Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Feb, 2023

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Why do some UHM clubs never get busted?One club in the "Detroit" area was used as a money laundry service for the local police leadership. Extras were easy in those…

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Do you think strippers would get work done (CS) if they weren't stripping? My CF got her breasts enlarged because some customer paid for it. She is leaving the trade and told…

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Inside Europe's First Bitcoin StripclubTech guys with no social skills and too much money LOL!


Silver Criket Gentlemen's Club
25231 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48124Imagine my surprise as I entered my favorite club on a Tuesday afternoon and I was told that it was $20.00 for a booth!…

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We need this restaurant in Detroit.I have been to a "naturist " resort in Michigan (old girlfriend). Except for a few exhibitionists who were hot the bodies on view…

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Stage Tipping Habits I always tip the girls that are making an effort to really dance. I will go $5.00 and tell…

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Most Pathetic PL MomentMine was wehn i first strated back into this lifestyle and fell for a hard sell that cost me $400.00 (Club ATM(!?). What a…

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Girls that talk their asses off during a danceI don't mind a little talk on the front part of the back room experience but if a girl is just running her mouth…

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OT: Last book you read"Attention Merchants" was the last book I read but I read about five a week and mostly non-fiction.

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Do you review your favorite/home club? I have reviewed my favorite club more than once. I figure some guys only read the most recent reviews…

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Are most Strippers Secretly Whores? I am a regular at one club with a small bevy of favorites. Over the course of a year i have…

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Nice Visit to CriketI do , occasionally, tip a girl on the stage just because i think she looks/dances well. If i want them back at the…

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Keeping your mouth shut!I in the human services world of work and we use the same joke to describe this behavior.
Q: "How many…
Q: "How many…

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What do you drink in the club? I used to try and get a well made Manhattan when I clubbed but I had to give…

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ShadowCat working a Follies Girl over table side in the high chairTimes Square strikes again.

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Whhat is your net worth?I am retiring on June 20th 2018 at the tender age of 60. i will have a combined pension/ dividends/ interest income of…

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Do you prefer Gentlemen's Clubs or less classy clubs? Since I am a gentleman I prefer the gentlemens clubs. This not include the pretentious over the top Vegas style…

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2 "What Would You Do?" ScenariosWay too much analysis for me. If theyr'e hot I'll spring for the trip ,if not i don't. Drinking only leads to less introspection.

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I was a PL (today)I never just wait for a girl here. They are a little spoiled and do have to be approached. A fiver at the rail…

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Bin Laden porn stash won't be released. Boo..The above notwithstanding but who needs to see this? Probably low grade Eastern European crap with some Chinese stuff.They said it was all on…

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Useful Apps for Strip ClubsI am a technophobe but this was a good piece. I speak at least four languages so i don't need the translator (money always…

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A Miami Strip Club Is Hosting a Hurricane Watch Party, of CourseI liked the first link that showed all the cancellations already. I agree with Mark 94. If they choose to ride this out in…