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Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Feb, 2023


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8 years ago
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For those who work out
I don't get appreciated for my exercise induced physique. I get appreciated for what I am not because of it. As one dear stripper…
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8 years ago
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The 28 Best Nude Strip Clubs in America
Since there are no Michigan clubs on the list I think it must be true. Michigan nude clubs are lame.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
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[OT] Bombing Muslim Countries = Fine; Ban Travel From Them = We Must Protest!
It is not a ban on Muslims. There are more Muslims in unbanned countries that are fine to travel. I do not agree with…
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8 years ago
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Aad Times
I cut my strip club teeth at this pace along with the Pompei club in Dearborn. Sic transit glory holes mundi.
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8 years ago
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For the non homosexual that enjoys looking at tits and ass
There are too few shrimp cooking videos on this site.-THANK YOU!
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8 years ago
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OT: Well this is kinda a first
Noise is noise. Content is irrelevant unless it is inciteful. Starbucks is a private space so they get to…
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8 years ago
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Platinum Plus management reads TUSCL
I was offered a lifetime free pass and drink coupons at the Landing Strip after I wrote a letter…
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8 years ago
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Old timers and tats
My current F is a non-Tat girl. My feelings about tats has evolved but it has only moved up to toleration. The fewer the…
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8 years ago
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Does she really like me or is gaming me?
May I be the straw the breaks the camels back. You are being played. Grow up.
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8 years ago
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Possibly The Hottest Mom/Daughter Trio Ever?
Robots are supposed to look alike. I can't wait for virtual reality and women won't have to do this to themselves anymore.
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8 years ago
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Atlanta Cheetah sexual law suits
Great reporting. Fair and balanced. Reads true to me. Allowing for exaggeration on both parties parts I can see where…
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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Offering at Lower Than Usual
I just act like that is all the money I have available. No excuses. I might apologize for lowballing her but I will make…
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8 years ago
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I was very tempted to sign up on SW today thanks to...
A little over analyzing for a man who enjoys paying for sex. I agree that crying women are a buzz…
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
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Why Top Strip Clubs Have Gone Downhill -- and why it will continue
I agree with Dolfan. Many of the girls I talk with are fairly discrete about what they do and would out themselves online. I…
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
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Making it Rain Research
Thank you for your research. I am in awe of your field methods. I have seen much the same in my limited views…
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8 years ago
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Most unusual nonsexual thing you've ever done with a stripper in the club?
I am not a big guy but I have won drinks by arm wrestling strippers. It is not my thing but it is a…
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8 years ago
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Don't be that guy...
Jim Jedi must live off stripper tips.
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8 years ago
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Fifty strippers and pole dancers stop traffic in Taiwan as they perform at the f
They are even doing the same moves all the time. Stripper choreography? Brilliant!
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8 years ago
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Stripper gifts
Thank you. Very interesting.
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8 years ago
Stripper gifts
I just got back from an extended vacation and I was wondering if anyone else got a Christmas…
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8 years ago
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At my age the "boner" only appears with work ,in the back, by the girl.
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8 years ago
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Stripper found dead in Melbourne strip club
If she was found dead in the grocery store she would have been a dead housewife.
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8 years ago
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Well, of course he did!
I sent a check to VISA once that was for 25.00 and they read it as 2500.00. I cancelled the card after spending the…
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8 years ago
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What percentage of TUSCL men are fat fucks.
5"9" 152. Size 40 .32 /32' Fat fuck you.
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