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Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Feb, 2023


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11 years ago
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Detroit suggestions
It hasn't come up but you should avoid the PlayHouse which is the closest club to the airport.
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11 years ago
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Girl Advice
I think it is all B.S. Too many frustrated writers working out their chops on the web-site.
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11 years ago
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The reason for strippers... right here
Actually she sounds pretty unfuckable. Too much to eat? too much to drink? laying around watching T.V.? I don't…
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11 years ago
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Would you knowingly buy alcoholic drinks for an underage stripper?
In a club? definitely. It is on the house to check I.D. Outside of a liquor store ? no…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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OT: Those that carry...
Uncle Sam used to pay me to kill people and I was glad to have a weapon to do…
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11 years ago
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time to get your car serviced
Judging from the seated photo she must be A.S.S. certified.
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11 years ago
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Unhappy SC customer or dude is embellishing a bit ?
Sorry Papi but I would have warned you away from this place and I am a rootin' tootin' …
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11 years ago
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bikini clubs - wtf?
If you have ever been to Grand Rapids Michigan and seen what four generations of in bred Dutch girls…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Skill Level
Customer service? Caring attention? Where does he get these expectations? You have to create your own reality in this trade. Strippers eat their young.…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Top 10 Reasons Not to be a Stripper
All these videos fall under "attention whore" and seem to fit the stripper life pretty well. Most of them…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Strangely beautiful...
Always wear safety glasses when working with explosive equipment.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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"is it morally illegal or respectively wrong" to shoot your wife first then have
He couldn't be to tired of her ,he didn't kill her.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Escort and Google Exec
She has druggie eyes. 1K could buy more beauty/booty 5 times over in most Detroit clubs. Of course there was the…
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11 years ago
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Using modern techknowlogy to make it rain.
I didn't know that strippers were girls of ill repute. I rarely smell their repute so maybe I don't know.
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11 years ago
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what are you seeking in a club ?
I want the dives to be divey and I want the high end ones to be high end. Different clubs…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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OT - what is the greatest age difference?
My spread has always been about 30 years. It used to be up now it is down. What that…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Has a stripper ever said to you...........
Who cares what they say? If the price is right and she is good looking to you? Having your pride stung by a stripper…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Is it cheating to have sex with a Stripper if your married
If you don't tell your wife then it is cheating and lying. Confessing on here doesn't count for shit and the rest is justification.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Want a bigger dick?
What a fun site. The English would rather talk about it and make sniggery jokes apparently.
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11 years ago
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Job related OT
Sorry, I forgot one. If you can annuitize (simple annuity only-no variables) the money into a guaranteed rate of %6 or higher then…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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Job related OT
Generally the returns you will earn will not exceed the guaranteed pay-out. Even if they did you are giving up the assurance of pay.…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
logo for undefined
Playhouse Club
13201 Middlebelt Rd Romulus, MI 48174
As much as I...
As much as I would like to be wordy there just isn't to much to write about when it comes to this…
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
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A Good Reason to Take the Limo
BT's in Dearborn had a stripper limo when they first opened back in the late 80's...Damn I am old.
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11 years ago
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Buy you a drink, Miss Upton?
As a former bartender ...This is the worst kind of customer. Cute girls out for a "wild night" getting…
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11 years ago
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Should I ask for her cell number?
HotWheels must be Frech. Danse?
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