Comments by farmerbrown
review comment
6 years ago
You'd probably have a better time at Club Saratoga, it's over the bridge in Duluth, only 10 minutes away. The girls get full nude on stage and they regularly have traveling girls. All week too, not just on the weekends.
review comment
7 years ago
Gynecology student
Clubs that offer cheap floor dances but pricey VIPs are well oiled machines, they deliberately set up the floor dances to be as awkward (no privacy, uncomfortable chairs with arms and wheels, or high top bar stools) as possible, to encourage you to spend the extra cash. I've actually never been to Rick's, but it sounds similar to the set up at the Rhino in Minneapolis, and other clubs in the area that offer floor dances. Luckily I can afford to just skip them and pay for the upgrade, it's worth it to me, if nothing but the additional privacy.
review comment
7 years ago
I usually end up back there and there will be a few other people, this night it was just me. Not sure if the prices are permanent now. I'm planning on returning later this month and will report back.
review comment
7 years ago
Yeah, I was at the Rhino and they wanted $500 for a half hr, when it's usually $330, or $260 for a booth without a bottle. Cover was only $50 though.
review comment
7 years ago
Also although a single song dance is $25, the 3/$55 special they have makes each dance less than $20 each.
review comment
7 years ago
Dancers will approach you even if you are seated at the stage at this club, but not if you actually have a tip in front of you for whoever is performing.
review comment
7 years ago
If he had stayed at the casino, he likely would have lost it all again anyway, so spending it on a stripper instead sounds like the best decision to me!
review comment
7 years ago
It's my understanding that the hotter girls prefer not to work on the weekends since it's more of a party crowd, and they'd rather catch their "whales" during the week.
review comment
7 years ago
A catch-all account
I was just there last weekend and I thought most of girls looked too thin and/or possibly strung out.
review comment
7 years ago
Were you at Saratoga last Wed, July 5th, or the week before? (trying to figure out who the ROB was)
review comment
9 years ago
There are no dancers here with "partially shaved heads", or anyone named "Ashley"
review comment
10 years ago
over 100 dancers on a monday afternoon? not likely haha
review comment
10 years ago
The busty redhead that dances here goes by the name Cindy, and yup, she is one busy gal most nights!
review comment
10 years ago
yes, Cindy is also one of my favorites, and you probably couldn't tell in the dark club lighting, but she is actually a natural redhead!