Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Feb, 2023

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what it looks like With the sound off the girls look bored and the boys look retarded . I say developmentally disabled but…

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How often do you go to the same SC? I go twice a month. I get paid twice a month. Coincidence? Twice a month is enough at my usual…

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Raise your hand if-Every body starts with no reviews. Give them a chance to get started.

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OT: What are you reading?The war that ended peace. Lots of good books on WWI coming out now.

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Question about new SS from the ATFDeal breaker. Renegotiate. or does she mean something to you?

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Dreamhouse Thornton coI think that should be a shitty excuse for a crappy name instead. Maybe he has issues.

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Ex-TD Bank Executive Sentenced for Spending Bank’s Money at Strip ClubsThat is an average of $3,333 per visit. I assume that he got a lot of attention after the first visit or two. No…

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Two dancers in VIPI have done this a couple of times. I usually ask during the day shift when things are slow. I make sure that the…

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What is the most you’ve spent on one dancer on one visit ?The first time I hired an escort I was naïve and gave up %500.00 for a less than exciting hour. Now that I…

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Strip-clubbing (and more) or Swinging?I prefer the anonymity of the clubs . The whole reason for clubbing is the unconnectedness of it. I do not want the…

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Detroit Clubs?Thank you, Steve 229, for the link and the answer to my question. I just saw Thunderbolt and Lightfoot recently. That story was…

Detroit Clubs?For those of you who follow Detroit clubs-What is this place called Thunderbolt? It is on a residential street. and has no reviews or…

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Are clean dancers really at a disadvantage or is it SS ?I used to train waitresses in the bar that I worked and at Bob Evans. Waitresses have two set points only Either it is…


Silver Criket Gentlemen's Club
25231 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48124 This is more of a report than a review but....I come here regularly (pun?)and I always have lunch first…

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Regarding Tall Dancers Given how low some the chairs are if the girls is on her knees she is till looking me…

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Got Laid by a stripper for the first time. Might be a little off thread but I am already tired of "Valeries" bloviating. Looks and smells like…

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Sitting beside VIP booths I had a creep standing behind a wall that was behind my booth the other day. He could see…

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Enjoying a WomanAristotle claimed that sight was the highest sense and Plato thought it was touch. Sometimes I have to close my eyes so I guess…

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Any body know what a U.S. aircraft carrier might look like?It would have been funnier if they HAD found an American carrier. Lots more fire power and a lot more training and aggression. Paki…