how many repeat meet ups you do with her and see who tires from it first.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gonna get me a shotgun and ..................................
    Chris Karan, yes I was not a fan of his. Tracy Morgan had a good run filling in a/stereotype roles. He added hood anger jokes, borderline filth. Cheri had the cheerleader alongside Will Ferrel, and the drunk clown makeup going. Victoria Jackson got caught during a bad period with low ratings. Kevin Nealon and Norm MacDonald were good, but Phil Hartman was my favorite!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL Articles ?
    Shitty review^^ not shorty
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL Articles ?
    Too many shorty reviews submitted and passed along and approved.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    ^^ doc, we all need to keep in mind the fed bailing out these banks are really just buying up their own bonds at 2% to forgo any 3.5% market rates. This is how the fed Powell talks and so do some pundits. https://movie-sounds.org/comedy-movie-sounds/quotes-with-sound-clips-from-talladega-nights-the-ballad-of-ricky-bobby/yeah-i-m-gonna-keep-acting-tough-until-i-figure-it-out-all-right
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Pearl Harbour
    Wtf is up with this guy?^^ When I visited the USS arizona it was crazy to still see oil coming up from the sunken ship and making small pools of that oil on top of the water. I also took a private flight around the island with our Cessna pilot whose grandfather was on the eastern side of the island the morning of the attack. Tye story goes he was collecting fish and looked up thinking it was a flight exercise. He didn’t know it was an attack until much later that day. My flight over the island ended taking the same path as the Japanese and we flew over the harbor looking down onto the sunken ship. Very cool to experience it from that angle.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where’s The Money?
    So when a few members on this board get upset when I say inflation is dropping like a rock since summer of ‘22, I was the asshole whom they made into a political pariah. Now 6 months later we are seeing widespread proof of deflating prices (see Shailynn “bargain”). Thing is, most of us could see this coming with prices out of balance so it doesn’t take much intelligence to figure this out. What’s funny was we had Rickyboi, SkiDumb, 25, and Mark94 along with some others saying this inflation thing was going to continue into the near future, when in real time the rest of us see deteriorating economic activity, brining everything back to balance. If you have a job and your health, this too shall pass and you’ll come out the other end much wealthier as long as you don’t lose away every dime you make on those Hiliter vip price hikes. Stripper talent is rotating, old veterans have left and newer ones filling in. I hope I can support some to get started in their new career. Hit and miss with new ones on board with the service model to keep me Cumming back!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    PSA: Cash only is the ultimate spending discipline
    Bagger rider, that’s cool! Funny, too.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gonna get me a shotgun and ..................................
    Love the jazz hands!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gonna get me a shotgun and ..................................
    ^^ I mentioned blues brothers in my original response, for being absolute in their talents of dance music and singing along with the acting.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Talent quality dropping while prices rising.
    Consensus from local veterans has been to rotate to other clubs in the area. I even had a unicorn young hot dancer at BSC provide a quality vip experience that matched what you get for service at any high mileage club for less than $100, so the quality and service is still out there, it’s just not at the Hiliter much anymore. Hiliter would be better if they can provide consistent talent and that’s not the case, quality has gone down and prices gone up, that’s definite hurting business for the girls and management is making them pay with less high paying customers that tip well for performance
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gonna get me a shotgun and ..................................
    Yeah Eastcoaster, not good at editing or reviewing my comments. Not going to invest time to details but SNL has always been funnier after time ticks by. Remember Belushi when he was a Dec athlete in the Olympics? I logged a lot of miles, and I downed a lot of donuts…. The physical comedians to me are the best, Chevy Chase as President Ford, Chris Farley in van down by the river, eddy murphy as Gumby/Mr Robinson, and my all time favorite Phil Hartman as the nfrozen caveman lawyer. Todays SNL writers feed too much into politics it gets exhausting considering their left leaning bias. Just stick to the basics, like that Waffle House skit and everybody will think they’re funny!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    PSA: Cash only is the ultimate spending discipline
    I started to write a comment, but decided to pm Scrub instead. Thanks founder.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    S44, a Wednesday Night Tale of BS
    Remember Nicole? She’s at Tempe Christie’s now.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where’s The Money?
    People got into a habit of sitting on their ass during the pandemic with fed injecting money into the system to get people to spend. They did w/out any extra effort and now their behaviors haven’t changed even though the money spicket has shut off. It is starting to change where people realize they have to get to work if they want ammenities above the basics. Nobody is entitled to luxury services, that’s the reward for working and the service sector is seeing the crunch of those dollars 💸 n the average consumer. It takes time to balance out the behavior of consumers, but it’s happening quickly!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    50% less peanuts than SaltyNuts
    Expectation vs Reality
    My comment was for Puta tester, not the reviewer
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    S44, a Wednesday Night Tale of BS
    Great call out!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Ending My Hi Liter Boycott
    I broke my boycott yesterday and avoid vip upsell. Cubans and Hispanics dominate the scene
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    50% less peanuts than SaltyNuts
    Expectation vs Reality
    ^^ rong club, there isn’t anybody collecting house fees at this club. Bouncers only bounce, and manager watches the bar and wait staff only. You’re thinking of another ethnic club in town.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Transformer Star Megan Fox is back on the Market.
    As a women getting closer to 40, Megan is still a raging fox!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gonna get me a shotgun and ..................................
    Anybody who is not old and stuck in the past would have seen recently Jenna Ortega’s scene at a Waffke House breaking up with her boyfriend before going off to college. If you missed it, purely one of the funniest skits this season. What clouds old peoples idea of funny is what they remember from their youth as the benchmark, and SNL is creating memoir yidats youth so the brand continues, not fit old fucks who will die in 10 years. I loved the Blues Brothers, that was talent, but to me SNL never was that funny until eddy murphy hit the scene. Chevy chase and Steve Martin were decent, but that frocking Andy Kaufman sucked short balls. Shows are akways funnier the second and third time seeing them since you have time to catch nuances, which several old people have a hard time picking up on when you’re stuck in the past.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    PSA: Cash only is the ultimate spending discipline
    “Increasingly uncertain economic times”… Due to what, continued riding costs, or the end of govt handouts? Don’t say both. This has been the most predictable recession in history, as the fed never has been this aggressive hiking rates in this short of period, including Volcker days. The past went from 3% to 6% in one year(short end), and recently we went from 0.25% to almost 5% in the last 12 months. Anyone who is used to borrowing $$ has less discretionary income, and monetary policy hasn’t even been fully felt. We are seeing drops in housing prices just starting to show up on a yoy gauge and food and energy will also come back to balance with pending recession(officially) looming. In real time, the recession is here because total deposits have dropped the money supply , some say by as much as 5% total on circulation the past 12 months. The young spending strip clubbers don’t think about this, they’re just looking for their next nut. Macro wise, they’ll have plenty of broke friends to cry in their beer to keep company, and then I can tell them “I told you so!”