Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaThe best strip club in Ohio?What is weird about reviewing strip clubs? Elitist bullshit.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaBreast CentralWhen I was 13 this would have been the Garden of Allah. Now it just makes me sad to realize I will only get to see about .00001%…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaThis PL is going to jailStrippers ,especially, ONLINE strippers , use a lot of wireless technology. He could have been a lot more creative with this scam. The sex toy excuse is classic.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaHot topic ......What kind of shoes do you wear to the club? I rarely think about my shoes when I go clubbing. I never take them off in a club and it is too dark…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaOT: Dating after 35/40 I married (1st time) at 38years old and I had my share and then some. After 14 years of that grind I…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaI have to cancelI have had strippers "no-show" on me but never actually cancel by notifying me. You are ahead of the game by notifying and you saved your money and…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaThis place is the best !Gosh How Exciting! No real club goer would write something like this. Too much hype and no reality check "Beautiful women"/ Really?
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaShow Me An "8"At my age they all look good to me. Your numbers will change just you wait. Clubs are dark for a reason.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaWho is the Bigger AssClown: Donald Trump or RickyBoy?Trump-Bigger fish-Much bigger pond.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaI know most of you hate lawyers but ....18 is okay by me but Braces? No way! I got head ,on the side, once from a girl with braves and I had so ripped up I…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaI will not corrupt this one At the very least the man can write. Moreover he reveals his feelings and that makes it interesting. I don't have children so…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaMidget dancersWhat the hell? Is "little people" less derogatory. I use midget and dwarf and the hell with modernism.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaCheap strippers I recently (Friday the 17th) had a similar experience at The Criket in Dearborn/Inkster/Dearborn heights. I was sitting with a dancer and she…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaLive Love Acts New Orleans For sex I prefer naked women. Ballet? I go rarely but it doesn't have to be all female. Art and prurience should not be…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaSex doll used as a scare crow. Brilliant.Sex doll? Where are the required portals? Crows must not care, maybe deer do?
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaGoing to Metro Detroit area for the first time - Recommend me a few clubs to try Daytime is pretty quiet across the board.Landing Strip can be dead until 3o'clock on. likewise for Criket and Flight club. Flight club and…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaOT: The Devil of DetroitThis a new "Satanic" group that started a few years ago mainly to put "offensive" images up under the guise of religious freedom. They are mostly a tongue…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaAnother PL of the Year Award Candidate "He chose one for sex:"(?) what criteria makes one miniature horse sexier than another? This guy gets so much tail he…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaWho the Hell is Ariana GrandeI am posting this just to repay all the laughs I get out of the foolery on here.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaThe brotherhood of stripper enthusiastsPeople who want to be writers must develop thicker skin. Of course shiny toe nails are useful as well. (still referencing assholes to the last I see. ).…
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaThe brotherhood of stripper enthusiastsIf you get your pedicure with a stripper in attendance it just means you need a beard to get your gay on.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaPathetic Loser of the year award nomineeI am not that coordinated. I am impressed.
Comment9 yrs agobvinoFloridaAm I cheap or is everyone else nuts?Since you are so interested I can try to explain it. I gave up on escorts ten years ago as the experience was rarely as advertised and sometimes…